It was late, laying in bed and staring at the roof, Kanna sighed. It had been a few hours now she had been alone in this hotel room. Earlier, as she and Reo were literally making out, he received a call. And from the look on his face she knew it was business related.

He left her here in this huge five star hotel room in the center of Tokyo. The young woman didn't even know what she was doing. This wasn't even her anymore, she didn't even recognize herself anymore... She made the reckless decision of giving herself to a Yakuza... and not just a random one, it was the Oyabun.

Earlier she didn't really consider what it meant. But now, alone in this bed... she knew damn well she made the worse choice ever.

Literally everyone would now target her to get to him, all the people she was acquainted with would now be scared of her... this was probably what he meant by saying "welcome in hell".

Reminiscing alone, Kanna asked herself several times if it really was worth it... but as much as she needed to she knew she couldn't walk away anymore, she was getting attached. She was curious about him, his heart, his story... and her stubborn self would not walk away before having answers.

Sighing again, the young woman stood up and walked to the living room. It was beautifully decorated, big and spacious, everything was white and grey, giving a formal vibe to the place. In front of the armchairs was a chimney.

She slowly walked to the kitchen just behind the living room and opened a bottle of wine on the counter. She was getting quite worried. The big clock in the living room was indicating that it was 3 AM and he was still out...

She had a feeling she should start getting used to it but she didn't like it. Getting worried, doing nothing but sit and wait to hear positive or negative news...

After a one-shot, she poured herself another drink before staring at the clock again.

Was it really worth it?

Sighing, the woman grabbed her face dramatically before growling of anger. She hated that, being confused, being indecisive. It was clear she wanted him, but she didn't want to get hurt... and with him, it was obvious that at one point she would... Didn't it happen with his ex-fiancé?

Oh no... thinking about her just enhanced her doubts and fears... why did she die? Why did she kill herself? Why did she leave him?

Would staying this near him also make her consider suicide one day? Was it like, the only way out?

Lost in her thoughts, she didn't even realize the sound of the door. Footsteps were heading towards her and then she realized, he was back.

Straightening herself, her heart skipped a beat. He was standing across the counter, right in front of her, his mid-long hair down. His eyes were emotionless... the spark she saw earlier when they were kissing totally disappeared.

Then she noticed his hands, shock then painted her face, the woman rushed by his side before staring at his blood-stained knuckles.

He wasn't injured but she could tell he had been hitting someone... multiple times. Her heart was rushing and multiple questions were running through her head but then he spoke:

"Are you scared?"

His voice was calm, as usual. He never spoke too loud actually, it always had that nonchalant tone. But this time it was a bit softer than usual, he was genuinely curious.

So then she looked up to his face... she was a bit drunk but was it that or did he really get 10 times more beautiful? The contrast of his dark gaze with his long black lashes was stunning, and that goddamn smirk...

She found herself smirking too, before leaning closer. Wrapping her hand in his she spoke:

"No...I'm not scared"

But he wasn't having it. Without leaving her eyes he said:

"Do not lie."

So then her heart skipped a beat again. Her smile slowly disappeared as she saw him part his hand and walk away. Was he mad? Was he annoyed? What just happened?

She followed him inside the bedroom he walked in and watched him as he was removing his clothes.

"What happened?" She finally asked. She had been resisting to ask but it was impossible. Since she was now kind of, his woman.

But he did not answer. He threw a quick glance at her before walking inside the bathroom and closing the door right at her as she was following him.

Shocked, the woman stared at the door in her face for a few minutes before totally feeling insulted.

"So what?! You don't want to talk to me now?"


He was not answering, and she was getting more and more pissed. He left her here 16 hours earlier and she had been crazy worried about him, for him to come back busted knuckles and silent ?! Hell no!

"You cannot do this to me!" She shouted before slamming the door multiple times.

After a good 10 minutes he finally walked out the bathroom wet in a white bathrobe. He did not look at her not once.

Passing right by her, he then walked to the kitchen and poured a drink of whine for himself.

Following him around and seeing him pay no attention to her, was certainly annoying but it really was hurting her drunk-feelings.

Across the counter she just stared at him as he continued enjoying his drink and paying no mind at her. And when finally it clicked, and she felt her heart literally ache in her chest, she slowly walked away.

Reaching the room, the woman just laid down on the enormous bed. Irrational thoughts filling her heard. Maybe earlier he was just caught up in the moment and didn't really want nothing to do with her actually. Or maybe he did that with every other woman he met.

Warning her, ruining her life, helping and seducing her then turning around and leaving her when he was bored. She hated to feel this stupid and low... she hated to feel like she was dependent off his feelings for her... she didn't like how big of a space he was taking in her life and heart...

But all her thoughts jerked away as she saw him sitting right there, in front of the bed.

His face was neutral but she could tell he was questioning what the fuck she could be thinking.

"None of your business." She said as she turned the other way hiding her face in her long black hair.

"I didn't say anything" He then said, and she could hear amusement in his voice, so she snapped.

"Yes and that's exactly what the fuck is bothering me! Why the fuck aren't you talking to me?!" She screamed as she got up on the bed and landed right in front of him. Her angry brown eyes glaring down at his amused face.

"What! So you were joking when you asked if I wanted all of it ? You were playing? With me?..." the last words were as low as a whisper and he could tell how drunk and totally hurt she was.

She was confused... and she hated it. Worrying about him while he didn't give two fucks about her... just thinking that she might be considering giving her whole self to someone who literally did this with any other woman crushed her...

As the silence persisted and she was getting convinced that he really was playing her from the start, she felt tears blur her gaze.

No, she didn't want to cry, not in front of him, not so soon. So she hopped off the bed and rushed to the bathroom but as she got inside, two powerful arms were wrapped around her thighs.

"Leave me alone!" She screamed but next thing known, he was kissing her.

And even though her whole body was screaming to let him have his way, her drunk heart decided otherwise. Even though she was kissing back, she pushed him away and walked out the bathroom. He followed and gripped her arm.

"Where are you going?" His voice was calm but she could feel him serious.

She looked at him quickly before looking away.

"You're not having your way if I'm just like any other woman, Reo."


"I don't want to give myself to you for you toss me away when you want..."

"I told you earlier woman. You should know what you want."

And he let go of her arm before walking away. She was getting more and more annoyed. And his behavior was not helping at all.

"What do you mean!? Fine! You tell me what you want then !!" She screamed as she glared at him while he sat down on the bed.

He took a few minutes before turning to her and answering, a cruel nonchalant look on his face.

"I don't want anything. You just so happened to be there, and so happened to be attractive enough for me to consider having you around for a while."

Her eyes went wide as he finished his sentence.

So... he didn't even want this huh? It just so happened to be her? It just so happened that he was interested...

"having you around for a while..." she repeated, never leaving his almond eyes. His mid-long and wet hair were hiding one part of his face and she just hated how sexy he was looking during this situation... Where she was realizing how worthless he thought of her all this time. She was just a play thing till the kid got bored.

She felt stupid, insulted, and ridiculous having had all these fantasies about them sitting and having conversations about him and what he felt and everything... She felt stupid even being here. She should've never ever came around him. He was right.

A last look at him the young woman slowly walked to the closet. Picked up a random dress hanging there before starting to dress up. She could feel him staring but she didn't care.

The dress was beautiful, it was a dark red tailor dress, she didn't even care if it was too short or even for the price. It looked really expensive but she didn't care, she just needed to get dressed and the fuck out of there. Away from this man.

As she finished with the dress she put on a brown jacket before putting on black heals. But when she turned around, he was facing her.

His jaw clenched... he was angry. But she didn't care, she walked pass him and as she felt him grip her arm she didn't try to look at him.

"Where are you going?"

"Away from you." she answered without looking back to him.

"Who decided that?"

"I did. It's my life, my body, my choice."

"It is not anymore." His voice was low but she knew he was fighting to not snap at her.

She then turned to face him.

"I don't care who you are. I'm not staying in this place any longer. You'd have to call your men to restrain me here or you'd have to fight me and lock me somewhere in here but I'm not fucking staying here." She said, and for a moment he looked surprised.

But surprisingly he let go. Well... that was easy. As she turned to walk away she heard him whisper:

"You'll come back anyway."

And angered literally filled her whole soul

"I won't. Go ahead and wait if you want Kobayashi. I have all my life to prove to you that I am not just a random woman you would pick out the streets and fuck as you please."

And after saying that, Kanna disappeared behind the door. A few seconds later he heard the entrance door.

She really left, he really pissed her off. Or was she really leaving for good? Even though he thought she would come back sooner or later, he really disliked her leaving in the first place. But not much people knew him and his huge pride... he would never admit that ever, nor would he ever chase after her... That was not happening. He was Reo Kobayashi.

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