Falling For The Bad-boy Superstar

Chapter 26:Off the Grid

"Lana, I need you in your dressing room now!" Michelle grabbed her arm as soon as they stepped out of the limo. "We don't have much time." She hurried them along, security surrounding them at every turn.

"I'll see you in a bit sweets," Jordan called out and blew her a kiss as they separated.

Lana blew one back and he caught it, causing her to blush furiously.

"I see your husband has beefed up your shadows," Michelle said wryly.

"Yeah, yeah he has. I don't have a say in the matter, unfortunately," Lana shrugged.

"Can't blame him though. You and Jordan have been the entertainment headline news ever since he announced your wedding on social media," Michelle opened the door the dressing room and Lana followed behind.

"Please remove your clothes and wear this gown," Michelle handed her a short black silk gown

"Really? We've been on the news?" Lana furrowed her brows, wanting to continue the previous conversation.

"Sweetheart, which planet have you been living on? Anything to do with Jordan Carter is news. Sit," Michelle commanded as she pulled out a chair.

"I kinda went off the grid after..you know?"

"I know," Michelle gave her a knowing look and laughed, "I can tell by the marks he left on your body sweetie."

"Oh," Lana covered her face, embarrassed.

"No need to be ashamed," Michelle laughed, "if I wasn't already married to Ryan I would gladly stand in line to jump Jordan's bones," she joked. "So does live up to his rep or nah?" she pried.

"What?" Lana blushed again.

"Sorry. I don't mean to pry," she pursed her lips.

"No, no. It's okay. I'd like to think we're friends?" Lana asked.

"Of cos! I should be hurt that you'd even-" she held the make-up brush mid-air.

"Okay, I'm sorry," Lana squeezed Michelle's hand, "but he was more than I ever thought or imagined!" she gushed.

"I knew it!" They giggled like a pair of giddy school girls. They were interrupted when someone knocked at the door.

"Michelle," Jordan cleared his throat as he stood at the door, "can you excuse us for a minute?"

"Make it quick and don't even think of spoiling her hair and make-up," Michelle glared at him before leaving the room.

"Well.. you heard the lady Bambi.." Jordan locked the door and discarded his t-shirt at the door. He flexed his muscles like he had just entered a boxing ring.

"Jordan..noo," Lana held out her hands in a futile attempt to stop him from getting to her.

"I prefer it when you scream out yes.." he lifted her off the chair and switched places with her. She straddled him as he trailed hot kisses on her neck, causing her to lose herself in him.


"Can wait.." he claimed her mouth possessively and all resistance crumbled..


Good Evening Brussels!! How's everyone doing toniiight???!" Jordan bounced onto the stage like he owned the world and everything in it.

The crowd went ballistic and he reveled in their screams and shouts. "JC! JC! JC!"

He smiled and made a turn round the stage, psyching himself up for his performance. He ran from on end of the stage to the other touching and high-fiving as many fans as possible. Some fangirls passed out as soon as he made contact with them and guys ran around in circles. The crowd was in a frenzy and Jordan hadn't even started performing yet!

"JORDAN CARTER WE LOVE YOU!" the fans chanted over and over again.

"I LOVE YOU ALL! I LOVE YOU BRUSSELS!" Jordan shouted over the screams and shouts as he sprinted from one end to the other one last time. More screams, crying and fainting ensued. The paramedics would be busy tonight.

"Tonight we have a very special guest on the ones and twos-please give it up for my one and only doe-eyed beauty-my wife Lana Carter!!" Jordan swept his hand towards Lana as she stood behind the sound engineers' desk. She waved shyly and slipped on her headphones. She was going to be taking Preston's place as a sound engineer and DJ for the night. Michelle had dressed her up in a short Saint Laurent sequin embellished cocktail dress, epitomizing the band's statement sex appeal. She looked daring and fearless and it was a head-turning number, She completed the look with studded leather boots and her hair was an 80s messy look.

"You're looking hooot baby!" He winked at her and walked back to the edge of the stage. "I just want to give a shout out to my wife for taking care of me when I was sick. I don't know many people that would wipe the puke off my face -for free-but you did it, baby. I'm so grateful for you. This first song is for you sweets," he winked at her and positioned himself on a high-stool, "The song is called "I Don't Deserve Her But I Can," Jordan strummed his guitar and his angelic voice resounded all over the stadium.

The audience was undoubtedly entranced and mesmerized by Jordan. He had a commanding stage presence that sucked everyone in and all they could do was be fixated on him and him alone. Girls in the crowd were openly crying like he was singing the song to them and when he hit his signature high notes they were in a state of delirium. Banners and placards went up everywhere with words expressing how much his fans loved him. And he was truly loved by all of them.

Jordan continued the next several songs on a mellow vibe and the crowd was falling more and more in love with this side of him. At one point he removed his baseball jacket and gave it to an adoring fan; who ran around the stage like a headless chicken. Of cos, the paramedics had to be called in to remove her from the stage after she had passed out.

"So tonight we're going to switch things up a bit," Jordan carefully laid his guitar down and stood up again, "I'm going to get a few fans from the crowd to come up here and we're going to sing some of your favorite songs together. Can we do that?" The fans roared in agreement.

"I hope you all still have your ticket stubs cos I'm just going to randomly call out a ticket number and if it belongs to you then you get to do a duet with me. That okay?" Jordan grinned and the fans went wild.

"For the purpose of time and logistics, I'll call them out all at once and I hope you can make it to the front..if not then we will have to pick out someone else okay? Ready? Here goes...Drum roll please!" Jordan said dramatically.

"Ticket number 2005, 5721; uhh-3688; 1012, 4562 and last one-6000? Please make your way to the front and produce your ticket to protocol otherwise..you all know the drill," Jordan drank some water and a crew member rushed forward to wipe down his body. He wasn't feeling well but he pushed himself, he had to. "Music please," he called out to his band before hurrying over to Lana.

"Sweets, I don't feel one hundred. Can we please go backstage for a few minutes?" he whispered in her ear and she nodded.

"Bathroom-" he ran to the restroom, clutching his stomach and Lana asked security to wait outside while she checked on him.

"Are you okay babe?" she tapped on the door lightly.

"Yeah..noo-" he grunted before she heard him spilling his guts into the lavatory again.

"I'm coming in," Lana announced, his meds and a bottle of water in her hand. She found him seated on the floor, with his back against the wall. His face was pale and his forehead had beads of sweat. Lana handed the pills and water to him; then started to wipe him down with his face towel.

"Sorry," Jordan held her against him.

"It's okay," Lana gave him a weak smile, "I need to rinse out your towel, I'll be right back okay?"

"Hey! Are you guys okay?" Jones called out from outside, "Can I come in?"

"Come inside Jones," Lana swung the door open and walked back to Jordan, Jones close on her heels.

"Hey, are you okay kid?" Jones crouched next to Jordan's slouched frame.

"Yeah, please get Ryan to get a supporting act to cover for me for a while. I'll go and lie down in my dressing room for a bit. Help me up?" Jones pulled him off the floor effortlessly.

"I've already told Ryan to take care of it. You sure you want to continue?" Jones asked skeptically.

"I will have to manage somehow..cacan't let the fans down. Besides, I just have fan-dues and then I'll be done," Jordan said as he put his arm around Lana for support.

"If you're sure.." Lana looked at him with concern.

"I'll be okay sweets; stop stressing," Jordan leaned forward and kissed her temple.

"Fine," Lana muttered.

"Okay, I'll leave you two to rest then. Will half-an-hour be enough?" Jones asked as they stopped in front of the dressing room?

"Yeah," Jordan nodded.

"Okay, I'll be here to escort you back on stage," Jones replied.

"Stay with me?" He pleaded. Lana lay down next to him and he wrapped his arms around her.

"Your body is so hot," Lana said in alarm.

"Ooh, tell me more baby.." he drawled and buried his nose in her neck.

"Jordan, I'm serious..you're burning up," she turned to face him.

"Shh..stop worrying," he kissed her forehead, "I've taken my medication so I'll be fine in a minute. Go to sleep baby."

"You go to sleep Carter," she replied, "I'll be right here," she said softly.

"Thank you, baby," he said before he drifted off to sleep.

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