Falling In Love : I Love You, Today And Forever

Chapter 67: Joshua offers Ivy his help

The next day a major scandal broke out. Although the news about Good City Clinic was released yesterday, its actual effect took place that day. Many people who had undergone treatment in the hospital were protesting in front of it. The people who had undergone an operation in that hospital got themselves thoroughly checked in other hospitals. It was then many of them realized that they too had been deceived. Their scanning reports showed things that they did not know about at all.

The hospital was under chaos. People were protesting right in the front, throwing stones and sticks. Seeing the angry mob, the hospital staff did not know what to do. They immediately called the police, while the guard tried to prevent the people from barging inside and ripping the doctors and nurses heads off.

It took more than half an hour for the police to arrive. Instead of preventing the people from attacking the hospital, they sauntered inside the hospital.

One of the people, who was leading the police was not in a uniform. He looked around and pointed to a nurse.

"You. Come here." He pointed to her. The nurse went to him immediately.

"I want to meet the Chairman of the hospital. Call him right now." He barked. The nurse trembled at his words. She ran away in fear and brought back with her a senior doctor.

"Yes, sir. How may I help you?" The doctor stuttered. Although he had many years of expertise, he was still scared of seeing the large crowd and the police officers in front of him.

"I told I want to meet the head of the hospital." The man seethed. His patience was wearing thin.

"I am sorry sir. We are unable to contact him since yesterday evening." The doctor said.

The man in the front turned to look at the police officer behind him.

"Looks like he ran away." The officer said. The man nodded.

"Then in that way, I would like to meet someone from the administration." He said.

"You can talk to me. I am a senior doctor here."

"Can we hold you into account if anything happens?" The man asked.

The doctor was silent for a while before he nodded.

"Very well. I am from the Medical and Hospital Association. I am here to investigate the recent case of your hospital being involved in the illegal trafficking of organs. In this context, we have received orders to close this hospital until further notice."

"What?" The doctor panicked. Not only him all the other staff who were nearby were also utterly scared.

"Yes. Also, we have orders to take the hospital staff along with us for investigation." The police officer said. This was like a big blow to them. Nobody had expected this outcome.

From the corner, one of the junior doctors tried fleeing. However, he was not as fast as the police. He was caught even before he could execute his plan.

"Don't even think about running away. You have been surrounded. I request you to cooperate if you don't want us to force you." The police officer said.

All the staff were pushed into a bus. This time they were protected by the police from angry people when they were boarding the bus. After the hospital became empty, the shutters were closed and it was locked.

This entire process was being broadcasted live by many news channels. In fact many news channels had flocked to the hospital as soon as News4U had first telecasted about its illegal activities.

Although the people were still angry, they were quite satisfied with the immediate result. They knew there was still a long battle ahead. They were contented with that for now, the hospital would not ruin any other patients' life.

Joshua saw the entire incident on the TV. He was impressed. Ivy alone had made the entire hospital go into crumbles. Her bravery was commendable. He thought for some time, before he gave her a call.

"Hello." He heard her voice.

"Hello. Guess who?" Joshua said excited.

"Umm. Some shit load." Ivy played along.

"What? I am not shit load." Joshua replied with annoyance.

"Oh, my bad. Then you must be a load of crap?"

"Ivy," Joshua said with a stern voice.

"Mr Martin." She followed.

"Do you talk to everybody this way?"

"No. Only to a pile of some unwanted flies."

Joshua was tongue-tied. Never in his life had anybody spoken to him this way.

"So, why did you call me?" Ivy asked, deviating the topic.

"I wanted to know something."


"I want to know everything about your father as well as his work. Only then I can help you."

"Why do you need that information? It's not like I am asking you to find my dad."

"It is necessary. Maybe I might find out more about the case and help you to find your father faster."

Ivy was silent for a while.

"Can I trust you?" Ivy asked after a few minutes.

"What do you mean?" Joshua was offended.

"What if you have some ulterior motives in helping me? I may be paranoid. But I am just being careful."

Joshua sighed. He knew Ivy was not wrong. He had his own reasons for helping her. However, he could not say it to her for her own good.

"I don't know what to say now. But if you believe at least one percent that I would not hurt you, then you can tell me."

Ivy thought about his suggestion. He was right. What more could he do to her? Her Dad was already missing.

"Alright. I'll give you the benefit of doubt. I'll tell you whatever I know. But, in the future if I find out that you only used me, then trust me Mr. Martin, I am going to chop off your balls."

Joshua was surprised by her threat. She was too daring and straightforward. He was also amused. While many women out there were behind his balls for some other reason, this woman wanted to chop it off.

"That won't happen."

"How can you be so confident?"

"Because I love myself. I need my body to be healthy. Else, how will I give my parents their grand kids?"

"What a narcissist!!" Ivy commented.

"Thanks for the compliment."

"It wasn't one."

"But I'll consider it one."


"Anyway, where shall we meet?"

"I'll come to your office."

"Sure. When?"

"I am a little busy today and tomorrow. How about the day after?"


"Then, I'll text you the time," Ivy said.

"Sure. I am fine with it."

"If there is nothing else."


"What is it, Mr Martin?"

"I saw the news."

"What news?" Ivy asked confused.

"About Good City Clinic."

"Ohh that. What about it?"

"I must say I am impressed."

"And why would that be?"

"I know it was you who filmed the video."

"How did you know that?" Ivy was baffled. Nobody knew about it except for Max, Kira and other close colleagues of hers.


Ivy snorted. Although she was calm on the surface, she was doubtful within. Before her thoughts could wander far away, Joshua cleared them.

"Max told me."


"Yeah. I didn't know you were this daring."

"Oh. You don't know a lot of things about me." Ivy retorted.

"True. So, I'll see you then."

"See ya."

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