Falling In Love : I Love You, Today And Forever

Chapter 612: Rescue Mission - Part 1

Joshua, Daniel and a few of their men drove towards Rachel's house as they kept their eyes around them. They were still in denial to think that Jared and Shane had hidden Rachel in her house. She was right nearby and it had taken a lot of time for them to track her, and just the mere thought was enough to rile up the two men.

"Park the car right here. We do not want to alert the men of our arrival." Joshua gestured for Daniel to stop as soon as they reached the locality where Rachel stayed. 

Although it was closer to Noah's mansion, it was considerably isolated and Joshua wondered how the men were able to pass through the security. But he got his answer as soon he reached the gates. There was no security nearby and the gates to the locality were wide open, allowing anyone to enter.

"These people had come prepared." He mumbled under his breath as he waited for Daniel to park the car.

"We will have to be careful from now on and make sure no innocent is hurt in this." Joshua frowned and stared at the manor where Rachel had moved into recently. He narrowed his eyes, sighing lightly as he pulled out his gun and checked its condition before he handed another to Daniel who had his eyes fixed on the manor.

"Do you know how to use a gun?" He queried as he stared at the man beside him, who just nodded at him before he focused on the manor again.

"I do. Dad thought to me. Apparently, he believes that I need to be prepared for all sorts of situations." 

"Good preaching. It will come in handy today." Joshua handed him the gun and observed him handling it with expertise. 

Giving him an appreciative nod, Joshua got out of the car with Daniel following suit, and the two men waited for the others to assemble before them. Fortunately for them, there were not many people in the path they had parked their cars. So, they did not gain any attention from anyone except for the old lady who was taking a late-night walk with her dog.

Even though she saw such a large crowd, she ignored them just like her dog, who did not even bark on seeing them here. It was as though it knew their character well and deemed them to be here on good purpose.

Joshua's countenance changed as soon as he left his car. While the men were accustomed to his sudden switch in personalities, it was Daniel who gave him a surprised look. To him, Joshua had become an entirely different man. Gone was the playful man. He was now replaced by a blood-thirsty beast who was ready to hunt all his enemies down. 

Daniel shivered at his dark aura. But he came out of his stupor as soon as he realized that Joshua was staring at him questioningly. He shook his head when Joshua raised a brow at him and forced his thoughts out of his mind. Their priority was to save Rachel and they had to stay focused until the end of the mission.

Dismissing all his other thoughts, Daniel stood beside Joshua, waiting for him to give out the orders, watching in awe the way the men respected him even though he was only meeting them for the first time.

"We will be dividing into two groups. Group A will follow me from the front and they will try to take care of all the captors while Group B will enter from the back door." Joshua ordered and ran his eyes around, trying to find a suitable candidate who could lead the second group.

Joshua understood that Daniel was not in the state to take the lead. He had no experience in it. Moreover, his men too would not be comfortable with someone they did not know much leading them. So, he had to find someone capable and suitable and one who knew how to lead others.

Joshua's eyes immediately stopped moving when they fell on Tim and surprise flashed through them on seeing him here.

'Will Tim be able to lead the group?' He wondered and bit his lip before he decided to trust him on this. 

"Tim will lead Group B and Daniel here," Joshua pointed to the man beside him and nodded lightly. "will follow Group B. Does anybody have any objections?"

Nobody spoke a word as they waited for his next set of orders. Among them, Tim was the only one surprised. He had never expected Joshua to trust him to handle this mission and he gaped at him without blinking. But all he got from him was a curt nod and he beckoned him.

"Our mission is to save Rachel. But you are allowed to kill the captors if you deem necessary. We do not know how many people are inside the manor. Make sure to stay alert and stay safe. Any questions?"

Again nobody responded to him and Joshua discerned their silence to be their acceptance.

"Good. Group A follow me and Tim," He stared at him to take charge and Tim took over immediately, taking this opportunity to return the favor he owed to Noah.

"Group B, let's cooperate to rescue Miss Carter and end this game right here." His voice had changed and from his countenance, many people saw how serious was he on this. Nobody doubted his abilities and they were only glad to be led by him. While some men in the group had their doubts, they kept it to themselves, believing him this once to see if he was really trustworthy.

Joshua led one group towards the front door, making sure to keep a look around him for any residents while Tim led the other group towards the backdoor. They had no idea how many people were guarding Rachel's house. But they were prepared and even before Tim and his men could jump over the fence running around the garden, they heard the sound of a gunshot resonating in the air.


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