"What do you say now, Noah? Do you believe me now?" Shane smirked, reveling in Noah's agony. "How long had I been to see this expression from you?" He mused and let out a hearty and satisfied laugh.

"Don't you think Rachel is poor and unfortunate to have a brother like you?" He clicked his tongue the moment the video ended. "She has to bear the consequences of being your sister."

"Shane, don't go too far." Noah gnashed his teeth. Images of his wounded sister kept flashing through his mind. Even though the video was short, he had seen the state Rachel was in. Her left cheek was swollen and she had no consciousness. She was not even aware of her surroundings, neither did she know the danger she was in.

Since childhood, Rachel had been the most pampered in her family. Everyone doted on her and being the only girl in their group, both Joshua and Ian too treated her well. Even though they bullied her and teased her, it was all out of the love they had for her. Never had they hurt her anyway, let alone slap her until her cheeks were swollen. Just a small wound on her was enough to send the three men crazy.

Now that his beloved sister lay unconscious and in the hands of the traitor, Noah could not control his fury and he held Shane by his shirt's collar, pulling him with him.

"How dare you touch my sister!! I am going to kill you. You bastard." He roared and even before Shane could grasp what was happening, Noah punched him in the face. 

Shane was unprepared and he stumbled on his feet, his head swirling due to the sudden punch. But he did not even have the to prepare for the next attack. Noah did not allow him to breathe, punching him as he let out his anger and pain.

Noah was beyond annoyed and he did not stop punching the man he had once trusted. He could still not decipher where things had gone wrong and why Shane had decided to betray him. He kept punching until Shane's cheeks and lips were swollen and blood started to trickle down his chin.

Instead of retaliating and defending himself, Shane took in all the blows with a smile. He licked his lips, savoring the taste of his blood before he spat a mouthful of blood. A sudden punch from Noah almost knocked him down and he saw stars due to the impact.

"I now understand why people fear you, Noah." He smiled and wiped the blood off his lips. "You sure uphold your name as the ruler of the Underworld."

Although Shane's words seemed to be a compliment, both Noah and Ronnie perceived the tone of mockery he had used and they immediately understood what he was trying to do. Shane was trying to rile him up for reasons they could not discern. All they could do was wait for the traitor to slip up and give away his plan.

"By the way, why did you stop punching me, Noah?" Shane tilted his head in confusion, even though his eyes said otherwise. They were filled with evilness and provocation and another emotion that Noah could not make out. It was as though he was challenging him intentionally, waiting for him to harm him again.

"Wait a minute!" Shane stopped speaking and pretended as though he was thinking to himself. "Did I forget to tell you that every punch you bestow upon me is being counted?" He smirked but it came out as a grimace, the pain in his jaws making it impossible for him to smile properly. He coughed lightly and ran his tongue on his teeth.

"And it will be your sweetheart or your sister who will on the receiving end." He chortled as soon as he saw Noah glower at him. "Every strike of yours will be returned twice on the two women who hold dear to you. So think twice before you even harm me."

"Don't you dare!!" Noah threatened him but all he got was a shake of his head in return."

"Why wouldn't I? I have finally got the opportunity to defeat the great Noah. Why shouldn't I grasp it? By the way," Shane stepped forward and smiled to himself. "I did not know that your darling girl had gone to Jared until I came here. Jared would be thrilled to know about it. Don't you think so? I should inform Jared about it."

"You..." Noah pulled him by his shirt, his eyes narrowing dangerously.

"Ah, ah, ah, I suggest you let me go right away. Otherwise, you know what the consequences of irking me would be." He tapped on Noah's arms and the man reluctantly let him go.

"Intelligent boy." Shane dusted off his shirt and tapped his gun on his forehead while he walked around Noah, pushing Ronnie away from him in the meanwhile. "I presume you asked a question before which is yet to be answered."

Shane stood right behind Noah and watched the man in front of him in envy. Not only did he have a noble birth, he even had almost everything that Shane could not even dream about. He also had a beautiful and smart girlfriend. Noah's life was the life of his dreams and he could not help but envy him for having received everything without even him having to try anything to obtain it.

"Would you mind repeating your question?" Shane kicked Noah on his shin the moment he finished speaking and Noah dropped to the ground with a groan.

"Boss," Ronnie shouted on seeing Noah kneel. Even the other men who had not dared to breathe rushed on seeing their Boss groaning in pain.

"Stay back," Shane growled. "You do not want your Boss losing his leg, do you?" He threatened and the next instant, all the men stopped moving. 

"Boss," Ronnie watched helplessly.

Noah shook his head at Ronnie who almost was on the verge of crying on seeing the man who saved him in such a miserable state. He could not see Noah being kicked and beaten and he averted his gaze away from him immediately, despair and agony filling his heart.

"How heart touching!! Your men sure respect and admire you. I was almost moved by their loyalty towards you."

Shane walked forward and looked at the man kneeling in front of him. "This feels nice, isn't it? How long I waited to see this day. Or should I say this night?" He pondered and squatted beside Noah.

"I am still waiting for you to speak, Noah." he placed the gun under Noah's chin and raised his face to make him meet his eyes. "What was your question?"

"Why did you do this, Shane?" Noah's voice held pain. The pain of his trusted man deceiving him and for a moment, Shane forgot why he was even here. 

But he came out of his stupor quickly and he stood up, clearing his distracting thoughts immediately.

"Because of what you did to me my brother, Noah."

"Brother?" Noah frowned, not understanding who he was referring to. "Who?"

"Mason Smith."

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