Falling In Love : I Love You, Today And Forever

Chapter 15: You reap what you sow

Caroline dragged her body inside her house. She was scared, tired, and lost. Just thinking about her fate made her shiver.

'Why? Why did I listen to that old woman? Why did she scheme against Noah? She should have remained loyal to him and left this nincompoop of a husband. She could have led a luxurious life and maybe he could have helped her father to redeem his business. He wouldn't even know about my marriage with Eddie Miller. It was not even registered for God's sake. Now I am dead.' She thought.

Beth and Eddie walked down the stairs as soon as they heard the front door open.

"Caroline, how is Noah?" Beth asked, sitting next to her.

"We are finished," Caroline said, looking straight ahead.

"What? What are you even talking about?" Eddie asked confused.

"He knows everything about me, about us and our plan," Caroline shouted.

"That's impossible," Beth responded in shock.

"Now I realize why he is the King of Business World. Nothing can be hidden from him." Caroline whispered. Tears were running down her face. She looked pathetic.

"That's impossible. I had planned everything carefully. Caroline, did he say something?" Beth asked, shaking the crying woman.

"He is going to come for us."

"Mom, what are we going to do?" Eddie looked at his wife's pitiful face. He never thought that their plan would backfire. He was not as cunning as his mother nor did he have any courage like Caroline. He only followed whatever was told to him. He was a scaredy-cat in fact. If someday he encountered Noah, it was definite that he would piss in his pants.

"I'll go talk to Samuel. When he gets to know about you being his son, he won't let anything happen to us." Beth stood up. It was the only option left to save their asses.

"Mom, but what about Charles?"

"That old man doesn't know anything. He still believes you are his son; let him stay in the dark. It is very easy to manipulate him." Beth said in contempt and left the house. She drove to Samuel's house in her old Volkswagen Passat.

When Beth reached the gigantic mansion, she was left in awe and amazement. She started to regret her decision of leaving Samuel. If she hadn't done so, everything would be hers. She would be the Lady of the house and her son would be the heir to the business. Now she was jealous of Samuel's wife.

'It should have been me instead of Hailey.' She thought.

Beth parked her car towards the side and walked towards the gate. The watchmen stared at her strangely. There were many men guarding the house. They were dressed in a black uniform and everyone had an earpiece. She peeked over from the gate, trying to get the watchman's attention.

"May I help you?" A guard walked to her and looked at her. She was wearing a black pleated skirt and a white shirt. The dress made her look quite young for her age.

"I need to meet Samuel Carter." She said arrogantly.

"Do you have an appointment?"

"Why would I need an appointment? Tell him Beth has come to meet him. He will understand."

The guard scoffed. He had seen many women come to the mansion to meet the Carters. Those women would be dressed in branded items from top to bottom, yet they were not allowed in. What made this woman think she would be allowed in dressed like that?

"Sorry, Mam. We cannot allow anybody inside the house without orders from my Boss. Anyway, Sir is not in the house now. Come again another day." The guard said politely. He knew he shouldn't judge people on their appearance. Who knew if she was actually acquainted with his Boss?

"I'll wait for him. Let me in."

"No, Mam. That's not possible."

"Do you not know who I am? I'll get you dismissed from your job." She screeched in anger.

"Mam. Please try to understand. We cannot allow you in." The guard was getting a headache listening to Beth's shrill voice.

At that moment, a fleet of cars arrived. The guard got alerted and pressed the button on the remote. The gates opened and the cars drove in.

Beth stared at the sleek and expensive cars in front of her.

"Samuel. Samuel." She shouted. The cars stopped at the entrance. Samuel, Hailey and Rachel got off the car in the middle.

"Samuel," Beth shouted again. This time, Samuel turned up to look, hearing someone call his name.

"Samuel." Beth waved at him.

"What is the commotion about?" He asked his guard.

"I'll enquire about it right away Sir." The guard spoke to the watchman on the earpiece. After knowing everything from him, he looked at Samuel.

"Sir, some lady wants to meet you. She says her name is Beth and that she knows you."

"Let her in." Samuel walked inside the mansion casually. Hailey and Rachel had long gone in.

"Allow her to come in." The guard said on the earpiece.

"You may go in." The watchman said politely. Beth gave him a smug look.

"Lady, please follow me." The guard said to her when she arrived at the entrance. She had to walk for a long time to reach the entrance. It was quite far from the gate. She could have used her car, but her broken car only made her look poor. So, she didn't want to humiliate herself. Her mind was blown away by the extravagance of the mansion. It was surrounded by a beautiful garden with a variety of flowers. There was a beautiful fountain in the front and a white gazebo on her further right. The mansion was nothing less than a castle, extravagant, magnificent, and beautiful. There was so to take in. Looking at her surroundings she had only one thing in mind. 'This place is a palace.'

She plodded inside the mansion, looking around her. It was more beautiful than the outside. She immediately shut her mouth when she realized her mouth was open. She hastened her steps and went after the guard. Occasionally, she would peek around, taking in the grandeur of the place.

Beth was so engrossed in her thoughts she didn't realize that the guard had stopped walking. She bumped right into him. She immediately took a step back, embarrassed. She slowly looked up to see Samuel sitting on the sofa like a glorious King. His aura was too powerful for her to withstand, yet he looked quite serene. Nobody was present in the hall except them. The guard had left them alone.

Samuel cleared his throat. "How may I help you, Mrs. Miller?"

His voice made Beth wince. She realized that although they had a past, she was just a stranger to him now.

"I came to talk about something important." She replied hoarsely. Her throat was too dry. She had to struggle to squeak the words out.

"What is it about?"

"I want to tell you about our son."

"Are you talking about Eddie Miller?" Samuel was aggrieved. When she did not want him, she did not even reveal about her being pregnant with his child. Now she wants to get to him back using their son. That was something he would never accept.

"Do you know about him?" She asked perplexed.

'Maybe he found out himself. That's good then. I wouldn't have to work hard to convince him.' She reasoned in her mind.

"Yes. I know about him." Samuel spoke calmly. There was no change in his expressions. But if she had looked closely, she wouldn't have missed the look of disdain.

"Then help us. His life in danger."

"Why would his life be in danger and by whom?"

Beth remained silent. How could she say Noah was out to take revenge on her family. If she said so, then she would be openly admitting to her being involved in conspiring Noah's recent attack.

"Is it by my son, Noah?" Beth nodded at Samuel's question. She couldn't evade it even if she wanted to.

"Why would Noah try to hurt your son? Did Eddie do something to him?"

"What are you saying? Eddie did nothing of that sort. I think Noah feels threatened by Eddie's presence. Eddie is your first son, so legally he is your heir." Beth was so absorbed in cooking up a story that she did not notice Samuel had addressed Eddie as her son, not theirs.

Samuel looked at her, his eyes squinting dangerously.

"Look, Mrs. Miller. I don't know what your son did to my son and I am not going to interfere in this problem. They are old enough to take care of it themselves. And remember this, I only have two children: Noah Allen Carter and Rachel Carter."

Samuel got up to leave, but he couldn't. Beth started to grovel in front of him.

"Please Samuel. I beg you. He is our son."

Hearing about his son, Samuel's heart melted a little. However, he knew this was all a facade. Her son was just like her. He couldn't risk trusting them. Who knew when they will start retaliating again?

"Noah is my only son. It was like that in the past and it will be the same in the future. Eddie lost the status of being my son the day he conspired against Noah with you." Samuel shouted. He would never forget that he had almost lost his son because of them.

Samuel kicked her ruthlessly and walked away from her. He stopped after a while and turned to look at the wretched woman.

"You know there is a saying." He scorned. "You reap what you sow."

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