Falling In Love : I Love You, Today And Forever

Chapter 45: Divide the assets equally

"Uncle Ian." Violet ran to him as soon as she saw him walking towards her in the hospital corridor.

"Hey Violet. How are you, sweetheart?" Ian picked her up at once, while he greeted John who was with her.

"I am good, Uncle," Violet replied, giving him a peck.

"Good girl." Ian smiled at her. He carried to her grandfather's ward. He made her sit on the chair outside.

"Wait here with Uncle John, sweetheart. I'll be right back." He then handed her a candy that he had in his coat pocket.

"Okay Uncle," Violet said, removing the wrapper of the chocolate.

"Take care of her. I'll take a look at Mr. Litner's situation." Ian said to John, receiving a small nod in return from him.

"How's the condition of the patient, doctor?" Ian asked the doctor who was handling Norman Litner's case. She was the same doctor whom he had seen the previous day.

"His condition isn't any good, Dr Davis. His cancer has advanced to the third stage. We need to start the treatment as early as possible to save him." The doctor replied sadly.

"Then what are we waiting for, doctor?"

"Dr. Davis, we need to do a bone marrow transplant to save him. The problem is we don't have a matching donor. I have checked with all registered donors."

Ian understood at once. It was difficult to find a donor with at least 5 of 10 HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigens) markers.

"What could be the solution doctor?"

"As far as possible, it's his family who might be a match."

"Are you talking about Violet?"

The female doctor replied with a yes. "But Violet's blood type does not match with his. I have got it checked."

Ian thought for a while. "How about we start with the chemotherapy? Maybe we can find a donor by then."

"Yes doctor. I have thought the same. So, I have scheduled his first chemo session next Monday. If he can handle that stage, then we can progress with the treatment.

"Okay doctor. Thank you for your work."

Ian left the room and walked to the people waiting for him outside the ward.

"Excuse me, Mr. John. I need to have a word with you in private." Ian tilted his head towards his left.

"Violet stay here okay," John said kneeling in front of her, before standing up to leave.

"Okay Uncle."

"Yes doctor. How is his condition?"

"The cancer cells have spread and he is almost in his third stage."

"How is it possible? Till yesterday, it was in the second stage." John said in despair.

"We had not received his reports yesterday. We had only made assumptions on his physical conditions."

John sighed. He did not know what to do now. "So, what is the next step?"

"We have to do a bone marrow transplant. But we are unable to find a matching donor. So, as of now we are going to start with the chemotherapy."

"What kind of donor do you want? Does their blood type need to match?"

"Nope Mr. John. There are other criteria that have to match for the transplant to take place."

"Then, you can test my blood. Maybe, it might match."

"We could do that. But chances are less. Usually, the match is found within the family, like siblings or children. Do you know any other relatives of Mr. Litner?"

"Not that I know of." John scratched his head, thinking.

"Let's see what we can do. We still have hope until chemo sessions. And I have another request. When the chemotherapy starts, I hope you do not bring Violet anywhere near her grandfather. It is for her own good."

"I understand." John agreed. He knew the little child could not bear to watch the painful treatments. She was too young for that.


Two hours later.

John was standing in front of Mr. Litner, along with the lawyer he had requested to meet. They looked at his pale face and fragile body. They had never expected that the once energetic man would be lying sick in the hospital's bed.

"Hello, Elijah," Norman spoke. His voice was hoarse and soft, merely a whisper.

"Hello Mr Litner. How are you feeling?" Elijah said, giving him a small smile.

"I am good, Elijah. I hope John has told you about why I wanted to meet you."

"Yes. He told me that you wanted to write your will."

"Yes. I want all my properties and belongings to be equally divided between my granddaughter, Violet and my son, Sebastian."

"But Mr Litner." John interrupted.

"I know John. We do not know if Sebastian is alive or dead. But my heart is unable to accept that he is dead."

The two standing in front of him sighed. They knew how stubborn he was. Yet they also knew, it was impossible to find a person who had been missing for almost twenty-six years. They didn't even know if he was alive or dead and if he was alive how he looked now.

"I have written about how my assets will be divided in a grey file and it is in my safe. John will give it to you. I want you to prepare the papers."

"Okay. Mr Litner." Elijah could only accept his requests.

"Thank you so much. And John, where is Violet?" Norman turned to look at John.

"She is outside with one of the doctors. She is fine."

"Take care of her after I am gone."

"Mr. Litner, don't say something like that. You'll survive this." John said, holding his hands.

"Okay. Okay. Now both of you get out. I want to take some rest." Norman closed his eyes, leaving no option for them, other than to leave the room.

John looked at Violet, giggling at something Ian had told her as soon as he exited the room.

"I pity that young child. She lost her parents and now grandfather has cancer. She has had such a miserable life at such a young age."

"Yes. I just hope her grandfather makes it and I would be definitely happy if her uncle returns to the family." Elijah added. But both of them knew that the latter was quite impossible. Yet, there was nothing wrong in hoping.

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