"What's the status, Joshua?" Noah queried as he and Kaito continued to chase Jared, keeping a watch out for Aria and Ivy. He was now close and he could feel his heart thumping in fear and worry. It was as though Aria was somewhere close to him and he would soon be reaching her.

Noah was still in disbelief to think that Aria and Ivy had escaped his sight and had reached Jared and Maggie before him. But it was not impossible considering how the path they were on had a lot of connecting routes and considering how Ivy was familiar with situations like these, he had an inkling as to who was behind the wheel.

"We rescued Rachel. Do not worry." Joshua assured him as he sat on the passenger seat while he continued to monitor Noah, Aria and Jared's car. He was done solving one problem and they now had another and a huge one at that to face.

"Thank you so much." Noah breathed in relief. "How is she?"

"Weak but fine. She was drugged when we found her." Joshua stated and Noah held onto the phone, his fury ready to erupt like a blazing volcano. "She is fine now. Don't worry."

Joshua looked behind and smiled on seeing the scene. Rachel was sleeping soundly as she hugged Daniel, seeking more comfort and assurance. 

"I would have handed over the phone to Rachel if she was awake." He sighed and turned his gaze back on his laptop on his thigh.

"Where are you now?"

"We are heading home. Daniel is with her and he will take care of her." Joshua assured and stared at the laptop screen, his eyes narrowing dangerously when he realized the path Jared was going on. If he followed the same route, they would soon be reaching a private harbor.

"He better. Otherwise, I will skin him alive." Even though he trusted Daniel to take good care of Rachel, he could still not help but worry for his dear sister and the words left his lips even before he could control himself.

But Joshua was too focused on his laptop to perceive his words. He kept silent for a second before his eyes flashed and an unknown fear settled in his heart.

"Noah, Jared is heading towards the harbor. What do you think he intends to do?" He asked, his sudden voice interrupting Noah and his focus returned on Jared from his sister.

"Fuck!!" Noah cursed and stared ahead to see how far they were away from the harbor. He more or less knew what was happening and he gritted his teeth.

"Do you think he wishes to escape from the country?" Joshua continued and Daniel who had kept his eyes closed opened them immediately on hearing him.

"It has to be the case. Otherwise, why would he even take this path?" Noah frowned. "Kaito drive faster. We need to stop him from leaving."

"Yes, Boss." That was all the Japanese man said before he pressed hard on the accelerator, driving at an incredible speed on the deserted road.

"How far away are the girls?"

"I am trying to track them but I am losing them, Noah. But they seem to be just a few miles away from Jared. Oh no." Joshua almost screamed in fear, scaring the poor guards beside him, making him lose control of the steering wheel for a moment.

"They are almost there. They are...." He had barely started speaking when the two dots indicating the position of Jared and Ivy's cars vanished on his laptop.

"Fuck, I lost them." He cursed and put the call on hands free before he started to type a string of codes. But in vain. He could not track them whatsoever.

"Dammit," Noah too hurled profanities, unable to control himself anymore. This was the second time he was feeling this helpless, the first being when Aria had inhaled the poisonous gas and slipped into a state of coma.

Daniel stared at Joshua's incredibly swift hands before he leaned forward. "Do you guys know that the private harbor you were talking about has been closed temporarily?" He queried, unable to stop himself. 

"What?" Joshua's head snapped to him immediately and he looked at him in shock.

"Yes, the harbor was involved in some smuggling case and until the court hearing, the harbor has been forced to stop operating. And from the situation, I presume the court would shut down the harbor forever. The proofs are strong and impossible to overlook." Daniel revealed all that he had read about the case. 

Even though he was not handling it, the case had been the topic of discussion among the other lawyers. Even his father was following it up regularly to see how it would turn out.

"What?" Joshua's head snapped to him immediately. "Why did we not know about it?"

Even Noah who heard him had the same question in mind.

"Quite a few prominent people are involved in this case. So, the matter has not escalated that much. They are putting pressure on the media and others to keep it a secret. The rule to temporarily close the port was passed only three days ago." Daniel answered and looked at Rachel who was stirring slowly. He patted her back and lulled her to sleep before he focused on Joshua again.

"That explains it. But why is Jared driving this way?" Joshua mused before a notion entered his mind. "Daniel, who owns this port?"

"This port is registered under the name Ryan Zee."

"Who the heck is that?"

"I too do not know. The police are trying to get a hold of him. But I presume that he has escaped the moment his crimes came to the surface."

"Noah, why is Jared driving this way?" Joshua fumed, his obvious fury not surprising anyone. Three of the women they cared about were in danger due to Jared and he had all the reasons to be furious.

"I have no idea. Let me catch him first. By then, Joshua, try to find out who this Ryan Zee is. We need to know what his connection with Jared is."

"I am on it. By the way, Noah. You are reaching the point where I had lost Aria and Jared's location. Be careful."

"I will. Take care of Rachel and..."

Noah did not even get to continue. The line went blank and Joshua lost his location immediately after.

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