Falling For The Bad-boy Superstar

Chapter 77:The Weakness

"Babe! Can you please come and help me choose something to wear? I can't seem to decide.." Lana sighed as she went through her wardrobe, most of the clothes were piled on the floor. She wanted to throw herself on the bed and weep with frustration.

"Hey...breathe.." Jordan put his hands on her shoulders. "Breathe baby...stop freaking out." He nodded encouragement, seeming to chuckle inwardly.

"It's not funny." She screwed up her face as she scowled at him.

"Why are you so nervous Bambi?" He drew her down on a settee and held her hands firmly.

"It's my first day at Julliard and I-I need to make an impression I guess.." she lifted her shoulders slightly.

"Why do you feel that way baby? It shouldn't matter what anyone thinks about you-except me of cos-and I think you're the most beautiful woman to ever walk the face at the earth." His eyes shone with real and ungrudging admiration.

"You're just saying that.." she pretended to pout, fidgeted in his arms and arched her neck.

"I can prove it to you.." he inclined towards her.

"Oh yeah?" As she leaned in, he smiled faintly and imprinted a kiss upon her lips.

"Totally up for the challenge sweets." He winked at her. "But you're running late as it is..so rain check?"

"Totally up for the challenge babe." She grinned.

"Then it's totally on tonight sexy. " Jordan responded; amused by the mimic.

"Good morning?! Anyone body home??" Michelle hollered.

"You called Michelle? You did this for me?" Lana clutched his shirt.

"Yes, baby. I knew that you would-" she cut him off by crushing her lips on his. Taking him by surprise.

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything?" Michelle cleared her throat.

"No-my wife was-just-uh-saying bye." Lana was smiling now, and he caught a gleam of mischief in her eyes. "And she kind off guard." He chuckled.

"You're so thoughtful babe. Thank you.." she smiled as she cupped his cheek.

"Anything for my Bambi." She took her hand and kissed it. "I've got to go-call me during your break?"

"Will do. See you later husband."

"Later baby." He kissed her one last time and made a hasty retreat.

"Well, well..it's hot in here!" Michelle fanned her face with her hands.

"I know right?" Lana giggled like she was giddy. "I'm in love Mich! I just so...happy!"

"Congratulations by the way!" Michelle broke out into a little scream and hugged Lana tightly round her neck.

"Thank you!" Lana hugged her back.

"Look at you-you're glowing! Pregnancy agrees with you." Michelle authenticated. "Let's get you ready for college-don't want you to be late on the first day."

"I'm a nervous wreck-I couldn't choose an outfit. I know I might seem dramatic but I'm going to be under the spotlight because of-"

"Your husband?"

"Yes..I feel like I'm always under constant scrutiny because I'm married to Jordan Carter and-it's so much pressure to be always looking on point-and I'm putting on weight rapidly because of this little one- nothing seems to fit anymore-then Carter's best-friend and mentor is a tutor at the school so-the pressure-gosh Mich, the pressure is too much.."

"I understand sweetie. That's why you have me." Michelle said, with smug content.

"Maybe I should call Hannah back? I'm so hopeless when it comes to things like this."

"I'll give her a call. I'm sure she will be more than happy to come back." Michelle offered.

"Would you? Thank so much Mich."

"Why don't you hop in the shower while I find your outfits for the week and then we will do your face and stuff once you're done."

"I'll be quick. Thanks again for doing this. I really appreciate it." she squeezed Michelle in a tight hug and dashed off to the bathroom.

Lana was ready in record time and Jones was waiting for her at the foot of the stairs.

"Your carriage awaits my lady." Jones bowed curtly.

"You don't need to drive me to school Jones. I can just-"

"Boss's orders. I have to drive you there or get fired."

"He would never fire you Jones!" Lana rolled her eyes.

"You under-estimate how important you are to him." Jones held the door open for her. "Jump in."

"This is really unnecessary-" Lana protested.

"Tell that to your husband," Jones advised as the car pulled off.

They arrived at campus and she jumped out before Jones had a chance to open the door for her again.

"Why did you do that?" Jones whined. "That's supposed to be my job."

"I'll call you when I'm done." She smiled and grabbed her bag as she slammed the door shut.

"Actually..Jordan will be coming to pick you up."

"Oh? Great. Then see you later Jay." She slung her bag over her shoulder and waved.

"See you later kid. Enjoy your orientation or..whatever it is that you're going to do today." He called out to her as she walked towards the entrance.

She turned the corner in the hallway, trying to locate her locker when she bumped into someone.

"Kyle! What are you doing here?" Lana was taken aback.

"Hello to you too Mrs Carter." Kyle steadied her and smiled.

"Sorry-forgot my manners." She blushed.

"Your husband was in a bit of a panic so he kind of twisted my arm to give you the grand tour," Kyle informed. Her eyes were full of questions, but he enlightened Lana no further.

"He did? I should have known." Lana sighed.

"Shall we?" He beamed and swept his hands forward dramatically.

"How's Maya?"

"She's great-I mean she has me so why wouldn't she be?" He replied with an air of conceit.

"Arrogant much?" Lana snickered.

"It is what it is." Kyle laughed.


Jordan was ambushed by reporters as he tried to get into his studio. His bodyguards had a hard time pushing through the crowd.

"JC is it true that your wife is expecting someone else's child and you're okay with it?"

"Who do you think the father is?"

"Is it true that Preston was the father?"

"She's just a cheap slut-" One of the reporters shouted out.

Jordan froze in his tracks and turned around, breathing fire. "Who said that?!"

"JC don't allow them to provoke you." Ryan tried to reason with him but to no avail.

"I did. I said your wife is a cheap-" The journalist didn't get a chance to finish off his insult, because Jordan's fist came crashing into his face.

Blood gushed out from his nose as Jordan continued to pummel him on the ground. His bodyguards pulled him away with a bit of difficulty.

"I'll thrash you till you won't see out of your freakin' eyes for a month!" He paused, looked at him angrily. "You don't ever talk about my life like that! That goes for all of you!" He pointed at them before he turned sharply and sauntered toward the open door of his building.

He was cleaning himself up when his phone vibrated in his pocket.


"While you're busy fighting reporters someone has a clear shot of your most prized possession. All I have to do is say the word.."

"You wouldn't dare.." Jordan ran out of the bathroom. He had to get to Lana-fast.

"Try me, son. I'm a desperate man and I'm taking desperate measures. Thanks to you of course."

"Leave her out of this-she's got nothing to do with this-"

"You love her, don't you? I never thought I'd see the day you cared about another human-being besides yourself."

"I learned from the best."

"If you don't give me your kidney then you will force my hand. Your wife and your baby will die along with me."

"Touch them and you're dead."

"Oh, son! I'm dead either way.."

"I will never give you my kidney-"

"Then you can kiss your wife goodbye. It's up to you son."


The line went dead and Jordan slipped his phone back in his pocket as he sprinted to his car.

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