Falling In Love : I Love You, Today And Forever

Chapter 19: Assistant to the rescue

"Does she care about me?" Noah pondered. His mood brightened up by the mere thought of it. That means he can start his plan; the sooner, the better.

Aria took a look at Noah's grandfather. She knew how hard it was to be the patriarch of the most powerful and influential family. There were enemies lurking around them waiting for their downfall. She sympathized with Noah, he had to constantly put on a fight to stay in power. In this world, those who had power were held at the highest position by all the people. So, there were many power-hungry wolves disguised as sheep around him, plotting to ruin him.

Noah silently finished the food in the box thinking about Aria. He took a peek at her, she looked spaced out. He kept staring at her, admiring her beauty. She was so beautiful that he wished to lock her up, away from the eyes of all lecherous men.

Ian walked in looking at the two in front of him. Aria was lost in thoughts, while Noah was gazing at her, his eyes oozing out immense tenderness. It was quite a rare sight for Ian to see. He had never seen such a gentle look on Noah's face before.

Aria was immediately broken off her trance when she heard a throat clearing beside her. Noah continued to look at her, not caring about the disturbance.

"Dr Davis." Aria saw Ian smirking with his hands in his coat's pockets.

"I must say Aria you are quite incredible. You made the great Noah eat." Ian said looking at the empty bento box in Noah's hand.

Aria didn't know what to say. She awkwardly tucked her loose hair behind her ear. "If you'll excuse me." She proceeded towards the door.

"Umm.. Aria, what time is your flight tomorrow?"

"It is at eleven in the morning."

"Call me as soon as you land," Ian said, nodding his head.

Aria face slapped herself when she heard Ian.

"What happened?" Ian asked, alarmed. Aria's actions had shaken Noah's intense gaze on her.

"I completely forgot. I don't have a phone. I was quite busy yesterday and today. I didn't have time to buy one." Aria pouted. It was almost 9 p.m. and there was still time for her shift to end. She was making up for reporting late to work. By the time she finishes, all the shops would be closed. She could ask Ivy to buy one, but she didn't want to trouble her. She already had a lot on her plate.

"I guess, I'll have to buy one tomorrow."

Aria's words made Noah guilty. It was his fault that she did not have a phone. An idea popped in his head. Although she had declined his offer to buy her a phone, it was only correct if he bought her one. He picked up his phone on the table and sent his assistant a text.

"Make sure you do that," Ian said. He had seen Noah's little movement from the corner of his eyes. He knew what Noah was up to.

"Have you had your dinner yet?" Ian asked.

"No. What about you?"

"No. Do you want to accompany me?" Ian took a look at Noah. His face had turned dark. Ian could practically see fire being emitted from his eyes and nose.

"Sure. Dr. Davis."

Aria's words further heightened his rage. He knew they were just friends and they were only being courteous. Yet, he could not control his jealousy.

"I'll come with you too." He spoke, rendering the other two speechless.

"But you have already had your food, right?" Ian pointed to the box in Noah's hand.

"That does not mean I cannot give you company. Anyway, I haven't seen the canteen in the hospital. I can take a look at it. I am bored of being in my ward." Noah was not wrong. Ian had forbidden him from moving around until he recovered. Now, he felt completely fine. So, he could move around right?

Ian raised an eyebrow. He realized Noah was jealous. It was written all over his face.

After ten minutes, the trio were waiting for the food at the canteen counter. Ian and Aria were discussing things related to the conference which Noah could not understand. So, he started to look at his surroundings. The canteen was fairly clean. They had a wide range of dishes, taking into account the health of the patients as well as the staff and the visitors. The food was good too; he had been eating it since he gained consciousness. He found it quite tasty. His eyes landed upon some women, who were occasionally looking at him and talking in whispers.

When his eyes met theirs, the women drooled. He glared at them until they turned to look away in embarrassment. However, one woman amongst them continued to leer at him. She looked vaguely familiar to him, yet he couldn't recognize her.

"Here's your order. Chicken rice for Dr. West and egg fried rice for Dr. Davis." The chef chirped.

Aria thanked the old lady and took her tray. Ian followed suit. They walked to a table at the farthest end of the canteen and sat down. Noah followed them. He kept glancing at Aria without her knowledge.

Noah tried initiating a conversation with Aria. His attempts were futile as she replied to his questions in a few words and continued her discussion with Ian. After a few more tries, he gave up.

"So, we are going to meet after a week." Ian changed the topic looking at Noah's bored expression. Noah's head turned to look at her so fast that it was a miracle that he did not get a whiplash.

"What? Aria will be gone for a week. Why didn't anybody tell me about it?" Noah glowered at Ian.

"We have been talking about the conference for almost half an hour now." Aria looked at him strangely.

"How would I know? You were talking all medical terms that I haven't even heard of."

"Is there a problem?" Ian blinked his eyes thrice.

"No. It's just that... Um... I... That.." Ian was trying to control his laughter looking at Noah stutter. Joshua missed such a good show. It was a scene worth watching.

"Excuse me." A woman's voice sounded from beside Noah. All the three lifted their eyes to see a woman dressed in a short, black dress. It was the same woman, who Noah felt to have seen before.

"Hey, Noah. It's me Mia, Mia Stevenson." She introduced with a big smile. She had long, blonde hair and a very attractive face. Her eyes were smeared with a thick line of eyeliner. Her lips were painted strawberry pink and her dress was too low revealing her cleavage. In short, her attire was not suitable for a hospital environment. Rather, it looked like she was out to seduce someone.

Mia batted her eyelashes at Noah.

"Do I know you?"

Mia's face flushed red in uneasiness. She did not expect Noah to ask her who she was on her face.

"Yes. We were classmates in college."

Aria and Ian sat quietly, taking in their conversation.

"Is it? I don't remember you."

"Oh. That's fine. May I join you guys?" Mia said finally glancing at Ian and Aria.


"No." Aria and Noah said together.

Mia's eyes widened. She wanted to sit with Noah, but he rejected her at once.

"Please. Join us." Ian said, trying to ease the awkwardness.

The table they had chosen was meant for four people. Noah and Ian were sitting on one side. Mia sat on the only chair available beside Aria. She was directly facing Noah.

"I am Mia Stevenson." She smiled at Aria and Ian.

"Dr. Aria West."

"Dr. Ian Davis."

"Nice to meet you guys." Mia nodded her head and turned to Noah.

"I heard about you, Noah. I wanted to meet you. But your guards blocked me from entering the ward."

Noah rolled his eyes. Seeing Noah silent, Mia leaned on the table, the action causing her dress to lower further. Her voluptuous breasts were on full display to Noah. Ian coughed seeing Mia's boldness. His ears became red at once.

"Miss Stevenson, what are you doing here?" Aria questioned. She frowned on seeing Mia flash her boobs. She saw how Mia's little stunt had made the two men extremely uncomfortable. She felt disgusted and had an intense repulsiveness towards her as soon as she had seen her. However, she still tried to ease the situation.

"My friend is admitted here; she had an accident. I came to visit her. I was with her till now. It was already late. So, I thought of having dinner in the hospital canteen."

"Is it?"

Mia's story didn't actually make sense. The visiting hours had ended almost two hours back. Yet, nobody exposed her lie, saving her some face.

"I am done." Aria picked up her plate and got up to leave.

"Me too." Ian stood up. "Noah, why don't you give your friend company? You have met each other after a long time."

"No. My assistant is coming to meet me. I have some work to do."

Mia pouted. "Please, Noah. It's been quite long since we last met. Stay for some time."

At that moment, Noah's phone rang. It was a call from his assistant. Noah took a sigh of relief. His assistant had saved him today. He could have given Mia a cold shoulder like he usually did, but he did not want Aria to consider him rude.

"Come to the canteen." Noah gritted his teeth without waiting for the other person to respond.

"Yes, Boss."

"Wait a minute, Aria. My assistant will be here in a moment. I need to give you something." Noah stopped Aria and Ian.

Noah's assistant, Shane White, had been working for him since Noah took over the business.

He had been Samuel's assistant for three years before that. Although he was older than Noah by six years, he was utterly scared of him. He knew of his identity of being the Underworld Leader. He had also seen him torture the living hell out of his enemies. As of now, he was taking care of Noah's work at the office until his discharge from the hospital.

Shane came inside the canteen huffing. As soon as he had received Noah's call, he dismissed all his work and rushed over to finish his orders.


"You got what I asked?"

"Yes, Boss." Shane took out a small paper bag and handed it to Noah.

"This is for you." Noah pushed the bag towards Aria.

"For me? What is it?"

"Open it."

Aria opened the bag and took out a box. She could guess what it was just by taking a look at the print on the front. It was the latest model of the iPhone mobile.

"Noah I can't accept this."

"Why Aria? It was because of me that your phone got destroyed. It is only fair of me to get you one."

"But it is too expensive, I can't take it."

"Aria if you have forgiven me for my mistake, please accept it." Noah turned to Ian to convince her to accept it.

"Yes Aria. Take it. It will save you a trip to the mobile store."

Aria stared at Noah's hopeful face and sighed.

"Alright. I'll take it. Thank you. But, it is too expensive compared to my previous phone. So, I'll get you something in return from London. I promise."

"I'll look forward to it." Noah smiled at her. His plan had been successful and he had taken a step closer to her heart.

"Now, I'll get going."

"I'll come with you."

"Me too."

The three of them had completely ignored the woman sitting with them.

"Bye Miss Stevenson."

"Goodbye Miss Stevenson."

Mia flashed a forced smile at Ian and Aria and looked at Noah expectantly. She did not care about them. She was only interested in Noah.

Noah did not even take a glance at the unwanted woman and walked away with his assistant.

The moment he was out of sight, Mia's face darkened. Jealousy filled her heart. She had had a crush on Noah since college days. However, she could not even get close to ten meters near him. He was that aristocratic noble she couldn't even dream of meeting. As soon as she heard about him being hospitalized, she had come to meet him, especially dressed in a sexy dress to seduce him.

She couldn't even approach him because of the high protection around him, let alone seduce him. She had to wait for a long time, when an opportunity presented itself. She had seen Noah go towards the canteen with Ian and Aria. Though he was being guarded by keepers in secret, he was easily approachable this time. She had taken up the opportunity to talk to him, only to be ignored.

She was filled with immense hatred towards Aria as she had stolen her chance to be with Noah. She could see Noah's budding feelings for Aria in his eyes. It was as clear as day. Now she had to stop it before it was too late. So, she started plotting in her mind to get rid of Aria.

"Noah. You are only mine. Mine alone."

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