Falling For The Bad-boy Superstar

Chapter 68:The Strategy

"Lana is in Aya-what? Where? How??!" Lisa exclaimed as Maya drew her down on a settee and held her hands firmly.

"Breathe Lisa.." she nodded and Lisa assented. "I see you got my message?"

"One minute we were having a good time and then she said she needed the bathroom..then.," Olivia explained in a lifeless voice as she plopped herself next to her friends.

"You got your passports?" Jordan asked; towering at the door.

"Yes. We're all packed." They held up their overnight bags and grinned.

"Good. Then let's get going." He lingered for a moment at the door and looked back with a pensive expression; before walking away.

"Someone's in a hurry," Lisa muttered.

"That's what love does..you will find out one day.."Maya said with a faraway look.

"I'm sure you would know.." Lisa winked.

"Well you heard the man..let's go help him get his girl back!" Olivia sprang up to take Lisa's hand, her eyes shining with excitement.

"I've always wanted to go there and finally my dream is coming true!" Lisa gushed.

It was a sizable group that took an impromptu vacation; Jordan, James, Kyle, Lisa, Olivia, Maya, and Jones. The squadron took off-full of ideas and expectations-and hurried to Cyprus in pursuit of Lana Carter. Jordan sat in contemplative silence a little while, his voice low when he spoke. The flight was over eleven hours and now that he was getting closer to the confrontation; he wasn't sure which way the ball would swing and it made him uneasy and apprehensive.

Jordan had called the bank and they were very helpful. Just as they had predicted Lana had been on a mini-shopping spree as soon as she landed on the resort town. Since she had paid for her hotel room with her card he got an exact location of where she was staying and asked the hotel stuff to keep an eye on her and they were more than happy to-who could say no to Jordan 'freakin' Carter??

'It's going to work out. Stop stressing. "James leaned forward punched him on the shoulder. The ladies had decided to go and have a nap and the guys sat around.

"What if she doesn't want to see me, Jamie?"

"She will."

"And if she doesn't..?" He looked up with a wild and disquieted look.

"Stop being negative butt-head!" Kyle smacked him on the head.

"Ouch! What was that for?!" He scowled.

"It was to knock some sense into you." His friend snickered.

"I'm just..I don't know..I'm not used to rejection I guess.." The shoulders of Jordan, without actually moving, suggested a shrug.

"They say love is a gamble. Guess you just have to take a chance." James proffered.

"We will be right here. No matter the outcome," Kyle added. "But all I know is that I'm walking Lana down the aisle this time," Jordan grunted an inaudible sound, that seemed like a laugh.

"So what's the plan?" James took a sip of his whiskey and looked at Jordan expectantly.

"What plan?" he bit his lip, and frowned a little.

"You know..like a strategy?" Kyle lowered his brow.

"I...don't have one.." He was sitting in between his friends and felt cornered.

They appraised him with narrowed eyes for a moment before inclining their heads. "You don't have a plan?!"

"I just want to find her and talk to her-"

"Remember why she's here in the first place? She's mad at you??" James put forward as a gentle reminder.

"So what do you suggest I do guys?"

"We thought you'd never ask.." James smiled.


According to a very reliable source, Lana was staying at the Olympic Lagoon Resort and was heading to the beach. Jordan had people following her and although it was a bit over the top even for him, he had to monitor her movements in order to execute his plan successfully.

The squad had checked into the same hotel and hadn't made their presence known. Jordan followed her to the beach and remained in the shadows. He watched her as she spread out her beach towel on the sand and then stretched her bikini-clad body onto it. He was tempted to go and rub sunscreen on her back but restrained himself; he couldn't risk her seeing him just yet. She looked so breath-taking and almost at peace as she lay on her stomach with her eyes closed. The wind was blowing through her hair and a wisp of her hair caressed her face. How he wished he could feel the silky strand as he removed it from her beautiful face and tucked it behind her ear.

He sighed, giving himself a mental shake and gave her one last wistful glance; before he went back to the hotel. He went to check if James and his crew had everything in place for tonight-it was do or die-the day of reckoning.

"Let's head over to Club Ice and you can tell me if you have additional suggestions. Sounds good?" James asked.

"Okay.. but I trust your judgment, Jamie. You're the best in the business so I'm sure you outdid yourself as usual."

James laughed his little laugh of pleasure and thanked him prettily for the compliment. "Thank you Mr Carter. I hope everything goes according to plan this time."

"We will make it happen. She will have no choice but to say yes." Kyle put his arm around Jordan's shoulder.

"I'm a bit nervous though.." he bit his bottom lip. "I've never done this kind of thing before so it better be the first and last time." He interlaced his fingers with nervous anxiety, but it set a fire in his eyes.

"She's going to make you sweat!" James clapped him on his back. "We better head out. We're running out of time." He reiterated.

"Where's Jones?"

"He's got his eyes on the prize. Don't need any surprises at this stage right...?" James laughed.

"Thanks again for doing this. You guys really are the best." They huddled together for a group hug.

"You owe us big time for this!" Kyle fell into step with his friends.

"Drinks are on you tonight pretty boy." James punched him lightly on the shoulder. "

"Just as long as you're not helping me drown my sorrows.."

"Not tonight buddie! Tonight we celebrate!" Kyle and James lifted Jordan off the ground and hurtled him across the beach with his legs hanging in the air.

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