Falling In Love : I Love You, Today And Forever

Chapter 594: Final target location

"You have got to be kidding me!" Noah almost shouted on the phone as he continued to discreetly keep an eye on Jared.

Even though Joshua had him covered, he still wanted to make sure that he was available in case Maggie were to fall into danger. Jared was never a man to be trusted and he did not intend to risk Maggie's life by believing the lunatic to not hurt her, physically, emotionally.

Taking turns, he and his team had been following Jared's car, making it seem a coincidence, completely fooling the oblivious Jared. From the looks, he realized that Maggie herself too had not discovered their presence and Noah desired to keep it that way lest the monster beside her started suspecting something.

"Not at all," Ian answered as he watched Valerie and her team taking action immediately. Though he too wanted to accompany them, he realized the consequences of him doing so, especially when there was media in the crowd, capturing all that was happening, live. And involving in this would only put him into scrutiny from not only the public but from Jared as well.

So, he stayed in his car, allowing Valerie and her friends to find the man who was here to kill people while he placed a call to his friend to inform of him the newfound information.

"How vile is that man to target hospitals again!!" He barked, startling Ronnie who was driving beside him. Although it was not the first time he was hearing his Boss's furious shouts, this time, it sounded more vexed and demonic and he discerned the reason for it.

"I need men, Noah. I do not know which hospitals are on his list. But I presume he intends to target mine too?"

"Which one? Regal Medical Hospital or Royal Medical Hospital?" Noah frowned and looked at the car behind him, his eyes turning murderous immediately.

Every time he watched Jared, he had the intense urge to kill him, and given his marksmanship, he was certain that he could kill him easily. But the thought of the unknown target locations kept him still. Now that he had gained the information, all he had to do was wait for his men to secure the places and catch hold of Jared's men before they actually completed their part of the plan. Jared would then be his prey.

"Maybe both. Jared's enmity with you and me might have provoked him to target my hospital too and I cannot allow him to do so. I need our men Noah."

"I have the Team Alpha and Team Charlie with me. You can use Team Tango."

Ian smiled as soon as he saw one of Valerie's friends whose name he kept confusing with the other man's name, subduing Jared's men and stopping him from executing the plan here.

"Thanks. Will you give them orders right away? I hope we can stop this deadly attack right on time." Ian sighed as he observed how Valerie and her friends shielded him from the public's eye while they brought him towards their car, making Ian frown in displeasure. But he had no idea why.

"We will, Ian. We will. Jared just has a few more minutes of his life before he will leave this world for sure. I will inform the team of your plan."

"I will call you later. We have captured one of Jared's men." Ian ended the call, and his frown deepened when Ryder opened the door behind and pushed his victim inside before taking the seat beside him while Preston took the other side, completely trapping him from escaping.

"Deputy?" Ian gave her a questioning look, one which had the woman return an apologetic look of her own.

"I apologize, Dr. Davis. I do not trust the police who are stationed here for we never know they might be working for our enemy and it would take some time for the officers from Intelligence to get here. I decided to bring him along with me while I phone in my colleagues and ask them to assemble at our next location."

Valerie noticed the solemnity on Ian's face and her expression went downcast. Though she realized the risk she had taken by not asking his choice beforehand, she still expected him to understand her, only to find him completely not having the same thoughts as hers.

"I am sorry, Dr. Davis. I should have asked your opinion before making this decision.

Ian gave her a blank look. Though he still did not appreciate the criminal sitting in his car and staining the air around him, he understood her concerns.

"No need to call your colleagues, Deputy. I will give orders for our men and they will take care of him." Ian gestured towards the man behind him, who had not once spoken a word. His mouth had been gagged and his hands were cuffed. Other than him struggling to move around, there was nothing much he could do.

The coldness in his voice startled Valerie, and she realized how much he loathed having a criminal in his car. But something in her mind kept nagging her which she could not comprehend and she gave him a confused look, one that Ian ignored.

"I am sorry, Doctor. I really am." She apologized, this time sincerely and Ian's stance softened, unlike her two friends who just stared at her in shock.

"I understand, Deputy. You do not have to apologize for it. It's just that I have severe resentment towards men like these and I prefer to keep them a few meters away from me."

Ian had no idea why he was even giving her an explanation. Maybe it was her apologetic and guilty expression that made him soften his heart or maybe it was his intentions alone to make it clear to her how much he disliked the current setting.

Any which way, this was the truth. He despised people like Jared and men like him and he preferred to stay far away from them. Even at the base, it was always his men who followed his orders, and never did he touch them personally and dirty his hands.

"I am sorry once again."

"Apology accepted. Now, shall we leave? We have our next location to cover and if I am not wrong, my men would have already secured the place and captured the man we want."

Ian gave the criminal behind him a hard stare, making him shudder before she drove towards the next location he had in mind.

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