Falling In Love : I Love You, Today And Forever

Chapter 8: You take care of your patient from now on

"Ugh. I can't believe this guy." Aria huffed. She was very furious with Noah. She had saved a lot of contacts, who were helping her to find her father, on her phone.

"Now how will I get back their numbers?"

Aria's father had gone missing three years back leaving her and her twin sister, Ivy. Since then the sisters had been searching for him day and night. They didn't even know if their father was dead or alive. However, recently they had got some leads on him, arising some hope in them and they had asked Danny to investigate more.

Danny or Daniel Adler was Aria's childhood friend. Their parents knew each other since long back and Danny, Aria and Ivy had grown up together. He was a corporate lawyer and owned the famous law firm, Adler Law Firm. It was easy for him to gain access to information with the resources he had procured over the years.

Aria walked towards her cabin to make a call from the hospital telephone. She dialed Daniel's number and waited for him to pick up.


"Danny. It's Aria."

"Hey, Ari. Why are you calling from the hospital telephone? What happened to your mobile?"

"Some idiot broke it."

"Oh. Is that so? I had called you sometime before. It got connected but I couldn't hear anything from your side."

"When did you call me?" Aria asked confused. She didn't remember picking any calls from him.

"Probably during lunchtime."

'Wasn't it the same time when I had given my phone to Noah?' Aria contemplated.

"That explains it. I didn't have my phone with me at that time. Anyway, why did you call me?"

"I have some news about your father. Let's have dinner together, I will tell you everything when we meet. Is it fine?"

"Sure. What time will you come to pick me up?"

"Is 7 p.m. fine with you?"

"Yes. Absolutely."

"Great. See you later."

"See ya."

It was only 4 p.m. She still had a couple of hours, so she thought of going on rounds.

As soon as she opened the door, she bumped into Ian.

"Ouch." Aria rubbed her forehead.

"Aria, are you OK?"

"Ian, you are finally here. I am so happy to see you. I have never been this happy before." Aria hugged him enthusiastically.

"Hey. Hey. Save some hugs for me too, lady." Joshua commented from behind.

"Ian, who is this?"

"Aria, this is Joshua. He is my friend."

"Hey. I am Dr. Aria West." She held out her hand.

Joshua's eyes widened in realization. "Ohh. So you are Dr. Aria West. I must say you are very beautiful." He shook her hand, making her blush.

Aria took a thorough look at Joshua. He was tall, around 6 feet or more maybe. Aria had to look up to meet his eyes. He had chocolate brown hair and his hazel colored eyes had the power to penetrate through one's soul. He was very handsome, she was mesmerized by him. Aria felt that his looks could put the Greek gods into shame.

'How lucky am I to be surrounded by handsome men? First Ian, then Noah and now Joshua. Bless my life.' Aria thought.

Ian waved his hands in front of Aria, breaking Aria's thoughts.

"Are you alright? You look a little lost."

"I am fine," Aria said embarrassed.

"Umm. Aria did you just check me out?" Joshua teased, making Aria blush more.

"No. No." Aria wished that she could dig a hole and stay in there forever.

"Anyway, Ian I'll hand over your patient to you. You take care of him from now on." Aria said, her face burning red with fury.

"Hold on Miss Little Spitfire. What happened?" Joshua asked amused at her change of expressions. A few seconds ago she was blushing, now she looked a little vexed.

"Your friend tossed my phone out of the window and for what reasons I don't know."

"Wow. Interesting. I am liking this." Joshua mumbled.


"Nothing Aria. Just ignore him." Ian gave him a warning. Joshua remained silent.

"We will reprimand him for you. We are going to meet Noah. Do you want to come?"

"I think I'll pass. I have to go on rounds. You guys carry on."

"I like her already," Joshua remarked when they were alone. "She could tame the wild Noah. Don't you think so?"

Ian imagined Aria and Noah together and he agreed that they would form a great pair.

Noah was working on his laptop when Ian and Joshua walked in.

Ian closed his laptop with a thud and gave him an accusing look. "You are a patient, behave like one."

"Awe. The doctor is back. You know, I had decided that we had lost the doctor when I found this scary Ian in the Underworld Base. His thirst for blood when he was angry, scared the shit out of me."

"What happened between you and Aria?" Ian asked, taking no notice of Joshua's mockery and checking Noah's health chart.

"Nothing happened between us. Why, did she say something?"

"Yes, something about her phone being tossed." Joshua prompted, enjoying Noah's flustered face.

"It was an accident."

"Ohh. It was a beautiful accident."

Both Noah and Ian turned to glare at Joshua. He raised his hands in defeat.

The door was suddenly barged open and in walked a stunning woman. She was impeccably dressed and emitted an aura of independence. She had mid-shoulder length, black, shiny hair, and beautiful brown eyes. She was quite short compared to the tall men in front of her.

"Rachel, what are you doing here?" Noah asked bewildered. If Rachel knew about him being shot, then definitely his family would know about it too.

"I am obviously here to check on my elder brother."

Rachel Carter was Noah's younger sister. She was an architect by profession and was going to turn 24 in a few months. She had made a name for herself without any help from her family. Many women admired her for her talents and beauty, while for the men she was simply a goddess.

"I am furious on you two." She pointed at Ian and Joshua.

"I get to know about my brother's situation from the paparazzi instead of you. Do you have any idea how worried I was?"

"Hey. Hey. Please don't blame me." Joshua pleaded with puppy eyes. "I am an innocent person who just hid the truth."

The other three people rolled their eyes.

"Rachel, we didn't want to worry you or Mom and Dad."

"Good. You have successfully failed in your attempt at hiding. Mom and Dad are going to visit you soon along with Grandpa. Good Luck brother."

"Shit." All the three cursed simultaneously.

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