Falling For The Bad-boy Superstar

Chapter 18:Dark and Twisty

"Who's this?" Jordan barked into the phone.

"Is that the way to greet your best friend?" Preston chuckled softly.

"Hey, how's it going dude? You alright?" Jordan sat on the edge of the bed.

"I would be alright if you got me out of here. Today preferably. Otherwise..I might be tempted to bribe one of the nurses to-"

"Preston you know this is for your own good. You almost died man! I can't have that on my conscious again." Jordan ran his fingers through his hair and sighed audibly. Preston needed to stay in rehab, but he didn't seem to understand that. This could be his only hope of staying alive, he had too many close calls so far.

"Listen, if you don't get me out of here this very minute then you're going to force me to do something that we will both regret. You more than me though-because you have so much more to lose." Preston said aggressively, "don't push me JC."

"That sounds like a threat?" Jordan scowled. "You know better than to do that." He tut-tutted.

"Really?? How's that sweet doe-eyed obsession of yours? I wouldn't mind-" Preston taunted.

"Leave Lana out of this okay! Touch her and you're finished. You will never work in this country again." Jordan stood and gripped the phone tighter. His anger emanating through the phone.

"She might be sweeter than Dahlia...Now Dahlia was wild in the sack man, I can understand why you were hooked on her..it's a pity she had to die.." He mocked.

"You are the reason she's dead!" Jordan shot back.

"Oh no, no, no. Don't give me all the credit man. You are as much to blame."Preston said with deadly calm.

"Go to hell!" Jordan cut the call and smashed his iPhone against the wall.

Preston had pushed him too far this time and he was going to pay dearly. How did someone claim to be your friend and then do something that contradicts the statement? How could he threaten Lana, the only person that he had shown any remote interest since Dahlia?

"Hey JC, everything okay?" Ryan entered the room with caution.

"I want Preston gone. I don't care how you do it but I want him gone." Jordan punched his hand with force. "He dares to threaten me? Threaten Lana?? After everything, I've done for him and this is what that-I want him gone." He said through gritted teeth.

"Okay," Ryan sat down slowly, "I won't even ask, you can tell me whenever you're ready... But the jewelers are here, they're waiting in the study." He stood up again and turned at the door. "You can come down when you've-calmed down."

Jordan went to freshen up and went to fetch Lana from her room. He knocked softly and couldn't help but smile, when she opened the door for him. He dipped his head and kissed her softly on the lips and deepened the kiss as he felt her respond. He pushed her back onto the bed as he sought solace from the only place he knew. Sensing his need she poured herself into him and gave as good as she got. Jordan finally broke off the kiss reluctantly, their breathing heavy and their eyes hazy.

"I reeally don't want to do this sweets, but..we have to go downstairs." He sighed and pushed back Lana's unruly hair, "the jeweler is here and I'd like you to pick out your ring or rings, whatever you prefer is fine."

"Jordan..you don't have to do this. This isn't even a proper marriage." Lana protested.

"I know sweets but if we're going to do this then I suggest we play the part to the T. Otherwise no one will believe our little story." He said as he sat at the edge of the bed.

"I thought we weren't giving in to the blackmailer's demands?" she sat up and tried to salvage her hair. She grabbed the brush on the dresser and swept it through her hair.

"We're not, we're going to beet him at his own game." Jordan watched her, mesmerized.

"You okay there Carter? Would you like a spin?" She waved the brush in his face and laughed.

"Would you..brush my hair? No one's ever done that-well besides my stylist." He shrugged.

"Sure..if you really want me to.. I might as well start performing my wifely duties." The brush felt so good as it swept through his hair, he couldn't help but groan in appreciation.

"We're coming down in a minute-go-away!" Jordan called out, his hands still wrapped around Lana.

"We should go, babe, its a quarter to eleven." Lana didn't realize the slip but he did.

"Don't ever stop," he said.

"What?" she frowned.

"Don't ever stop calling me that," he pecked her lips and stood up. Lana nodded dumbly, unsure how to respond.

"Let's go, Bambi," he pulled her hand and led her downstairs.

The study was already occupied with the jewelers, Jones and Ryan. Jordan walked in and looked around, not at all pleased.

"Right this is what's going to happen-I want everyone out, including you two," he pointed at the jewelers, "this moment is between my wife and I, no one else. We will let you know how much to bill us once we've decided. I don't want her to feel pressured or uncomfortable so get," he pointed towards the door.

Everyone shuffled out wordlessly and Lana turned to Jordan with a frown.

"Was that necessary Carter?" she folded her arms.

"Yes," he simply said, "shall we begin Mrs. Carter?" he pulled out a chair for her.

"Thank you, Mr Carter," she smiled at him as she sat down.

"If you keep looking at me like that then I'm going to be forced to kiss you until you breathless," he stared into her big brown eyes.

"I dare you," she whispered, her heart racing.

Jordan didn't need to be urged on any further; he pulled Lana off the chair and brushed his lips over hers, torturously slowly and softly. Lana strained her lips towards him in an effort to deepen the kiss and appease the havoc that a simple act was causing in her body.

"I think we have to stop now-otherwise I won't be able to control myself," he leaned his forehead on hers.

"Okay," she replied, in barely a whisper.

"I know I promised to keep my distance..but I can't Bambi..you make it so hard..especially when you look at me like that," he gulped, "with such intensity-such innocence, I don't want to taint you," he tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"Jordan..there's something I need to tell you.." Lana diverted her gaze from him.

"Please don't say you want to leave-" he looked at her, in anguish.

"No that's not it," she shook her head vehemently.

"Then what is it?" he turned her chin up and searched her face for answers.

"I'm not a virgin," she removed his hands from her face and went to sit down on the chaise, at the far end of the room.

Jordan stood there, his hard-drive still trying to process the information that she had just laid on him. She wasn't a virgin? But that was good right? But why did she seem so sad, instead of relieved? Was she perhaps raped? Abused? He would make them pay, whoever it was they would pay, he would find them and make them pay, he thought. Lana took his delayed response as a bad sign. She should have told him sooner, then maybe he wouldn't look so disappointed.

"Lana, look at me," he sat next to her and held her hands, "I don't care okay? That's irrelevant sweets."

"What?" She frowned slightly.

"Sorry-that came out wrong-let me re-phrase okay?" he gave her a lopsided grin, "It doesn't matter to me okay? I know you have a past and it's nothing to be ashamed of sweets. Mine is probably ten times worse than yours," he laughed. "This doesn't change the way I feel about you okay?"

"I thought you would be disappointed," she said with despair.

"Never," he cupped her face in his hands.

"But you don't know the full story-" she protested.

"And I don't need to okay? When you're ready to tell me then you will-but, for now, please choose a ring baby?" They laughed and lightened the tension.

She finally settled on a simple ring in platinum with a ruby and a double row of round brilliant diamonds. They had matching wedding bands in white gold, encrusted with white diamonds. They instinctively exchanged wedding bands and smiled at each other, as they slipped the rings on each other's fingers.

"You're mine now," he said before he kissed her softly.

"Does it work both ways," she countered as her heart fluttered.

"Try getting a divorce and you will see exactly how it works," he smiled at her as he held up his iPhone and took multiple shots of their rings and entwined hands. They started goofing around with the camera and took more funny photos and Jordan posted the best ones on his social media; until Ryan knocked on the door.

"JC it's almost noon and the pressure is on.. you're good to go?" Ryan peered through the door.

"We're more than good Ry, check my latest tweet," he scrolled through his phone showing Ryan the photos and social media posts., "it already has over 20 000 views in less than ten minutes.

#shesaidyes #ilikeditsoiputaringonit #relationshipgoals #itsofficial #mrsandmrscarter

"Well, this is very convincing! Hey, even I'm falling for it," Ryan chuckled, "you guys have great chemistry so it will be easy for the media to eat it up."

"The only person I want to eat it up, is the blackmailer," Jordan said as he slipped his phone into his pocket.

"Barry managed to trap him. We have managed to trace the call and he's on his way to pick him up with the cops of cos," Ryan said with satisfaction.

"At least Barry did something right for a change," Jordan scoffed.

"Babe, can I go and call my mum now? I promised to call her ages ago and I'm sure she's in hysterics by now.." Lana put her hands on Jordan's chest and Ryan raised an eyebrow.

"Sweets, I can't apologize enough about all this-" he held her face.

"Don't- it's not your fault okay?" she kissed him again.

"I'll be up in a moment, let me finish up here okay?" Jordan kissed her forehead and she left.

"So..Babe??" Ryan laughed, "I got a feeling this isn't pretend anymore.."

"Shut up," Jordan said, "when are you going to release the press statement? Is my jet ready? I need to get to New York for that charity benefit tonight."

"Yeah, I'm on it. We can leave for New York, whenever you're ready," Ryan said.

"Great, I want to leave now. Can you ask Jones to pick up Lana's friends and meet us at the airstrip? I'll go and make sure my bags are packed." Jordan's phone rang as he made to leave.

"Carter," he said.

"So I guess congratulations are in order bro?" Preston said.

"What do you want??" Jordan stiffened.

"Hey bro! Chill out! Why are you all uptight?? You just got married man! Loosen up," Preston laughed.

"You're kidding, right? You have some nerve-"

"Dude, you need to chill okay? Are we still going to the charity benefit?" Preston asked.

Jordan sighed as he raked his hair. "You bust out of rehab didn't you?"

"You know me too well JC," Preston cackled.

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