Falling In Love : I Love You, Today And Forever

Chapter 64: Moved out in the midnight

Ivy and her team were waiting for Linda to arrive, so that they could go through the entire procedure. She had to be informed about how the interview process worked. So, Kira had asked her to come to the news station two hours prior to going live. It was past the appointed time and there was no news of Linda. She was neither picking up their calls nor was she replying to any of their messages.

This continued for a while until the operator declared that the number they were trying to call was not existing at all.

"Damn it," Kira said.

"What happened?" Max enquired, from the side.

"Now her number is not existing anymore."

"What? How could this be? I tried her number just a few minutes back. It rang." Ivy said, her voice reaching an octave higher than the one she normally spoke.

"Try it yourself." Kira pointed to the phone.

As Kira said, the number was told as non-existent when Ivy tried.

"How could this be possible? Something is wrong."

"I too feel the same," Max said. "Kira, give me her address. I'll go look for her."

"Just a second." Kira wrote down Linda's address on a piece of paper and handed it to Max.

"I'll be back," Max said as he got up.


An hour later.

Ivy and Kira had constantly tried called Linda's number, only to end up with the same result.

"Max, should be here by now. Where is he?" Kira said, a little irritated. The sudden disappearance of Linda was anything but ordinary.

"There he is," Ivy said, when she saw a dejected Max walking towards them.

"Hey. What happened? Did you meet Linda? Where is she? Is she going to come here? What time will she be here?" Kira bombarded him with all possible questions.

"No. I didn't meet Linda." Max sighed as he sat down on the chair.

"What happened?" Ivy asked. She knew something was wrong.

"Her house was locked and on inquiring the neighbors, they told me that Linda moved out yesterday night."

"What? How's that possible?" Kira yelled. She was pissed now.

"Yes. The shocking fact is, she moved out sometime after midnight. Not before that or not today morning."

"You have got to be kidding me." Ivy raised her hands, hearing his words.

"Yes. I am shocked too. It makes no sense as to why she would move out, that too in the middle of the night."

"Did something happen to her when she left after meeting us?" Ivy voiced her question.

"I thought about it too," Max said.

"It's a possibility. Maybe that's the reason her phone number is not working." Kira agreed.

"Now, what do we do?" Ivy asked. She was worried that an important witness, who was a victim herself, had vanished into thin air.

"We will have to change the arrangement of the news," Max said, after thinking for a while.

"How?" Kira said, wriggling her eyebrows.

"How about this?" Max spoke up and the next fifteen minutes was spent in explaining their new course of action.


Joshua was sitting in his office, looking at the details of the new antivirus software they were about to launch in collaboration with the Carter Software Technologies. He had merged his video game company with Noah's software company and now he was the co-chairman of the new corporation.

The TV in his office was switched on and it was showcasing a news channel. It was kept at a medium volume and he could hear the reporters words. Occasionally, he would look at it and nod his head.

Correctly at four p.m., he heard a very familiar male voice. His head turned towards the TV at such a frightening speed, that one would assume he might get a whiplash.

It was his good friend Max. Unknowingly, Joshua had picked up his news channel. He was actually surprised.

Max's news segment majorly occupied the prime time when people would have returned home. It would usually be after 8 p.m.

'Why is he covering the 4'o clock news?' Joshua wondered.

"Good evening, viewers." Max started. He stated all the other unimportant minor issues they wanted to telecast. In the end, he dropped the bomb.

"We have received an anonymous recording today morning. It showcases all the illegal activities that are taking place in a small hospital in Central Street." The video immediately started playing. He did not say the name of the hospital and he did not have to either. The video recording clearly showed the name of the hospital.

It started with a someone fainting and people flocking towards them. From the angle it was clear that, the person who had fainted was actually recording everything secretly.

Joshua dropped the file in his hand and concentrated on the news. He was a little intrigued.

It showed everything from the time the person had fainted until the nurse asked her for 300 dollars just for some tests. The scene then shifted to one where the doctor informed that she had to undergo surgery for appendicitis. Max's face appeared on the screen.

"We will resume after a break," Max said and smiled at the camera.

Joshua tapped his pen on the desk. There was nothing weird about the recording except for the huge medical bill that the nurse had asked from the patient.

'What does Max want to do? What is he trying to show?' He thought.

After a series of advertisements, Max's face reappeared on the TV screen.

"Welcome back, viewers. The video which we had played was only half of it. Let's take a look at the remaining half."

The video resumed. This time the scene showed two people standing in a private room. It was clear that one of them was the doctor who had looked at the patient and the other person was a stranger. It was from their conversation, that Joshua realized what the matter was. Every word they had spoken was crisp, clear, revealing their sick intentions and the video was of high definition. Their face was clearly visible.

Seeing the news, the first thing that came to his mind was Ivy. He was unsure as to why he had thought about her.

The news ended and Max's face was replaced by a female reporter. Joshua picked up his phone and called Max immediately.

Max: Hey Josh.

Joshua: Hey Max. I saw your segment.

Max: Hmm. I just came out of the studio.

Joshua: Is it true? About the news?

Max: Yes.

Joshua: How sure are you?

Max: It was recorded by my junior in person.

Joshua: Oh. But you said that someone had sent it to you.

Max: I cannot risk my people's life.

Joshua: Anyway, who recorded it?

Max was silent. He knew he could trust Joshua. However, the case was very sensitive and risky. Yet, he gave him the benefit of doubt.

Max: It was Ivy. I think you know her.

Joshua: Oh. Is it?

'As expected.' Joshua thought.

Max: Yes. If there is nothing else, I'll talk to you later. I still have some work.

Joshua: Sure. See you around.

Joshua stared at the phone and then at the TV screen. He sat idly for a while, thinking what to do. After a long time, he dialed a number and waited for the other person to pick up.

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