Falling For The Bad-boy Superstar

Chapter 2:Somebody Pinch Me

"Welcome Ladies. My name is Ryan Pierce. Jordan's Manager. I will be your go-to person for everything and anything that has to do with JC and this tour. Please be seated, the attorney will be here soon so that we can go over what we have termed the Travel Contract and we will require you to sign a full non-disclosure of course. Got it? Any questions so far?" His eagle eyes rested on each of us as he circled the room and fortunately, we were all intimidated into silence.

Ryan was a short no-nonsense guy. He had spiky black hair and dark eyes, with a clean shave. Apparently he had known Jordan since junior school and had graduated with a PR and Communications major, top of his class. He was supposedly the best there was in the business.

"Sorry, I'm late. I had a court hearing that dragged on forever." Enter high-class attorney to the rich and famous.

"Barry! Nice of you to drop by." Ryan said dryly. "This is the winning team. They're all yours." And with that he left the room.

Barry was a tall, well-built, middle-aged man with an overgrown beard. But guess that was the in thing nowadays. He was wearing a designer suit and was rather handsome, with chestnut hair and a friendly face.

"Good afternoon ladies. My name is Barry Thomson. I'm head of the legal department here. So we will get right to it." He produced important-looking documents from his folder and handed a copy to each one of the contestants

"I will give you all some time to go over the contract thoroughly. I'll be back in the next 20 or so mins to go over it with you. Can I get you anything? The fridge is well stocked so you can help yourselves."

"I need a drink. Something stronger than OJ." Bella Winters peered into the bar fridge.

She was a tall, leggy blonde who could have easily been a model. She wasn't really friendly. Amelia was a beautiful, fiery redhead with sparkly green eyes. She was medium height and she and Lana bonded almost instantly to the point where they even exchanged numbers.

"I think I'm about done reading this. I'm going to go on that tour no matter what this document says." Amelia said with determination.

"Careful. You sound a bit too desperate there Red Riding Hood." Bella mocked as she stared down at Amelia, with her glass of sparkled water in her hand.

"And what gave you the impression that your opinion matters to me?" She snapped, green eyes blazing.

"Okaaay...deep breaths everyone." Lana stood in between them and raised her hands.

"We're going to be spending a lot of time together so let's all try and get along okay??" Lana looked at both of them, their chests were heaving and their faces twisted.

Barry chose the right moment to walk back into the room and Lana breathed a sigh of relief. They all scrambled back to their seats and acted normal.

"Right. I hope you have all gone through the contract and I'm here to answer any of your concerns." He sat at the head of the boardroom table and rapped his fingers on the glass top.

"Oh, I'm ready to sign." Bella giggled and made eyes at Barry.

"Who's desperate now?" Amelia muttered under her breath.

"If anyone else is as satisfied as Bella over her, then you can sign the last page and place your initials on the rest."

Bella signed the document within seconds and handed it over to Barry. Lana still had a few questions but guess there was no turning back now. She scrawled her signature on the page and handed it over along with the other girls.

"Let me go over a few details again to refresh our memories." Barry started reading the contract clauses.

"This contract will work on the process of elimination. I'm sure you have all watched the Bachelor and Amazing Race and so on. This will be a similar setup. One of you will be sent home at the end of the first month and then another will be eliminated the second month until we have the last man standing or so to speak. "

"The one left after the elimination process will go on ahead and tour with JC for the remaining month and will walk away with a $500 000 cash and any car that you may choose from JC's private collection."

They all gasped.

"There's more.." He cleared his throat. "But we will only disclose it to the final contestant-but believe me it's huge!"

Their mouths dropped to the floor.

"The first runner-up will walk away with $50 000 cash and exclusive back-stage passes for any Jordan Carter concert-for the next 12 months. The second runner-up will get $20 000 cash for her efforts and any musical instrument from JC's private collection."

"The elimination process is very simple and straight forward. If JC doesn't feel your flavor-as you put it-then you're out. Any questions?" Barry looked around and met blank faces.

"I think I need the bathroom." Bella squeaked.

"I think we're done here. You're free to go girls." He dismissed them as he stood up.

"Hold on just a sec ladies." Ryan barged into the room as we made to leave. "Barry you're free to go."

"Just a little reminder that we will be meeting again tomorrow to get your new wardrobe and so on. Not that we don't trust your judgment but we think you will need to be always dressed appropriately since you will be in the spotlight most of the time. So let's meet back here at 9.00 am sharp. Don't be late. I hate that." He stated with slight irritation in his voice. "You may go." He waved them off.

"Hey, you guys want to do a coffee or something?" Lana asked hopefully.

"Count me out." Bella brushed past them.

"I'm in. Let's go." Amelia laced her arm with Lana's as they walked out together.

Tomorrow was going to be a long day.

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