Falling In Love : I Love You, Today And Forever

Chapter 93: Message from sister-in-law

The flight finally landed around 11 p.m. and Aria exited the airport. Ivy was waiting for her at the departure gate. However, there was a large crowd of people, so she couldn't find her easily.

"Aria, how are you going home?" Tara asked as she dialed someone on her phone.

"My sister has come to pick me up. How about you?"

"My husband has come, I am giving him a call. Julia, how about you?"

"I don't know. I think I'll hail a cab from here."

"You could come with me. Your house is on the way to my apartment." Aria suggested.

"Is it possible?" Julia looked at her hopefully.

"Yes, definitely. Let me give my sister a call."

As Aria made a call to Ivy, Julia turned to look at the men behind them.

"How are you guys going home?"

"We are taking a cab from here," Aiden replied while Mason booked a cab on his phone.

"There she is." Aria found her sister. "Julia let's go. Tara, has your husband arrived?"

"Yes, he will be here in a minute. You guys carry on. See you at the hospital day after tomorrow."

"Bye Tara. Be safe." Julia bade her goodbye and stood beside Aria.

"Bye Tara. Bye Aaron." Aria followed suit. She only spoke to the two of them and did not even glance at Mason, he had become non-existent to her.

"Let's go Julia."

Aria and Julia walked to the spot where Ivy was standing. She was busy on her phone. So, she did not notice the two people in front of her, until Aria called her.


"Hey Aria." Ivy looked up.

"This is Julia, a colleague of mine. This is Ivy, my twin sister." Aria introduced them to each other.

"Twins?" Julia was surprised. They did not look identical in any aspect.

"Yeah, non-identical," Ivy replied.

"Ivy, her house is on the way. We will give her a drop."

"Sure, this way." Ivy led them to her car.

"I was worried that you would bring your motorbike. Hmm. You have brains." Aria teased.

"I wouldn't have minded bringing my bike. But then I thought about your luggage. So, I had to drive your car."

Aria took the passenger seat, while Julia sat at the back. Their luggage was safely deposited in the trunk. Ivy started the car and took off from the airport.

"So, Julia. How was London? My sister told me it was as handsome as Chris Evans in Captain America."

Julia looked at the sisters in confusion. She couldn't grasp what they were talking about. However, Aria clearly knew what Ivy meant, she was talking about her boyfriend.

Aria looked at her and gestured through her eyes that Julia did not know a thing about it.

"What I meant was, how were the men in London? My sister told me that they were quite good looking." Ivy corrected herself immediately.

"Oh that. I am not sure. I did find some good looking men."


Aria rolled her eyes. She was not sure why Ivy was so excited.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Ivy asked.



"Why are you so interested in these kinds of stuff today?" Aria chided her from the side.

"Just for fun. Where exactly does your house come, Julia?"

"From here, go straight. You will find a gas station. Take the first left and then the first right. The second house is mine."

Ivy followed her directions and stopped in front of her house. Julia got down and picked up her luggage from the trunk.

"Thank you so much, guys."

"Not a problem."

"See you the day after tomorrow Aria. Phew, we do not have work tomorrow."

"I am not that lucky."


"Dr. Davis has asked me to give a visit to the hospital tomorrow? He has some things to talk about."

"Lucky you." Julia teased.

"Damn Dr. Davis."

"Okay, okay. Bye. Take care."

Julia waved at Ivy and walked towards her house. Ivy and Aria waited until the lights of her house were turned on before they drove off.

"So, who is the handsome guy you have found in London?"

"Haven't you left that topic still now? I thought we were over it."

"Nah ah. No way. Not until you tell me everything. Who is it?"

"Do you know Noah Carter?"

"The business tycoon, Noah?"


"He is your boyfriend?" Ivy was shocked. She immediately pressed on the brakes and parked the car at the side.


"How did this happen?"

"It's a long story. Now will you drive?"

"Sorry. Sorry." Ivy started driving again.

Aria closed her eyes and leaned on the window. There was still time for them to reach home, she could as well take a nap.

"I don't care if it is long or short. I want the details." Ivy started again.

"When will you let go of this topic?"

"When you tell me everything," Ivy responded.

"Ugh. You are unbelievable."

"Thank you. So tell me."

"I tell you in detail some other time. Now I am tired."

"Okay, remember your words."

Ivy and Aria reached home in ten minutes.

"Do you want anything to eat?" Ivy asked as she removed her jacket after entering the apartment.

"No. I am full, I had dinner on the flight."

Ivy nodded and plopped on the sofa. She switched on the television and browsed the channels. Aria went to her room to freshen up. The long flight had made her tired and her muscles had gone stiff. She wanted nothing but to soak herself in hot water.

Ivy saw that Aria's purse was lying on the table. She turned to look at her room to see if she was around. When she confirmed that Aria would not leave her room any time soon, she opened the purse and pulled out her phone. She unlocked it easily.

Ivy went through the contacts and found Noah's details. She sent his contact number to her phone and placed her phone back in her purse.

Ivy smirked and opened her phone. She immediately sent Noah a text.

'Is this Mr. Noah Allen Carter?'

There was no reply from his side. She waited for ten minutes before she sent him another text.

'I know about you and Aria.'

'How do you know Aria?'

Noah ignored the text from an unknown number at first. He was used to getting such messages. This number was not his private number so there was no high level security. Ivy had not seen Aria's phone thoroughly. There were actually two numbers stored in his name. She had taken the one which Noah used for people who were not that close to him.

The second message from the same number made Noah a little worried. Other than his friends and his sister, not many people knew about him and Aria. He was scared.

'What if it was from his enemy?' He thought.

'It is not important for you to know about it.' Ivy texted back.

'Then?' Noah was getting anxious now. What did the sender want of him?

'I have something to tell you. So, I want to meet you in person.'

'Sure. When and where?'

'Jim's cafe. 11 a.m.'


Ivy smiled at her smartness. She was only playing around with him. She wanted to meet him in person to see if he was worth her sister. Her intention was not to scare him.

However, Noah was going bonkers on receiving the texts. He immediately dialed Joshua.

"Hey Loverboy. What's up?"

"I have no time for this. I got a text from an unknown number, I want you to find out to whom the number belongs."


Noah sent him the number and waited for his reply. Within seconds, Joshua called him back.

"Why do you have this number?"

"I got some messages from this number. Why?"

"Then, there's nothing to worry about."

"Who does it belong to?"

"Ivy, Aria's sister."


"Yes. Tell me. What did she send you that you became so frantic?"

"Nothing." Noah did not tell him about the messages and ended the call.

"Ivy. Hmm. So my sister-in-law wants to meet me. Okay."

Noah was surprised as to why Ivy wanted to meet him. He would get his answers the next day.

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