Falling For The Bad-boy Superstar

Chapter 23:Through Sickness and Health

Jordan continued to be sick as the night dragged on. Dr Leon had warned of the side effects and advised Jordan to keep hydrated. Tired of rushing him to the bathroom, Lana called room service and requested a bucket filled it with sand and put it at Jordan's side of the bed; in case he had another bout of nausea-which he did, for most of the night.

"I'm so sorry baby..sorry for putting you through this," Jordan mumbled repeatedly.

"I got you, babe. Don't worry... I'm here okay?" she cooed soothingly.

Lana patiently wiped his face or mouth whenever he dribbled and held up the bucket for him when needed. She constantly made trips to the bathroom to wash the towel; to wipe the sweat off to keep his body cool. Jordan was delirious until his fever broke, which was the point they finally got to rest.

Jordan's phone kept buzzing on the night-stand until Lana reached over and answered it; because she couldn't take it anymore. "Hello," she said groggily.

"Good afternoon Lana," Ryan said, "Any chance I can talk to your husband?"

"Hmmm.." Lana groaned, "No can do Ry."

"Why? He is still asleep or..? It's way after lunch-"

"Is everything okay?" Ryan started to panic.

"See you soon Ry. I need to go back to sleep now so-bye," she hung up and went to the bathroom. Then called room service and ordered breakfast for herself since Jordan was still knocked out.

Jordan was still sound asleep so she tiptoed around as she cleaned up the bedroom. She flung the windows open and the fresh air that invaded the room was a welcome intrusion. The curtains she kept closed so as not to wake him. Jordan's phone rang again and she rolled her eyes before answering.

"Hie Mrs. Carter! How are you this fine afternoon?" Jones said with enthusiasm.

"Jones," Lana groaned.

"Everything okay there? Anything I should know?" he inquired.

"Just get here and you will find the answer to all your questions," she sighed as she cut the call.

"Hey-is Jordan around?" Preston asked.

"Hey, Pres. Yes but he's still asleep," Lana said for the umpteenth time.

"We have a soundcheck at four so was wondering-"

"It's not going to happen," she said flatly.

"I'm coming over," Preston saved her the trouble of hanging up.

The phone wouldn't stop ringing. She was almost tempted to switch it off.

"Hie Mrs. Carter this is Dr. Leon..from last night at the hospital?"

"Oh hie Doc," Lana said, "I'm going to get the driver to bring you tickets right away. Take care."

A few minutes later she heard a loud knock on the door; when the door swung open Preston, Jones and Ryan were waiting outside. Lana glanced at them and grunted a greeting before walking back into the bedroom. She had thrown on decent PJs and tied her hair in a messy bun. They trailed behind her quietly and stood at the door waiting for her to allow them to get in.

"Jordan is sick," she stated in a flat tone, "I took him to the hospital last night but he seemed better and then he got worse. Fever, nausea-all of it," she leaned against the headboard and rubbed her forehead.

"Why didn't you call us?" Preston asked.

"He insisted that you all needed a day off and he was against the idea of calling any of you," she dug her hands into her luscious long hair as she pushed it back. Preston stared openly and shook himself before anyone else noticed.

"Let's not have this discussion here, we might wake him up. He needs his rest and so does Lana," Ryan led them back into the living room.

"So today is the last day of the tour and Jordan seems out of it," Ryan rubbed his chin worriedly.

"What do we do?" Jones asked as he sat down.

"We can improvise.." Preston suggested.

"How?" Ryan asked in a low voice.

"We can give him a little pick me up.." Preston smiled slyly "it works like a charm.."

"No!" Jones said adamantly as he rose to his feet.

"Look-it's the last concert guys c'mon. We can't be refunding fans that got tickets already. Need I remind you it was a sell-out show?" Preston whispered defensively, "Besides everyone in showbiz does it."

"What you're proposing will do more harm than good," Jones whispered fiercely.

"Guys let's take five, shall we? Deep breaths everyone.." Ryan raised his hands, "That's it.."

"Don't tell me you're in agreement with him??" Jones turned to Ryan, shock registering on his face.

"Well..I.." Ryan looked around in discomfit.

"You can't-" Jones looked distraught.

"I don't really need anyone's permission besides JC's. So I'm going to ask him what he thinks when he wakes up," Preston challenged.

"Why would you want to put him through that again? He's been clean and it should stay that way...Don't do it Pres," Jones glared at Preston, "Just because you're beyond redemption doesn't mean you should take Jordan down with you."

"Well, we will have to see about that then, won't we?" Preston sneered and walked out of the hotel room. It was time to put his plans in motion..with a little help from unsuspecting friends of course.

"Hey Pres," Amelia opened the door and let him in.

"Hey Ames, listen..I think you need to take Lana out of the house or something. She seems like she could use a friend right now you know?" Preston said with concern.

"Oh..is she okay?" Amelia asked as she sat on the couch opposite Preston.

"I think you should just go over and suggest lunch or shopping or whatever it is you girls do to de-stress," Preston shrugged as he leaned forward.

"Okay, I will do that..maybe Bella can join us?" she said brightly.

"Yeah, that would be great. It will give the boys a chance to bond," Preston stood up and made to leave, "I'll go and tell Bella to get ready so long."

"She can just come over to Lana's once she's done," Amelia said as she walked him to the door.

"Thanks Ames, you're a great friend," Preston said as a parting shot. He smiled to himself as he walked back to his hotel room. All the pieces were falling in place. He would get his revenge before he left and he wasn't going out without a fight. Jordan would pay.

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