Falling For The Bad-boy Superstar

Chapter 56:The Show(er)-down

"Hie Jordan..it's Dahlia.."

"You never used to call me Jordan-anyway what can I do for you?"

"I need to see you..can we meet or I can come over?"

"What's this about Dee?"

"I can't say it over the phone. We have to meet in person.."

"Dahlia..I don't think it's a good idea..I'm married now-you know that right?"

"I know and I respect that. I just need to explain a few things to you before I leave town..for good.."

"Fine. Come over."

"I'll see you just now.."

"Good girl.." Preston kissed Destiny on the mouth, much to her dismay and Bella's of course.

He was a good-looking guy but he gave Destiny the creeps. She just wanted this to be over so she could move to another town and start a new life. It's a pity it came with a heavy price but she would just have to endure it until then. Bella glowered at them from the corner of the room, and wondered why she even put up with this? Then consoled her aching heart by reminding herself that Destiny was a temporary obstacle. She would be leaving soon, then she would have Preston all to herself again..

"I've removed his obsession so now..you know what you have to do now right?" He twirled a strand of hair between his fingers.

"Yes Preston."

"And what is that?"

"That is..i.e...?"

"Using my body."

"Good." He replied with satisfaction. "Now get dressed and get going."

"Yes, Preston."

"When you get back I want results..got it?"

"Yes, Preston."


"So she's coming here?" Jones asked. He was sitting at the breakfast table with Jordan and Ryan. They had decided to meet and discuss the way forward concerning Lana and Dahlia.

"Yeah. She's on her way." Jordan replied.

"That girl isn't Dahlia. I can stake my life on it JC." Ryan said with conviction.

"Are you sure??" Jordan questioned.

"Yes. She doesn't have the tattoo, she doesn't even know when your birthday is- and that's common knowledge." He responded.

"Maybe she just forgot? It's been a while."

"She doesn't remember the vacation in Seychelles..? Where she proposed?" Ryan persisted.

"I knew it!" Jones slammed his fist on the kitchen counter. "Should we call the cops?"

"No..not just yet.." Jordan pondered his options, "let's get her to sing first."

"What if she doesn't?" Jones asked.

"Oh she will.."

"I managed to get a sample of her hair and I've sent it to the lab for testing. The results should be out this morning." Ryan said.

"Do you think she knows where Lana is? Or-"

"Let's just wait for her to get here. I'll play along with her a little..flirt here and there. Put on the Carter Charm if I have to-then she's a goner," he said with an air of arrogance.

"Hmm..I like that," Ryan gave him a fist-bump.

"Okay then, I'm going to freshen up. I've got some seducing to do," he chuckled, "please bring her straight to my lair when she arrives," he rubbed his hands together in anticipation.

"Don't take it too far now!" Jones wagged a finger at him.

"Don't worry about me..you should be worried for her," he wiggled his eyebrows and climbed up the staircase.

Destiny was led into the house and Jones took her straight to utopia. She was dressed in a short, skimpy black dress-something that Dahlia would never wear- and sky-high heels and too much make up-Dahlia never wore heels that high or make-up for that matter.

"You can go inside. He's expecting you." Jones smiled at her as he swung the door open.

She walked into the room cautiously; her palms were sweaty and her heart was hammering against her rib-cage. 'What could possibly go wrong?'She thought to herself. She had seduced lots of men and succeeded too; this was a piece of cake-and in this case the victim was Jordan "freakin' Carter-who wouldn't want to jump into bed with him?!

Destiny walked aimlessly around the room, not sure of what her next move was. She decided to strategically place herself on the bed, but then thought that might make her seem too eager. As she was debating internally she heard Jordan call out to her.

"Dee? Is that you?" He shouted from the bathroom, "why don't you come in here and join me?"


"You know you want to.." He taunted.

"I-I think I'll just wait here.." she looked around wildly as if trapped.

Then she heard light footsteps as he came up from behind and put his arms around her, causing her to gasp. "Jordan..what are you doing?"

"Join me? Please babe?" He coaxed gently, as he nuzzled her neck with his nose. "It might help you jog your memory.." he whispered seductively into her ear, sending delicious shivers down her spine.

She turned around and tried to mask her desire but probably failed. He had a towel wrapped loosely around his waist and it threatened to fall with the slightest movement. His hair was wet and it dripped down his face. Beads of water trailed down his muscular chest and saliva filled her mouth as she was almost tempted to lick his tattoos. He knew he had her just where he wanted her so he took it a step further.

"Come on.." He tugged at her hand and led her to the shower. "Why don't you get undressed..and hop inside.." he trailed his finger along her collarbone and her ovaries almost popped, "then I'll join you in a sec. I just need to get something to make this 'experience' more enjoyable.."

"Okay.." she grinned from ear to ear and started to peel off her dress. This was easier than she had anticipated. She smiled inwardly-Preston would be so proud.

"I'll be right back.." He gave her a swoon-worthy smile and backed out, locking her in as quietly as possible.

He got dressed quickly and tiptoed downstairs, signaling for Jones and Ryan to come up. Ryan beckoned to him and they walked into the kitchen to talk.

"I've just got the results from the lab.." Ryan announced, "that is not Dahlia."

"But she is..?" Jordan urged him to continue.

"Destiny. She's Dahlia's twin. They were given up for adoption separately, to different families. Mother died a few days after the birth; no record of the father I'm afraid."

"So I was correct." Jones stated, his hands on his head."You've got her cornered?"

"Yes. cornered, wet and naked. So she's pretty much vulnerable right now."

"You didn't.." Ryan tugged at his collar in discomfit.

"Of cos not! What do you take me for??"

"Just checking.." Ryan cleared his throat.

"Okay let's wrap this up then?"

Jordan burst through the bathroom door as Destiny was about to step out of the tub. She jumped back in fear and gave a high-pitched scream when she saw there were two other men present. "Games up Destiny. Get out and follow me me back into the room." He threw a bath towel at her.

She stepped out of the bathroom and was visibly shaking, whether it was from the cold or fear was anyone's guess. Jones pushed a chair towards her and indicated that she should sit. They formed a circle around the frightened half-naked girl; and stood rigid, menacing.

"Talk!" Jones barked.


"Tell us who put you up to this and why? Start at the beginning and don't leave anything out," Ryan towered above her and glared at her.

"Hurry up grifter-you've got like ten minutes before we call the cops.." Jordan glanced at his watch and back at her.

"C-cops?! Please don't do that?" She swallowed hard, "that won't be necessary-I can tell you everything.."

"I knew you would see things our way.." Ryan said with a sinister smile.

"Preston found out from one of his 'dealers' that I was in trouble-he thought I was Dahlia. When he showed Preston my photo he knew that he had hit the jackpot-and that's when he sent you to rescue me from that..place.."

"Why did you agree to go along with his plan?" Jones asked. Destiny told them every sordid detail and how much he promised her if the mission was a success. She even told of the countless times he forced himself on her and at that moment everyone feared for Lana's safety.

"So why did he take Lana?" Jordan finally asked.

"He wanted to get her out of the way; so that I could get to you without any distractions..plus he wanted revenge for his brother," she said, her teeth chattering.

"His brother?" Jordan frowned.

"Yes..his brother Scott."

"Scott?!" The blood drained from his face as he remembered the person behind the name.

"You know him JC?" Ryan asked with concern.

"Yeah..he's the guy that- drugged Lana and..took liberties." He clenched his jaw.

"He's using the footage from Scott to blackmail her-"

"What footage?!" They all asked.

"Scott recorded the whole thing when he.. you know.." Destiny squirmed in her seat. "Preston got a hold of the video and threatened to sell it to the highest bidder if she didn't do as she was told."

"I'm going to kill him!" Jordan slammed his fist on the wall.

"He also has footage of you.." she said under her breath, with furtive glances.

"Me?!" Jordan stepped forward.

"Of you and Lana-on the balcony..at some party.." She dropped her gaze to the floor.

"I warned you two about being too freaky at random-" Jones muttered as he rubbed his temples.

"Not now Jones!" Jordan snapped as he paced the room. "We need to find Lana! That should be our main priority right now!" He raked his hair and took a deep breath as he tried to calm himself.

"Do you have any idea where they could be?" Ryan asked hopefully.

"No. I'm sorry I don't," She replied, "I was always blindfolded when I went there so-"

"Wait a minute..I know how we can find her!" Jordan dived for his phone on the dresser and scrolled through it.

"How?" Ryan looked confused.

"Her watch.." he replied, "I just hope she's wearing it..it's ringing.." he said with bated breath, "answer Lana..come on.." He said to no one in particular.

"Carter?" She answered in a whisper.

"Lana baby? Is that you?"

"Yes. I'm sorry for getting you into another mess but I need your help, Carter." She started to sob quietly. He started to rush out the door and Jones followed behind.

"It's okay baby..I know everything now-you should have told me though?" He reprimanded, "I told you I would always come to your rescue remember? Now we don't have much time so, turn on your location and we will come and bust you out of there?" He spoke in a soothing tone.

"Okay," she sniffled.

"Are you safe? Did they hurt you?"

"No-not yet anyway..someone is coming I got to go."

"I'll be there before you know it baby-I love you."

"I love you too Carter."

"We will find her," Jones assured Jordan as they jumped into the Jeep.

"Preston is a dead man." He ground his teeth.

"All in good time. Just let the police handle it okay?"

"We'll have to see about that.."

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