Lana stared at Preston as he stood at the door, lazily leaning against it. He looked at her the was a lion on Animal Planet would eye it's prey before it moved in for the kill. This was like déjà vu to Lana but this time she wasn't going down without a fight. She had to think quickly before he had his way with her and by the way, he was undressing her with his eyes, he was going to pounce on her any minute from now. Her short cocktail dress would make it so much easy for him.

"I've waited for this day for a verrry long time and I'm going to savor every inch of that delectable body.." he licked his lips and continued to trail his eyes down her body.

She was saved by a loud pounding on the door that startled both her and Preston.

"Preston!" Bella called out from behind the door, "I know what you and Amelia planned-don't do it! Please! I'm begging you!" she said her voice breaking.

Lana took this opportunity and dashed back into the bathroom and locked the door. If Bella kept up the racket long enough then help would arrive soon. Preston snarled and he pounded on the door; Lana searched around frantically for an opening but found none.

"You can try and run from me but you're only prolonging the inevitable," he taunted as he tried to beat the door down, "I'm going to have you and you're going to enjoy it my precious."

Lana was wringing her hands, trying to figure a way out when her eyes fell on her Apple Watch that Jordan had got her just last week. She quickly scrolled to the phone app and dialed Jordan's number and he answered on the second ring.

"Hey, I've been looking all over-"

"Help me, please! I'm stuck in the bathroom in Amelia's room and Preston is outside-he tried to-he wants to-" Lana's voice broke-.

" I'll on my way. Hang tight okay?" Jordan rang off.

The room was silent and she couldn't hear Preston moving around so she began to panic. What was he up to? Suddenly the bathroom door swung open and Preston stood with a self-satisfied smirk.

"I know how to pick locks my precious," he held a paper clip between his fingers. He threw the pin on the floor and locked the bathroom door again from the inside. Lana tried to back away but the room was constricted. She started to hyperventilate and pressed redial on her phone, wishing and hoping that Jordan would get here quicker.

"Told can run but.." he trailed his finger along her cheekbone and she spat in his face.

"You're going to regret that," Preston gave her a dagger and pushed her against the tiled wall, "I'm sorry this is going to be quick and rough. I would have liked to take it slow but time is not on our side," he grabbed her roughly, lifted her up and placed her on top of the sink. Lana began to scratch at his face and to kick and scream, but he grabbed her hands and tied them with his bandana.

"You're making this so hard for yourself precious..if you would just give in then we would enjoy the ride together but-I guess you like it rough," he tried to yank her dress further up her thighs but it was too tight and it was proving to be difficult. He pulled her off the sink and pushed her against the wall, "turn around," he said roughly. She faced the wall and started to cry.

"Save your tears for JC. They're not going to work on me," he unbuckled his belt and she heard his pants fall to the floor.

"I'm not going to run like Scott. I'll just plead insanity due to drug addiction and they will let me go. I'm going to stick around so I can keep coming back for seconds," he pushed her face against the wall and whispered into her ear, "that's if you're good enough..hope I won't be disappointed Precious," he stuck his tongue in her ear and she cried out.

"Please don't!" she whimpered, her tears cascaded down her cheeks.

Suddenly, someone came crashing through the door and hurtled towards them. Preston had no time to register what was happening but a pair of hands grabbed his neck, threw him on the floor and started to strangle him. Lana sank onto the floor and broke down. Bella ran over to her and hugged her.

"I'm so sorry Lana-I didn't know-" Bella cried along with Lana, "he and Amelia had planned it. I had nothing to do with it-I swear! Please believe me!"

"Jordan!" Jones shouted, "You're going to kill him-let go!"

"Death is too good for this scum!" Jordan screamed as Jones and the other bodyguards dragged him off Preston. His eyes fell on Lana and he dashed over to her. She had passed out probably due to shock or relief or maybe both.

Preston took advantage of the distraction and made his escape, spluttering and fighting for breath. Jones eyed him warily and decided to let him go. He knew he would be back.

"It's okay sweets. I'm here now. You're safe. I got you baby." he lifted her limp form in his arms and carried her out of the room.

"Do you want me to go after him?" Jones walked beside them.

"No. I'll get him. One way or another, I'll get him," Jordan narrowed his eyes, "I want you to get that spawn of Judas-Amelia. I want her to look me in the eye and explain why she did what she did to my wife," the elevator doors slid open and Jones held them back to allow Jordan to step inside.

"She's already in a car and is on her way to the house," Jones reported, "I have a few things to say to her as well. I hope we're pressing charges? We can't let them walk-Lana deserves justice," he said vehemently as he opened the car door.

Jordan clenched and unclenched his fist as he looked out the window. Amelia had messed with the wrong person. He was going to deal with her personally. Her career was officially over before it even began.

"Jay, can we make a quick stop at a hospital? I need to make sure she's okay," Jordan caressed Lana's face as she lay on his lap, "plus we need to gather evidence."

"Sure thing Boss," Jones nodded.

Jordan hoped and prayed that he had got there on time but Preston's pants were down and Lana's dress was-he shook his head and blinked his eyes rapidly. He couldn't-didn't want to even think about it. His heart bled a thousand times when he thought about what he saw when they crashed through the door. He shouldn't have allowed her to go with that snake-he should have listened to his gut; trusted his instinct.

Now Lana was a wreck and it would take a while to piece her back together again.

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