Falling For The Bad-boy Superstar

Chapter 89:Love Me Anyway

"Hmmmm....That masseur did things to my body.." Lana groaned as she massaged her neck, "things that I didn't know my body was capable of feeling..." She threw her handbag in the car before she jumped in the passenger seat of the SUV.

"I know right?" Maya moaned contentedly. "If I wasn't already married...the things we'd do...gosh!"

"He kneaded me and I needed him..oohhh!" Olivia sighed dramatically as all of them burst into a fit of giggles.

"Listen to you frisky women!" Lisa laughed.

"Is that the time already?" Maya glanced at her Swiss watch as she adjusted the driver's seat.

"1745? Time flies when you're having fun alright." Lisa conceded.

"Where to now?" Olivia asked casually.

"We're going to get dressed up and paint the town red!" Lisa exclaimed, a wide grin on her face.

"We will be meeting the guys for dinner and drinks later." Maya added. "Speaking of which...I need to check in with mine before he files a missing person report."

"You're right!" Lana scrambled for her handbag and dug out her phone.

"Ahhh...the joys of married life.." Lisa sighed as she shook her head.

"Actually...I wouldn't have it any other way." Lana grinned as she dialed Jordan's number.

"Ditto hun." Maya gave a high-five and winked.

"One day my prince will come.." Olivia said wistfully as she leaned back in the seat.

"A girl can only hope.." Lisa muttered as she rested her head on her friend's shoulder.


"Are you ready for this?" Kyle held Jordan on the shoulders and he nodded.

"Yes. I've never been more ready in my life." He psyched himself up.

"Nice." James patted him on the back.

"So what's the game plan?" Kyle questioned again.

"I'm just going to be spontaneous this time. I don't want to end up with egg on my face again." Jordan raked his hands through his hair nervously.

"Will you look at that?" Jones chuckled softly, "The great Jordan Carter is a bunch of nerves."

"My baby is all grown up.." Kyle pretended to cry.

"Shut up." Jordan scowled at them.

"Let's get the show on the road before lover boy gets cold feet." James clasped his hands together and grinned. "Are the girls ready for action?"

"Yeah. Maya confirmed that the blushing bride is ready for you dude." Kyle wiggled his eyebrows.

"It's going down tonight!" Jamie cracked up.

The friends walked along the sandy beach and up to the location at the top of the cliff, where James started to add the finishing touches. Everything was set. The sun was sitting on the edge of the horizon, huge and golden, like desert watch-fires; the wind was blowing gently; the view of the ocean was breath-taking and the sound of the waves beating against the rock added to the ambiance.

"I think you're all set buddie." James announced.

"So this is it...." Jordan let out an audible breath and scratched the back of his head.

"You're looking, dapper bro." Kyle winked at him. "That pale blue sweater is complimenting your eyes and your ripped jeans are showing just the right amount of flesh-she will be drooling and swooning once she sees you."

"Ky..if I didn't know for a fact that you were straight..." Jordan knotted his brows a smile playing on his lips.

"I'm trying to boost your ego, dude!" Kyle rolled his eyes. "Plus you could NEVER compete with my wife. Like EVER!"

"Whatever." Jordan snickered.

"We will leave you to it then?" Jones smiled and gave him a brief hug.

"You can go and fetch my bride now and bring her to my chambers." Jordan let out a nervous laugh. "Wish me luck."

"You don't need it. Besides, I will be here the whole time. I got you." Kyle said as they descended down the hill, leaving him all on his own.

Jordan squinted his eyes as he stood at the edge of the cliff and watched the waves as the wind tossed them back and forth. The cool breeze beat against his face and blew his hair back. He didn't hear Lana come up from behind but just felt her arms circle his waist.

She laid her head on his back affectionately, not wanting him to turn around. "Hmmm...I could stay like this forever..." She fell into the ecstasy of content that always came with Jordan's presence.

"You and I both baby.." he covered her arms with his and rested his head against hers. "But...I have other plans for you tonight.." he turned to face her.

"Carter...we cannot have sex on this cliff.." They both laughed but despite the laughter, there was a suspicious mist in her eyes.

"As tempting as that sounds-I'm afraid I'll have to decline the offer." He stepped back and intertwined their hands.

Her eyes widened in surprise. "Wow! Jordan Carter just turned down spontaneous sex..are you feeling alright?"

His laughter echoed through the wind. "Yes!"

"You're looking very beautiful Bambi." He cupped her face. "But I need to make just one little adjustment?" He put his hand behind her head and loosened her high ponytail. "You look so much better now...." he murmured, the corner of his lips tilted as he fluffed her hair.

"You're crazy Carter." She laughed softly, blushing lightly.

"So what's all this..?" her eyes traveled around the beautifully decorated landscape. Candles were encased in glass cylinders, the hill was bordered with bright fairy lights and the ground was covered ankle-deep with rose petals.

They fell into a comfortable silence as they seemed fascinated and captivated by each other all over again. They stood transfixed as their eyes seemed to communicate what their hearts were saying. Her beauty always startled him and the angelic delicacy of his face always took her breath away. They were both wondering how they got so lucky.

"Lana...you know that I love you right?"

"Carter-are you breaking up with me?"

"Can you just be quiet for a micro-second and listen??" He stipulated, exasperated.

"Sorry.." She pretended to pout, fidgeted and arched her neck.

"You know that I've always wanted us to have a do over-you know? With everything-"

"Carter I-"

"Shhh..." He put his finger on her lips and she clamped them shut.

"As I was saying...I always wanted a do-over-of-well-certain aspects of our relationship. So far I think I've covered first base pretty well-"

"Oh you sure have-" she pursed her lips again. "Sorry babe." She looked like a naughty kid, that had been caught doing something they were not supposed to be doing.

He laughed and shook his head as he continued. "Anyway...since you can't seem to shut up-maybe this will..." He said with a knowing smile.

"Are you going to kiss me now?" Her lips tingled and her face glowed, like a worm of fire in a chrysalis of ice.

"I might.." he answered, nuzzling her neck. "But first.." he lifted up his head and his blue eyes burned hers again.

"You're acting very strange Carter..." she narrowed her eyes and then wheeled around; startled when she heard the light strumming of a guitar. Her big brown eyes widened as she stared at Jordan and then back. "Oh-my-gosh!!" Her jaw dropped open. "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!"

Pink was slowly walking up the hill, guitar in hand as she began to sing; with Kyle was backing her up. Lana was taken completely by surprise and was still trying to pull herself together. Her brain couldn't comprehend what her eyes were seeing.

Even if you see my scars

Even if I break your heart

If we're a million miles apart

Do you think you'd walk away?

If I get lost in all the noise

Even if I lose my voice

Flirt with all the other boys

What would you say?

"Baby, can you focus on me for just a sec?" He looked amused, as he put his hands on her shoulders and spun her around.

"How can you expect me to focus when Pink is right there!" she whispered fiercely as she pointed with her index finger.

Could you?

Could you?

Could you love me anyway?

Is it for better or for worse

Or am I just your good time girl?

Can you still hold me when it hurts

Or would you walk away?

Even if I scandalize you

Cut you down and criticize you

Tell a million lies about you

What would you say?

"Lana...I know I'm a little late with this but..." He dropped on one knee, pulled out a black velvet box and flicked it open.

"Oh my gosh!" Lana's hands flew to cover her mouth, her gaze focused on the pink diamond ring nestled in the cushion.

"Lana Logan Carter. Will you do me the honor of-"

Suddenly she dropped to her knees and grabbed Jordan's face "Yes! Yes! Yes! In every freakin' language-yes!"

"Really? You would do this again? No pressure?" He held his breath.

"I would do this a thousand times over babe! I wouldn't change a thing!" she exclaimed. "Now it's your turn to shut up and kiss me Carter!"

Their lips came crashing together and they put into the kiss what they couldn't put into words. She drew away because she was running out of breath for more reasons than one. They clung onto each other as they let out screams of delirious laughter.

"I love you Lana Carter..you're the best thing that ever happened to me."

"And I love you Jordan Carter. You always do the sweetest things and-I just love you.." she threw her arms around him and kissed him again.

"Let's save some for later shall we?" He winked at her as he helped her to stand up.

"Congratulations-again!" Kyle ran forward and put his arms around both of them; and the rest of the crew rushed forward to offer their well wishes.

"Don't mess this up-again." Jones joked and they all cracked up.

"We can't wait to start planning your wedding!" Lisa gushed.

"And your bachelorette!" Olivia added.

"Ours will be better." Kyle cut in.

"Okay, okay...enough with the sappy stuff. Besides we all know that I'm the one that's going to plan the wedding of the century." James broke in "Let's go and celebrate!"

"Yeah!" Everyone cried in unison.

"Yeah. It's right over there." James pointed to the other end of the cliff.

"Karaoke?!" He asked Lana and she nodded eagerly.

"Oh no!" Jones grumbled as he gave himself a face-palm.

You know I want you

It's not a secret I try to hide

I know you want me

So don't keep saying our hands are tied

You claim it's not in the cards

Fate is pulling you miles away

And out of reach from me

But you're here in my heart

So who can stop me if I decide

That you're my destiny?

What if we rewrite the stars?

Say you were made to be mine

Nothing could keep us apart

You'd be the one I was meant to find

It's up to you, and it's up to me

No one can say what we get to be

So why don't we rewrite the stars?

Maybe the world could be ours


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