Falling For The Bad-boy Superstar
Chapter 13:It's the Last Time
Jordan had temporarily moved Lana's Mom to his house in Minnesota. He was staying in New York because he had some business to take care of. He told Lana that he would send for her on Friday morning because they had to attend a charity dinner together later that day. Melissa would have to take her shopping as usual and she was looking forward to it. Afterward, she would be meeting up with Liv and Lisa for lunch.
"So tell me about this thing you have with Jordan?" Mrs. Logan patted the seat beside her and Lana sat down.
"It's nothing Mom. I'm just helping him out." Lana said eyeing her shoes.
"Is that all?" She pressed gently.
"I don't feel comfortable discussing this with you? Can we not do this? It's awkward. " Lana frowned. They never had an open relationship where they could talk about everything and anything. She only had that kind of relationship with her Dad-but he was gone.
"Look, Mom, I know you're trying but I need more time..but just know that Jordan and I are not together. We have a great friendship and I don't expect anything more."
"But you like him or he likes you?" She squeezed Lana's hand.
"Yes-no-look I don't know." She sighed as she stood up.
"Just be careful honey. Don't get your hopes up. Don't get me wrong-" She raised her hands, "I'm just concerned okay? Guys like Jordan.."
"I know, I know." She mumbled. "You don't need to say it."
Jones came and stood at the door, interrupting the conversation.
"Good morning, Miss and Mrs. Logan." He bowed slightly.
"Hie Jay." Lana smiled at him.
"I'll be waiting in the car." Jones announced and left them alone.
"Yeah, sure. Maybe when I get back okay? I'll probably be gone when you get back anyway." They embraced and Lana left.
"Preston, get in here." Jordan said over the intercom. He was in his New York office and trying to think of ways to spend more time with Lana, without being too obvious.
"Hey JC! What's up, man?" Preston bounced into the office and threw himself on the corner couch.
"Are you and Kinky free tonight?" Jordan asked as he typed something on his iMac.
"Yeah, Bella and I have plans..why? Wanna join in? Tired of being a pro-golfer whenever you sleep with Bambi? " He cackled as he smacked his knee.
"There's more to relationships than sex dude." Jordan scoffed, still staring at the computer screen.
"Ahhh..so you're admitting that you're in a relationship are you??" He nodded slowly.
"Shut up," Jordan responded.
"You're too uptight this morning..maybe you need a hit?" Preston dug his hand in his pocket and produced the substance Jordan had tried to stay away from for five straight days now. He looked away and felt his resolve slipping away.
"C'mon..you know you wanna." Preston coaxed him as he dangled it in front of Jordan's face.
"Set it up while I lock the door," Jordan said as he sighed in defeat. He convinced himself that this would be the last time. After this he wouldn't go anywhere near drugs-including his sleeping pills. Besides, it wasn't going to hurt anyone..was it?
Jordan woke up and found himself on the floor in his office. Preston was passed out a few feet away from him. He didn't remember how he got there though. There was a soft, incessant tap on his door and his body felt so heavy, he could barely lift his head. The knock continued and it became rather irritating.
"Go away!" He groaned with the little energy he could muster.
"JC, it's Ryan here. We had a meeting with that film producer remember?? A very important meeting. We need to leave now or we won't be able to make it." Silence.
"Jordan?" Ryan sighed and shook his head as he walked away from the door.
He knew that he had to try and re-schedule. Whenever Jordan and Preston got together they got high. Ryan had been standing knocking at the door for more than an hour. Unfortunately, Jordan's office was soundproof and there were no glass walls or windows to peer through. Numerous times Ryan had tried to get them to counseling or rehab but they always brushed him off. It was all in the name of fun they assured him but this was becoming a problem that would affect Jordan's career. He had already been arrested and he was still trying to do damage control. This couldn't go on, it had to stop.
"Lana, Ryan here. Hope you're good." He smiled into the phone. "Sorry to drop this on you but-I need you to come to New York earlier than planned-like today."
Jordan dragged himself off the floor and staggered towards the bathroom. The drugs were wearing off but he was feeling the after-effects now. These were much stronger than before, he was totally knocked out. A cold shower usually sobered him up a bit and he needed to pull himself together. He had a stool in his shower for such instances and he pushed it against the wall then fell onto it as he opened the cold water tap to the maximum. He stripped his soaking clothes off as he began to feel better, then he adjusted the water to luke-warm.
"Why? Why? Why?" He screamed at himself as he pulled on his hair.
The guilt came at him like a flood and it brought along its cousins. Tears coursed down his face and mingled with the water and he let them flow. Why couldn't he stop? He wanted to but he just couldn't bring himself to break the addiction, especially when he was surrounded by it. It seemed like everyone in the entertainment industry was hooked on drugs, sex, and alcohol. It was proving to be difficult to stop altogether because he had no other means of escape. At least when he was high he could forget-even for a short moment-he could slip into oblivion and escape from it all; the pressure, the high expectations, the fake people that constantly surrounded him.
Although he always had people around him he always felt so alone. Nobody loved him. His grandparents were senile and didn't remember who he was half the time. So he was totally alone in this world. Everyone just wanted a piece of him for selfish reasons. No one showed any genuine interest in him without a hidden motive. Well, until Lana...
He smiled as he thought about her while he dried his hair. His heart swelled and his stomach muscles constricted. He missed her dearly, more than he cared to admit. Maybe he would send for her earlier than planned or he would fly to Minnesota and fetch her himself. Yes, that's exactly what he would do he thought with a renewed purpose. He walked into his closet and got dressed quickly and went to check on Preston.
Preston was still passed out on the floor and it was beginning to bother Jordan. He bent over Preston and shook him but he didn't budge. What was even more worrying is that that he was frothing at the mouth and his nose was bleeding.
"Ryan! Get here now!" Jordan shouted into his cellphone. He unlocked the door and waited anxiously for Ryan to come.
"I'm here. What's-" He froze as he took in the sight in front of him. "We need to get him to the hospital. Get out of here, I'll handle this." He locked the office door again.
"But I can't just leave-" Jordan protested.
"Go! You know the drill Jordan. You can't be seen here okay just leave through the secret passageway. Now!" He pushed Jordan towards the private exit point. "I'll call you." He said before closing the door.
Jordan made a run for it and found a car waiting for him.
"David, please take me to the hanger I need to fly to Minnesota as soon as possible. Call the pilot and ask him to get clearance or whatever." He instructed the driver.
"Sure thing JC." The driver replied.
He bounced his knee and bit on his nails, something he always did when he was super-stressed. What if Preston didn't make it? How would he live with himself? He promised himself that if Preston survived then he would never-
"Yes." He snapped as he answered the phone.
"It's handled. Preston has been taken to a private hospital so he's in good hands." Ryan said calmly.
"Great." He breathed a sigh of relief. "Listen we'll have to meet in Norway-I'm going to Minnesota. Can you check if the jet is cleared?" Jordan gripped the phone until his knuckles turned white.
"Yes. I had it done earlier, had a feeling you might want to go." Ryan said. His instincts were right after all.
"Thanks..for everything," Jordan said.
"So tell me about this thing you have with Jordan?" Mrs. Logan patted the seat beside her and Lana sat down.
"It's nothing Mom. I'm just helping him out." Lana said eyeing her shoes.
"Is that all?" She pressed gently.
"I don't feel comfortable discussing this with you? Can we not do this? It's awkward. " Lana frowned. They never had an open relationship where they could talk about everything and anything. She only had that kind of relationship with her Dad-but he was gone.
"Look, Mom, I know you're trying but I need more time..but just know that Jordan and I are not together. We have a great friendship and I don't expect anything more."
"But you like him or he likes you?" She squeezed Lana's hand.
"Yes-no-look I don't know." She sighed as she stood up.
"Just be careful honey. Don't get your hopes up. Don't get me wrong-" She raised her hands, "I'm just concerned okay? Guys like Jordan.."
"I know, I know." She mumbled. "You don't need to say it."
Jones came and stood at the door, interrupting the conversation.
"Good morning, Miss and Mrs. Logan." He bowed slightly.
"Hie Jay." Lana smiled at him.
"I'll be waiting in the car." Jones announced and left them alone.
"Yeah, sure. Maybe when I get back okay? I'll probably be gone when you get back anyway." They embraced and Lana left.
"Preston, get in here." Jordan said over the intercom. He was in his New York office and trying to think of ways to spend more time with Lana, without being too obvious.
"Hey JC! What's up, man?" Preston bounced into the office and threw himself on the corner couch.
"Are you and Kinky free tonight?" Jordan asked as he typed something on his iMac.
"Yeah, Bella and I have plans..why? Wanna join in? Tired of being a pro-golfer whenever you sleep with Bambi? " He cackled as he smacked his knee.
"There's more to relationships than sex dude." Jordan scoffed, still staring at the computer screen.
"Ahhh..so you're admitting that you're in a relationship are you??" He nodded slowly.
"Shut up," Jordan responded.
"You're too uptight this morning..maybe you need a hit?" Preston dug his hand in his pocket and produced the substance Jordan had tried to stay away from for five straight days now. He looked away and felt his resolve slipping away.
"C'mon..you know you wanna." Preston coaxed him as he dangled it in front of Jordan's face.
"Set it up while I lock the door," Jordan said as he sighed in defeat. He convinced himself that this would be the last time. After this he wouldn't go anywhere near drugs-including his sleeping pills. Besides, it wasn't going to hurt anyone..was it?
Jordan woke up and found himself on the floor in his office. Preston was passed out a few feet away from him. He didn't remember how he got there though. There was a soft, incessant tap on his door and his body felt so heavy, he could barely lift his head. The knock continued and it became rather irritating.
"Go away!" He groaned with the little energy he could muster.
"JC, it's Ryan here. We had a meeting with that film producer remember?? A very important meeting. We need to leave now or we won't be able to make it." Silence.
"Jordan?" Ryan sighed and shook his head as he walked away from the door.
He knew that he had to try and re-schedule. Whenever Jordan and Preston got together they got high. Ryan had been standing knocking at the door for more than an hour. Unfortunately, Jordan's office was soundproof and there were no glass walls or windows to peer through. Numerous times Ryan had tried to get them to counseling or rehab but they always brushed him off. It was all in the name of fun they assured him but this was becoming a problem that would affect Jordan's career. He had already been arrested and he was still trying to do damage control. This couldn't go on, it had to stop.
"Lana, Ryan here. Hope you're good." He smiled into the phone. "Sorry to drop this on you but-I need you to come to New York earlier than planned-like today."
Jordan dragged himself off the floor and staggered towards the bathroom. The drugs were wearing off but he was feeling the after-effects now. These were much stronger than before, he was totally knocked out. A cold shower usually sobered him up a bit and he needed to pull himself together. He had a stool in his shower for such instances and he pushed it against the wall then fell onto it as he opened the cold water tap to the maximum. He stripped his soaking clothes off as he began to feel better, then he adjusted the water to luke-warm.
"Why? Why? Why?" He screamed at himself as he pulled on his hair.
The guilt came at him like a flood and it brought along its cousins. Tears coursed down his face and mingled with the water and he let them flow. Why couldn't he stop? He wanted to but he just couldn't bring himself to break the addiction, especially when he was surrounded by it. It seemed like everyone in the entertainment industry was hooked on drugs, sex, and alcohol. It was proving to be difficult to stop altogether because he had no other means of escape. At least when he was high he could forget-even for a short moment-he could slip into oblivion and escape from it all; the pressure, the high expectations, the fake people that constantly surrounded him.
Although he always had people around him he always felt so alone. Nobody loved him. His grandparents were senile and didn't remember who he was half the time. So he was totally alone in this world. Everyone just wanted a piece of him for selfish reasons. No one showed any genuine interest in him without a hidden motive. Well, until Lana...
He smiled as he thought about her while he dried his hair. His heart swelled and his stomach muscles constricted. He missed her dearly, more than he cared to admit. Maybe he would send for her earlier than planned or he would fly to Minnesota and fetch her himself. Yes, that's exactly what he would do he thought with a renewed purpose. He walked into his closet and got dressed quickly and went to check on Preston.
Preston was still passed out on the floor and it was beginning to bother Jordan. He bent over Preston and shook him but he didn't budge. What was even more worrying is that that he was frothing at the mouth and his nose was bleeding.
"Ryan! Get here now!" Jordan shouted into his cellphone. He unlocked the door and waited anxiously for Ryan to come.
"I'm here. What's-" He froze as he took in the sight in front of him. "We need to get him to the hospital. Get out of here, I'll handle this." He locked the office door again.
"But I can't just leave-" Jordan protested.
"Go! You know the drill Jordan. You can't be seen here okay just leave through the secret passageway. Now!" He pushed Jordan towards the private exit point. "I'll call you." He said before closing the door.
Jordan made a run for it and found a car waiting for him.
"David, please take me to the hanger I need to fly to Minnesota as soon as possible. Call the pilot and ask him to get clearance or whatever." He instructed the driver.
"Sure thing JC." The driver replied.
He bounced his knee and bit on his nails, something he always did when he was super-stressed. What if Preston didn't make it? How would he live with himself? He promised himself that if Preston survived then he would never-
"Yes." He snapped as he answered the phone.
"It's handled. Preston has been taken to a private hospital so he's in good hands." Ryan said calmly.
"Great." He breathed a sigh of relief. "Listen we'll have to meet in Norway-I'm going to Minnesota. Can you check if the jet is cleared?" Jordan gripped the phone until his knuckles turned white.
"Yes. I had it done earlier, had a feeling you might want to go." Ryan said. His instincts were right after all.
"Thanks..for everything," Jordan said.
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