Falling For The Bad-boy Superstar
Chapter 75:Pretend
"Welcome back to the Sarah Jones Show. If you're just tuning in, we have the super-sexy bad-boy, multi-platinum and six-time Grammy award winner Jordan Carter with us tonight. We've put him on the hot-seat and he has agreed to answer five questions that will make him squirm. Let's get right to it then." Sarah turned to face him.
"I'm going to regret this!" Jordan laughed.
Question No 1: Who or what inspired you to become a singer or an actor? Or both?
"My mom. She would always sing to me and sing around the house. She always told me that I had the voice of an angel and one day I would share it with the world. So I did.
"We are truly grateful! Thank you for listening to your mother-mother knows best after all. Question 2: We all know that your relationship with your father is-uh-
"Non-existent. Next question please?"
"Question 3: Your relationship with your mentor's wife has been repeatedly questioned??"
"Kyle Kinley is not only my mentor but he is my best-friend and the brother I never had. Maya and I are really close. She's like a sister to me and I don't think I need to explain any further than that. Any other insinuations are just sick."
"Question 4: Let's talk about your affair or affairs??"
"I'm not going to deny that I was a bit..unstable...when it came to relationships..but in case you didn't know I'm a married man now and very committed to my wife."
"Question 5 is kind of interlinked to four-let's talk about your rock marriage or impending divorce? Word on the street is that you and Lana are on your way to splitsville? True or false?"
"Completely false. She's actually here with me tonight."
"She is? Where?"
"Can we bring her in? If you don't mind that is?
"That's six questions! But I'm sure she won't mind. Bring her out."
"Lana Carter we know you can hear us please come out, come out where ever you are.."
"Ladies and gentlemen please help me welcome the delectable doe-eyed beauty-Lana Carter!"
Lana stepped onto the stage and Jordan stood up and kissed her on the forehead.
"None of that Carters! We want to see tongue-am I right?" The audience roared in agreement so Jordan moved in for the kill and kissed Lana breathless and then led her to the couch, where she sat next to him.
"Wow! I don't think she's going to leave you after that!"
After the interview, Jordan walked Lana back to her car and there was an awkward silence. "So-uhm-thanks for coming." He broke the ice.
"Sure." She smiled.
"I uh-need to be somewhere-so.."
"Okay sure-I'm heading out anyway. Good night." The driver opened her car door and she jumped in.
"So where to?" Jordan glanced at Blu as they sat in his Aston Martin.
"Surprise me, pretty boy." Blu winked at him.
"Surprise is my middle name, Miss Rivers." He winked back as the engine came to life.
"Someone really needs to talk to you..." Blu picked up his phone and dangled it between her fingers.
"I don't think I want to talk to her right now. She will spoil my good mood." He clutched the steering wheel and focused on the road.
"Trouble in paradise?" Blu raised an eyebrow.
"Something like that." He furrowed his brows.
"What have you done this time Carter?" She rolled her blue eyes.
"It's a long story sweets."
"Coincidentally... I've got all night to listen so you can start.." she looked at her watch, "right about now.."
"Let's wait until we get to the bar. You will need a stiff one for this."
She threw her head back and laughed. "Oh this is going to be good!" she shuffled through his iPod and put on a song. "Special dedication to you pretty boy."
The duo broke into song as they sped down the highway while his phone continued to ring in the dashboard.
So, so what?
I'm still a rock star
I got my rock moves
And I don't need you
And guess what
I'm having more fun
And now that we're done
I'm gonna show you tonight
I'm alright, I'm just fine
So, so what?
I am a rock star
I got my rock moves
And I don't want you tonight
"Sorry, my phone is ringing non-stop." Blu turned down the volume. "I don't recognize the number though-" she pressed the answer button. "Talk to me?"
"Hie Miss Rivers. I've been trying to get a hold of JC and he's not picking up.." Ryan said. "Do you mind if I speak to him real quick?"
"How do you know we're together?"
"He kind of told me he was taking you out."
"Here you go pretty boy. It's your manager." She handed it over to him.
"Can you put him on loudspeaker? I'm driving." Jordan stated the obvious.
"JC, you need to come over to Lana's apartment asap."
"The press won't leave her alone until you make a grand entrance; and prove to them once and for all, that you two are staying together."
"I don't need to prove anything-"
"Actually you do..Besides, she agreed to do the interview. I think you owe her one?"
"Fine. I'll be there in a bit."
"Use the private entrance when you get here. They have to see you and Lana leave together."
"Got it."
He turned to Blue and was about to apologize when she held up a hand. "I know. I know. It's okay pretty boy. We will do catch up another time?"
"You're the best Blue." He smiled and reached out to squeeze her hand. "I'm really sorry about this but I will make it up to you. I promise."
"You'd better pretty boy."
After Jordan dropped off Blu at her hotel he drove straight to Lana's apartment. The press was thronged outside and he couldn't understand why his life was so interesting to them. He was just a normal human being that was trying to get by and live his life. He parked his car in the underground parking area and went up the elevator that led to the living room.
Lana was sitting on the sofa with a cup of tea in her hands. Jones was looking out the windows with his hands in his pockets. Ryan was on the phone barking orders to someone.
"What's going on?" Jordan perched on the arm of the sofa, looking around.
"I'm sure you saw the chaos outside." Lana her cup on the side table.
"Tell me what you need?" He slid closer to her.
"JC, I'm glad you're here." Ryan came over and sat with them. "So this is the plan: we're going to bring one reporter into the house-no camera will be allowed of cos-then they're going to do a little tour and see that you're a resident in this here penthouse. Problem is we don't have any of your clothes and stuff in the closet or some other random stuff around the house to make it look believable."
"Then why am I here?" He frowned.
"You-and Lana will have to go into the bedroom and they have to catch you in a compromising situation as I give the reporter a tour-"
Jordan grunted his disagreement with the plan of action and lapsed into silence.
"What? Noo-" Lana shook her head in refusal, but there was no conviction in the act. "I'm not jumping into bed with him."
"Right!" Jordan scoffed. "Didn't hear you complaining when you were clawing my back and squirting in my face-"
"TMI! TMI! Really JC-you're just-argh!" Jones shouted as he covered his face.
"It's the only way. We need to distract them from the real issue at hand." Ryan elaborated. "Imagine what they would do if they walked in on you and Lana in a heated session? They wouldn't even think about venturing any further.."
"Believe me its not be pretty. I've heard you two going at it -walked in a couple of times-and you left me scarred-for life..." Jones gave them a knowing look.
"Oh gosh!" Lana turned scarlet and buried her face in Jordan's shoulder. He put his arm around her and chuckled at her embarrassment.
"I think I like your idea Ry." Jordan snickered and the snicker turned into a roar of laughter. "I'm in!"
"So let's get the ball rolling, shall we? The security is bringing the reporter up in a sec." Ryan clapped his hands with finality. "All you have to do is ruffle your hair, tumble in the sheets..I'm sure you two know the drill. Let's get going."
"Are you okay with this?" Jordan looked at her with concern as they paced around her bedroom room, not sure how to go about with the execution of Ryan's bright idea.
"Like you always say-it's nothing you haven't seen before.." She shrugged her shoulders, turned her back, and advanced towards the bed.
"I can't hear anything guys!" Ryan rapped on the door urgently. "Remember-hot and heavy!" He shouted before he walked away.
"It's just pretend right?" Cautiously he approached her and began to shed of his clothes, leaving a trail behind him, until he was left in only his Armani briefs.
"R-right.." She gulped once and passed the back of her hand over her lips. Gosh! She was drooling and he noticed.
"Like what you see Bambi?" He strutted, posed, and smirked in a highly tantalizing way. "It's still yours baby..all of this is yours.." he crept onto the bed until he was kneeling over her, "no one else's.." he whispered seductively into her ear and her heart wanted to explode.
"Do you need help with this.." He popped open the buttons of her cotton blouse and moved onto the rest of her clothes. He did it torturously slow and with deliberation. She was a hot mess and all she could do was lie there panting like a thirsty poodle. He savored every moment and took his time..teasing her-building the anticipation. He wanted her to beg for it.
"I missed you, Bambi..." He trailed his nose up and down her exposed torso eliciting a gasp from her as a delicious shiver shot through her trembling body. They got under the covers wordlessly and without coercion from either side.
She was on cloud nine when his lips finally claimed hers and her insides turned to jelly as they merged. All she could see was stars. They both forgot that this was all "pretend" as they got suspended in time and feasted hungrily on each other.
"Now Carter.." she panted with urgency. "I can't wait anymore.."
"Then take what you want baby..take it.." she reached out to him and was about to remove the last piece of clothing on his body but they were interrupted.
"And this is-oops!" Ryan deserved an Oscar. Jordan covered Lana's body with his and Ryan backed out quickly. "Maybe we should skip this part. Sorry about that guys..." He closed the door and the happy couple were totally oblivious of what was going on around them. They only had eyes for each other.
"Are you sure?" Jordan looked into her eyes as he hovered over her and she nodded. "I don't want you to regret this-"
"Less talking and more action Carter." She pulled him closer and silenced him with a smoldering kiss.
"I'm going to regret this!" Jordan laughed.
Question No 1: Who or what inspired you to become a singer or an actor? Or both?
"My mom. She would always sing to me and sing around the house. She always told me that I had the voice of an angel and one day I would share it with the world. So I did.
"We are truly grateful! Thank you for listening to your mother-mother knows best after all. Question 2: We all know that your relationship with your father is-uh-
"Non-existent. Next question please?"
"Question 3: Your relationship with your mentor's wife has been repeatedly questioned??"
"Kyle Kinley is not only my mentor but he is my best-friend and the brother I never had. Maya and I are really close. She's like a sister to me and I don't think I need to explain any further than that. Any other insinuations are just sick."
"Question 4: Let's talk about your affair or affairs??"
"I'm not going to deny that I was a bit..unstable...when it came to relationships..but in case you didn't know I'm a married man now and very committed to my wife."
"Question 5 is kind of interlinked to four-let's talk about your rock marriage or impending divorce? Word on the street is that you and Lana are on your way to splitsville? True or false?"
"Completely false. She's actually here with me tonight."
"She is? Where?"
"Can we bring her in? If you don't mind that is?
"That's six questions! But I'm sure she won't mind. Bring her out."
"Lana Carter we know you can hear us please come out, come out where ever you are.."
"Ladies and gentlemen please help me welcome the delectable doe-eyed beauty-Lana Carter!"
Lana stepped onto the stage and Jordan stood up and kissed her on the forehead.
"None of that Carters! We want to see tongue-am I right?" The audience roared in agreement so Jordan moved in for the kill and kissed Lana breathless and then led her to the couch, where she sat next to him.
"Wow! I don't think she's going to leave you after that!"
After the interview, Jordan walked Lana back to her car and there was an awkward silence. "So-uhm-thanks for coming." He broke the ice.
"Sure." She smiled.
"I uh-need to be somewhere-so.."
"Okay sure-I'm heading out anyway. Good night." The driver opened her car door and she jumped in.
"So where to?" Jordan glanced at Blu as they sat in his Aston Martin.
"Surprise me, pretty boy." Blu winked at him.
"Surprise is my middle name, Miss Rivers." He winked back as the engine came to life.
"Someone really needs to talk to you..." Blu picked up his phone and dangled it between her fingers.
"I don't think I want to talk to her right now. She will spoil my good mood." He clutched the steering wheel and focused on the road.
"Trouble in paradise?" Blu raised an eyebrow.
"Something like that." He furrowed his brows.
"What have you done this time Carter?" She rolled her blue eyes.
"It's a long story sweets."
"Coincidentally... I've got all night to listen so you can start.." she looked at her watch, "right about now.."
"Let's wait until we get to the bar. You will need a stiff one for this."
She threw her head back and laughed. "Oh this is going to be good!" she shuffled through his iPod and put on a song. "Special dedication to you pretty boy."
The duo broke into song as they sped down the highway while his phone continued to ring in the dashboard.
So, so what?
I'm still a rock star
I got my rock moves
And I don't need you
And guess what
I'm having more fun
And now that we're done
I'm gonna show you tonight
I'm alright, I'm just fine
So, so what?
I am a rock star
I got my rock moves
And I don't want you tonight
"Sorry, my phone is ringing non-stop." Blu turned down the volume. "I don't recognize the number though-" she pressed the answer button. "Talk to me?"
"Hie Miss Rivers. I've been trying to get a hold of JC and he's not picking up.." Ryan said. "Do you mind if I speak to him real quick?"
"How do you know we're together?"
"He kind of told me he was taking you out."
"Here you go pretty boy. It's your manager." She handed it over to him.
"Can you put him on loudspeaker? I'm driving." Jordan stated the obvious.
"JC, you need to come over to Lana's apartment asap."
"The press won't leave her alone until you make a grand entrance; and prove to them once and for all, that you two are staying together."
"I don't need to prove anything-"
"Actually you do..Besides, she agreed to do the interview. I think you owe her one?"
"Fine. I'll be there in a bit."
"Use the private entrance when you get here. They have to see you and Lana leave together."
"Got it."
He turned to Blue and was about to apologize when she held up a hand. "I know. I know. It's okay pretty boy. We will do catch up another time?"
"You're the best Blue." He smiled and reached out to squeeze her hand. "I'm really sorry about this but I will make it up to you. I promise."
"You'd better pretty boy."
After Jordan dropped off Blu at her hotel he drove straight to Lana's apartment. The press was thronged outside and he couldn't understand why his life was so interesting to them. He was just a normal human being that was trying to get by and live his life. He parked his car in the underground parking area and went up the elevator that led to the living room.
Lana was sitting on the sofa with a cup of tea in her hands. Jones was looking out the windows with his hands in his pockets. Ryan was on the phone barking orders to someone.
"What's going on?" Jordan perched on the arm of the sofa, looking around.
"I'm sure you saw the chaos outside." Lana her cup on the side table.
"Tell me what you need?" He slid closer to her.
"JC, I'm glad you're here." Ryan came over and sat with them. "So this is the plan: we're going to bring one reporter into the house-no camera will be allowed of cos-then they're going to do a little tour and see that you're a resident in this here penthouse. Problem is we don't have any of your clothes and stuff in the closet or some other random stuff around the house to make it look believable."
"Then why am I here?" He frowned.
"You-and Lana will have to go into the bedroom and they have to catch you in a compromising situation as I give the reporter a tour-"
Jordan grunted his disagreement with the plan of action and lapsed into silence.
"What? Noo-" Lana shook her head in refusal, but there was no conviction in the act. "I'm not jumping into bed with him."
"Right!" Jordan scoffed. "Didn't hear you complaining when you were clawing my back and squirting in my face-"
"TMI! TMI! Really JC-you're just-argh!" Jones shouted as he covered his face.
"It's the only way. We need to distract them from the real issue at hand." Ryan elaborated. "Imagine what they would do if they walked in on you and Lana in a heated session? They wouldn't even think about venturing any further.."
"Believe me its not be pretty. I've heard you two going at it -walked in a couple of times-and you left me scarred-for life..." Jones gave them a knowing look.
"Oh gosh!" Lana turned scarlet and buried her face in Jordan's shoulder. He put his arm around her and chuckled at her embarrassment.
"I think I like your idea Ry." Jordan snickered and the snicker turned into a roar of laughter. "I'm in!"
"So let's get the ball rolling, shall we? The security is bringing the reporter up in a sec." Ryan clapped his hands with finality. "All you have to do is ruffle your hair, tumble in the sheets..I'm sure you two know the drill. Let's get going."
"Are you okay with this?" Jordan looked at her with concern as they paced around her bedroom room, not sure how to go about with the execution of Ryan's bright idea.
"Like you always say-it's nothing you haven't seen before.." She shrugged her shoulders, turned her back, and advanced towards the bed.
"I can't hear anything guys!" Ryan rapped on the door urgently. "Remember-hot and heavy!" He shouted before he walked away.
"It's just pretend right?" Cautiously he approached her and began to shed of his clothes, leaving a trail behind him, until he was left in only his Armani briefs.
"R-right.." She gulped once and passed the back of her hand over her lips. Gosh! She was drooling and he noticed.
"Like what you see Bambi?" He strutted, posed, and smirked in a highly tantalizing way. "It's still yours baby..all of this is yours.." he crept onto the bed until he was kneeling over her, "no one else's.." he whispered seductively into her ear and her heart wanted to explode.
"Do you need help with this.." He popped open the buttons of her cotton blouse and moved onto the rest of her clothes. He did it torturously slow and with deliberation. She was a hot mess and all she could do was lie there panting like a thirsty poodle. He savored every moment and took his time..teasing her-building the anticipation. He wanted her to beg for it.
"I missed you, Bambi..." He trailed his nose up and down her exposed torso eliciting a gasp from her as a delicious shiver shot through her trembling body. They got under the covers wordlessly and without coercion from either side.
She was on cloud nine when his lips finally claimed hers and her insides turned to jelly as they merged. All she could see was stars. They both forgot that this was all "pretend" as they got suspended in time and feasted hungrily on each other.
"Now Carter.." she panted with urgency. "I can't wait anymore.."
"Then take what you want baby..take it.." she reached out to him and was about to remove the last piece of clothing on his body but they were interrupted.
"And this is-oops!" Ryan deserved an Oscar. Jordan covered Lana's body with his and Ryan backed out quickly. "Maybe we should skip this part. Sorry about that guys..." He closed the door and the happy couple were totally oblivious of what was going on around them. They only had eyes for each other.
"Are you sure?" Jordan looked into her eyes as he hovered over her and she nodded. "I don't want you to regret this-"
"Less talking and more action Carter." She pulled him closer and silenced him with a smoldering kiss.
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