Falling For The Bad-boy Superstar

Chapter 87:Wake Me Up When It's Over

Ryan had issued a press statement on their behalf, announcing the arrest of Alexander, the death of Linda Carter, the disappearance of Jones and finally he advised the public that Jordan was taking an indefinite break; meaning the Ultimate Fan Challenge for that year was postponed until further notice.

Jordan had personally sent a hefty check after he called Jones's family to tell them of his disappearance. Jones's wife was beside herself with worry; but Jordan told her they still had skilled professionals that were out there, searching for Jones. They were given orders not to come back until they found him. Dead or alive.

A week later Lana was still shrouded with grief. Distraught, faltering, reeling, she wandered about the house aimlessly. But in her intensity of grief, her thoughts became audible in expressed words.

"I should have tried harder to make amends with her-why couldn't I just be the bigger person-"

"It wasn't your fault baby. You tried to reach out to her so many times. Stop blaming yourself."

"It's my fault that she's dead. She was only trying to protect me."

"You need to stop guilt-tripping yourself, Lana. None of this is your fault baby."

Jordan blamed himself more than anything. After all, it was his sick, twisted father who was responsible for all the tragedy that surrounded them. He was constantly on the edge and almost reverted back to his old habits, which had certainly died hard. He just wanted to escape from all the madness-to forget-even for a short moment. So many times he was tempted to sniff few lines or smoke a joint, to help him numb the pain, but somehow he managed to suppress the urges.

The only good thing that came out of this tragedy was that the bond between Lana and Jordan was strengthened. Jordan was her crutch and she didn't want to be without him for too long. He was always close by her side, attentive and affectionate and she never ceased to tell him how grateful she was for having him in her life. She told him her darkest deepest fears and it helped her to heal.

"What would I do without you, Carter?" She would ask him, every chance she got.

"I hope WE never have to find out sweets." Was his usual response.

Their baby was out of harm's way and Lana tried to keep her stress levels down, considering her recent loss. What she was dreading was the day of the funeral wake; she didn't think she would make it through without breaking down. But, unfortunately, it had to be done and she would have to find a way to get through the terrible ordeal.

"Good morning sexy." Jordan sat at the edge of the bed and leaned forward to kiss her forehead.

"Good morning hotness." She replied, her voice husky. She sat up, stretched out her arms and tried to stifle a yawn.

"Still tired?"

"Not really..what time is it?" She leaned against the headboard and combed through her hair with her fingers.

"A little after eleven."

"Why didn't you wake me up? I've got an afternoon class babe. " She pouted. Lana decided it was better to continue to go to college as a way of distracting herself-and the fact that she had already missed out on some of her lessons.

"You looked so peaceful-and you were letting out cute little snores," he teased, "so I didn't want to wake you."

"I do not snore-"

"That's debatable-"

"Is that your phone or mine?" She looked around, trying to remember where she had left her phone.

"Why don't you go and take a bath?" Jordan suggested. "While I hunt for your phone?"

"You're the best Jordan Carter." She blew him a kiss as she shuffled her feet towards the bathroom.


"This is Detective Jackson-is Mrs Carter available?"

"Not exactly..but this is her husband-"

"Mr Carter? I've been trying to reach you."

"Oh? What's going on??"

"Your father finally confessed-everything.."


"So we're now able to release Mrs Logan's remains-"

"I'll make the arrangements for collection detective. Thank you for letting me know."

"Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with."


Jordan made all the funeral arrangements and had the remains of his mother-in-law transported back to Minnesota; where Lana wanted her to be laid to rest right next to her father.

They flew out on Friday night and had the burial on a cold and rainy Saturday morning. Lana's face was constantly buried in Jordan's chest as she wept uncontrollably. His coat was soaked with her tears but he didn't seem to mind; he kept his arm around her and comforted his wife to the best of his abilities.

When the casket was being lowered to the ground Lana tried to walk closer to the edge, but her legs gave in and she almost toppled over. Jordan caught her just on time, scooped her in his arms and carried her back to the limo, taking her straight home. He couldn't deal with another tragedy right now, it would surely break him.

He carried her straight to bed and she didn't protest. When he had tucked her in and was about to leave she reached out for his arm. "Please don't leave me, Carter. I don't want to be alone..I keep seeing her in the hotel room-it's like she was staring right at me..asking me to help her...to bring her back to life..it was was the most harrowing experience I've ever had...my worst nightmare could never compare to that.....It was revolting-ghastly and just horrible...I can't get it out of my head Carter! No matter how hard I try...I just can't-" She pulled her hair, then covered her face as she broke down again.

"I'm sorry you had to see that Lana. That you have to go through this." He stared at her helplessly. "I wish there was something I could do to help you forget-to take your pain away.."

"Stay with me..please?" She hated how clingy and needy she sounded but she didn't care.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here." He caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. "Try and get some sleep okay?"

"I need you to hold me, Carter." She pleaded. "Please hold me? Just hold me please??" She begged.

Jordan removed his clothes, leaving his boxers on, then slid under the covers, wrapping his arms around her. "We will get through this baby. I'm right here for you Lana. I'll always be here for you baby. Don't ever forget that." He kissed her softly before she snuggled up to him and fell into a fitful sleep.

Jordan was about to doze off when a tentative knock sounded at the door. He slipped quietly out of bed, careful not to wake Lana and went to check who it was. He was rubbing the sleep out of his eyes when the door swung open.

"Hie kid. Did you miss me?"

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