"How the fuck did you get to the other room?!" Yui shouts.

I roll my eyes again, I already told her I really don't remember. I just woke up there, staring at an unfamiliar ceiling with a crazy headache.

"Can we talk about something else please ?" I ask her while leaning on the back of the car.

She curiously stares at me and I feel more annoyed.

"Yui I said I don't remember.."

"Well I believe you don't. Hopefully you were still very much clothed so you didn't do anything you would regret."


She sighs. A very loud one at that.


"Well Kanna since yesterday you've been very weird. I thought it was because you were drunk but I noticed you were quite weird when I came back to the room. Did something happen?"

Her eyes are begging and I know she means no harm. But I just don't want to get her involved in any of this dangerous business.

I fake a smile and grab her hand.

"You worry too much . Just drop me off at my house please I really have some files to get back to."

She stares for a few seconds before also faking a smile.

"Okay, I'm really happy you came to support my dad yesterday. And he said he had lots of gentlemen coming by and asking about you."

"Really." I say, the least interested in old and rich Japanese men drawing their attention to probably a future mistress candidate.

Yui reads my mind and frowns.

"Not in that way you pessimist brat. They asked in what sector you were working and you actually drew the attention of a very famous tabloid company executive."

"You know how I feel about these big companies Yui..."

"Yeah, well at least there, with the help of father nobody would ever try to bully you. You might even get a promotion early you know..."

"Why? Because I'm your friend?"

She stares coldly.

"No, because you are talented. What the fuck Kanna?" Obviously I offended her.

I sigh, annoyed by my own rudeness.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't have much sleep and I'm throwing my anger at you."

"Well you can be relieved cause we've arrived at your apartment."

I look by the window and it's my building. There is oddly a big crowd in front of my building and curiosity hits me.

"What is going on there?" I ask myself before getting off the car, Yui follows me and we're both staring the thick black smoke escaping...what?! It's coming from my floor, my window?!

I run through the crowd and try to get inside but I'm arrested by the police.

"It's my fucking room!! All my belongings are in there! Let me through!" I order. But he just doesn't want to leave it.

"I'm sorry there are still firefighters in the building and the police is running an investigation there."

"What fucking investigation?!"

A hand on my shoulder draws my attention. It's the old lady that lives on the same floor as me.

"Kubo-san, there has been someone who broke in. Somebody went in your appartement and lit up the whole storage room where your files were all..."

My eyes want to escape my face by how hard I am staring at her, in shock.

"What?! This cannot be happening! All my files are in there, my work, my researches..."

Her eyes stares at the floor, sad for me.

"I'm so sorry..."

And the next minute I'm balling out crying. Screaming and desperately scratching my face, a thing I always do when I'm crying...

Yui lowers herself at my level and hugs me.


A few hours later the police gives me permission to go inside, and Yui, hand in mine, helps me inside. I stare at my whole life burned down to ashes. This cannot be real. I feel tears down my cheeks but I don't say word.

Like the granny predicted everything in the storage room is gone. Even my board where I stuck the progress in my researches and everything. All of it is burned down.

Yui tightens her hand in mine and I almost feel like passing out but I resist.

"Miss Kubo?"

I turn around and it's an officer.


"Were you supposed to receive someone yesterday ?"

"No. She had a date with me and my father yesterday at the Radisson Hotel." Says Yui.

"I didn't."

"Because there clearly is someone who broke in, this whole situation was intentional."

"Do you know who did this? Do you have any leads?" I ask him.

But he shakes his head sadly. And I feel like passing out again.

"Get me the fuck out of here..." I tell Yui.

In the car I'm silent. I have been ever since we've left my building. Yui decided to bring me to her house. In those moments I realize how lucky I am to have her. My parents are divorced and my dad is in Canada with his new wife, and my mom is in the countryside, taking care of my sick grandmother with Alzheimer. The only support I have right now is her.

I can't believe this is happening. My life is done. All my studies and researches are gone. All the articles I was supposed to hand out next week are gone. I'm left with mostunedited and in raw state subjects. And just thinking about restarting all the work I've put months solving discourages me.

"Give me a fucking break." I say a bit too loudly.

Yui takes my hand again.

"I'm so sorry Kanna... can't believe this is happening."

"Same... I'm just wondering who the fuck would-

Now, now... wait a damn minute. Something doesn't add up. So last night Reo Kobayashi himself pays me a visit and the same night my appartement and every of the files about him included are gone? That's a hell of a coincidence.

"I know who did it." I say before turning to Yui.

"What?! But earlier you said-

"I know what I said. I didn't remember back then. But it's better that way. Getting the police involved would be a reckless thing to do."

Yui seems surprised.

"What the... Kanna you're scaring me."

"Then you shouldn't question me about it."

She looks at me for a few minutes. I can see she's worried.

"Please don't do anything dangerous."

I chuckle sarcastically.

"They started it."

"They?! What the fuck Kanna! Who are these people?"

"It's probably better if you don't know." I say before turning to the window.

We've reached her house. The heavy security by the entrance let's us inside and I stare at the familiar garden and house. Yui's parents house is huge, it's located in one of the most private neighborhoods in Tokyo. And everyone in this area is very important and has the most expensive looking houses I have ever seen.

Her parents have always been traditional Japanese so the house suits them. It's a mixture of western and Japanese traditional houses. The outside is western looking but inside they have a traditional Japanese garden. The room doors are also traditional. Everything about the inside is just "Japanese looking".

As we get out of the car, Yui's mom approaches us and I salute her.

"I heard from Yui what happened Kanna, I can't believe this really happened... hopefully you weren't there yesterday and are very much safe."

Yui also gets closer and salutes her mom.

"She'll be staying with us mother, I still don't know if it's dad's political rivals that tried to hurt her and I won't feel at ease without being by her side."

I turn to Yui. I didn't even think about this. I forgot her dad was an important politician. Because of some of his policies, he has a few enemies and we all know how this political world is messy.

Her mom smiles.

"Absolutely. I already called your father and he actually obliged. She has to stay with us till she feels like she is ready to move out."

"Oh no... As soon as I find a new apartment-

"Shut up" Yui rolls her eyes before forcing me inside.

When we reach her room, she helps me out and gives me a few clothes to change into.

"You should take a shower, I'll get the diner and bring it up here before mother starts with her formal diner set up."

I laugh and do as I'm told.

Inside the bathroom I stare at my reflection in the mirror. My eyes are puffy from crying earlier and my hair is still a bit curly from yesterday's party.

Just thinking about the amount of work I lost in one night makes me terribly sad. I lost everything... and I know damn well this demon of Reo Kobayashi has something to do with it.

Anger makes my blood boil and I can almost feel my eyes lit fire. He ruined my life... I'll probably get fired for not handing out the documents in time. The old manager will not hesitate, he always waited for one mistake from me.

I do not care about his warning. I will track him the fuck down and make his life a living hell. I will destroy him, ruin him just like he did me. The only way to stop me now is to kill me.

With the hot water running down my pale skin and long hair, I'm staring at the void. My thoughts only focused on him. I cannot rest if I do not see him down, begging me to stop.

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