When Lana arrived Maria led her to the terrace, where Maya was anxiously waiting for her. The table was set for afternoon tea with all sorts of delicacies; buttermilk biscuits, chocolate-covered strawberries, assorted pastries, and sandwiches. Fruit juice, coffee, and iced teas.

"Mrs Carter is here," Maria announced and left.

"Hey, sweetheart how are-" Maya stood to greet her distraught guest.

"Oh, Maya! Everything is a mess!" She threw herself into Maya's arms and broke down. Big tears rolled down her face as she wept.

"It's going to be okay.." Maya led her over to the sofa and helped her to sit. Maya cuddled her while she hid her face on Maya's breast and cried.

She handed her a tissue and gave a comforting smile. "I think you should go to the restroom and freshen up. Then...when you feel human again-you can come and help me dive into this feast that Maria has set before us. Sounds good?" She massaged Lana's shoulders as she spoke.

"Okay." Lana croaked then did as she was told.

Maya didn't broach the subject immediately but made small talk while they ate. She talked about work, the various projects and charities she was involved in, and even encouraged Lana to get involved. Because Lana needed a distraction she mentioned that it sounded like interesting work and said she would like to sit in on one of the meetings.

"Soo..what has that juvenile brother of mine done to you this time?" she moved closer to the younger woman.

"Nothing..actually he's been great..better than great.." she said with a wistful smile. "He's done everything I ever wanted and more..I've fallen more in love with him."

"Then if it's not Jordan..?"

"Maya I..I'm pregnant.." she said in barely a whisper. "I just found out.."

"Oh..that's good news right?" She looked at Lana and smiled with delight, and grabbed her hand. "Isn't it..?" she cocked her head to the side.

"I..I-I suppose so.." uttered Lana morosely, but as it were in a mollified tone.

"So why does it seem like you've just heard the most dreadful-?"

"Because...I don't want to dredge up the past but-remember what happened last time he found out I was carrying junior?" She twisted her fingers nervously.

"But he's changed-at least I think he has..do you think that he has?" Jordan was her pride and joy so probably her opinion was biased.

"I..honestly? He has. I have seen the effort and-yes he is definitely a different person now."

"Then maybe he has changed his stance on being a father?" Maya was hopeful.

"I don't know..I really don't know." she ran her fingers through her hair as if searching for answers there.

Jordan had changed-considerably-but she wasn't sure if he was ready or willing to be a father this time. His non-existent relationship with his own father had been a contributing factor to his reluctance and fear of being a dad. Could she risk it all by telling him? Was she ready to go through that heartbreak again? She didn't think she was and was certain that she would be totally crushed this time. Things were good between them and she didn't want to ruin it. She was happy-for once they were both happy.

"Maybe you should try talking to him?"

"Before I do that..I have a huge favor to ask?" Lana winced as she braced herself.

"Anything..I will do anything I can to help. You know that right?"

"Could you perhaps..talk to him first?" she frowned, "to kind of test the waters and see where his head is at? I know it's asking for a lot but would you? Please?"

"Okay.." her friend replied reluctantly," I will try.."

"Don't thank me yet.." was the answer, delivered with a rueful smile.

"You're the only woman that Jordan respects and listens to more-"

"He has a lot of respect for you too."

"Yeah I know but it's different with you..you know... " she shrugged. "Like the time that whole thing with Preston happened...I heard you were the only one who managed to pull him out of the dark hole-that says a lot.." Lana gave her a knowing look.

"I'm sorry I didn't think to look for you when Preston kidnapped you..I just thought you needed time away from Jordan after he pulled a number on you. I'm sorry. I should have been more attentive." Maya said.

"Don't worry about it. I know you meant well." She assured her friend. "Maybe I should go away and give him time to adjust after I break the news-"

"No. Don't do that!" Maya admonished. "You almost broke him the last time you took matters into your own hands..he was..a mess.."

"Then what do I do? Sit around and wait for him to run first?"

"Hey, hey, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let me talk to him first okay?" she asked. "Besides he has been nominated for so many awards and I'm sure he's going to need you by his side. Don't take that away from him. Please?"

"Okay..I'll-I don't know what to do actually." Lana sighed in defeat.

"We will work it out. Don't stress-it's not good for the baby."

"Yes, Mom." Lana smiled and rubbed her stomach instinctively.

"You will be a fantastic mother-and Jordan will love this baby-and you even more for giving him such a wonderful, fulfilling gift." She smiled.

"I've got to go now," Lana said as she rose to her feet."

"Why are you leaving so soon?"

"Lisa and Liv are about to land so I have to pick them up at the airport." She explained.

"That's good. You could use some positive friends around you right now."

"Thanks for the talk. I really appreciate it." The two women embraced.

"Anytime sweetie," Maya replied with a smile.

"So..when do you think you're going to be able to-uh-talk to Jordan."She scratched the back of her head.

"It's going to be a busy week so I don't know. He's schedule is hectic and so is mine. Probably the day after the Annual Charity Ball on Saturday night. You're coming right?"

"Yeah. I'll be there. You're part of the organizing committee right?" she asked as they walked back to where she had parked her car.

"Yes and I'd like it very much if you could join the club."

"Like I said earlier, I will but not right now. I have so much going on right now-and then there's school. What do I do about college Maya?" she whined, "I've really messed up-big time..again!"

"My advice is to take things one day at a time okay? Stop stressing young lady." Maya said with a stern voice.

"One day at a time.." Lana reiterated and jumped into her car.

"That's the way."

"Bye Maya. Thanks again." She waved and drove off.

But as we know it, one day at a time was easier said than done....

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