Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 106 - Hiding Things Equals To Cheating

Hunter was already missing his Goddess and wished he could see her smiling face right now. He wanted Hera to join them, but Bianca didn't want her with them, and Hunter had agreed reluctantly. If only he could get away from there and go back to his Hera. The idea was too tempting, to be honest. He was this close to act on his instinct.??

Bianca waved her hand in front of him to get his attention and Hunter snapped out of his stupor. He sighed and bit his lower lip to stop himself from lashing out at her.??

"Sunshine, I never thought you would judge me so poorly. Anyway, I don't expect you to understand what I feel for Hera," Hunter said blankly, and Bianca straightened her back in alarm. She didn't realise her words hit him hard.??

"You have no idea, Sunshine, how much you've hurt me this time and to make it worse, Hera thinks that whatever wrong you do to her it's done with my consent," he said and held up his palm to stop her when Bianca tried to say something. He shook his head as in pitying himself..??

"It killed me every time Hera said that she hates me. And you still expect me to keep flaunting Samantha as my girlfriend in front of her? You'll never understand what it feels to love someone with all your heart and soul, even though the person will never reciprocate your feelings. I've been there, done that, but I'm not risking my chance again for anyone, Sunshine. I'm sorry," Hunter was saying, but paused as he realised what he'd said.??

His eyes widened, and so did Bianca's, disbelief and hurt were written all over her face. She didn't have to say it out loud, as he could read it in her accusing eyes. He'd hit a nerve.??

"How could you say that, Ace? You of all people should know that I know exactly how it feels when you love someone with all your heart, and they won't return your feelings," she said. Her tone was soft, but her voice broke at the end. Hunter winced and shut his eyes close, wishing he could take back his words. He regretted the minute it came out of his mouth.??

"Well, that didn't come out right, I'm sorry. I mean to say it hurts when Hera says that she doesn't love me anymore because I'm crazy about her and I can't afford to lose her again," Hunter said. His words rushed out, attempting some damage control.??

Even though his words cut through her heart, she endured the pain, and to some extent, she understood his fear of losing Hera. She knew how much it hurts when you love someone with every single cell of your existence, but it still wouldn't achieve the desired results. She could relate to that feeling.??

Despite everything, Bianca would still shamelessly use the situation to her advantage. She'd promised Samantha, and she would never back out on her words.??

She cried, not attempting to stop her tears. Her plan was simple, and guilt-tripping Hunter always worked.??

"You and I are very familiar with that awful feeling, Ace. Then think about Sam, she is going through the same heartache. Doesn't she deserve at least to keep her pride? She would be devastated if people laughed in her face. Please, Ace, do it for me?" She begged in her pitiful tone, and all Hunter wanted to do was ease her pain. He silently nodded his agreement with a defeated sigh.

When they joined their friends, Hunter silently ate his food and was thankful for the drinks. He thought, one of his bodyguards could drive his car, and he decided to get drunk.??

Hunter didn't even glance once at Samantha. All he could think was about Hera. Bianca said Hera didn't need to know anything and she wouldn't know if Hunter decided not to tell her. But he didn't want to hide things from her anymore.??

There was only one thought running in his mind.??

'Won't hiding things from her mean cheating nonetheless?'??

Samantha could see how upset Hunter seemed, and she exchanged a knowing look with her best friend. Bianca's lips twitched upward, and the hint of that tiny smile confirmed that she'd done it. Samantha's heart beamed and sighed in satisfaction while she returned Bianca's smile.??


Hera slept in her room until it's time for dinner. All that hard thinking she did and her little crying episode had worn her out, and setting aside the thought of her upcoming tests, Hera cuddled willingly on her bed.??

The dining hall was almost empty as there were only a handful of students who apparently couldn't go home just like her. The absence of the crowd and the silence felt comforting, and she was glad that Hunter didn't come to join her. He would have started a series of the questionnaire if he saw her swollen eyes and she wouldn't have a reasonable answer to justify. Lying to him wasn't an option for her.??

'He's a fucking human lie detector.'??

She had her dinner and went to the community hall to watch TV. Nothing on the TV caught her interest, and she went back to her dorm. Her eyelids felt heavy, and she blamed it on the tiredness the journey caused. Admiring the beautiful smiling face of Hunter behind her closed eyelids, Hera surprisingly slept peacefully.??

Morning befell, and Hera was bored to death.??

She felt quite robotic doing the regular stuff. To take a shower, have breakfast, lunch, dinner and go back to sleep. Now she was missing her friends.??

Sighing in boredom, Hera finally decided to do some studying. She had an English test the next morning. She thought, how hard could it be? She was speaking English all her life for communicating after all. But as usual, the moment she held the book in her hands, she felt sleepy.??

By the lunchtime, Abby came back from her friend's place, and Hera was relieved to have some company at last. Her cousin helped her a lot, and they did a good volume of hard work preparing for the test.??

Abby and Hera took their seats with their plates full and a glass of warm milk next to it. Hera didn't fancy plain milk with a teaspoon of honey in it, especially during dinner, but it was a mandatory rule made by Mrs Roger, and everyone should follow. Hera thought she could have her dinner peacefully like yesterday, but the bubble busted as Hunter made his way into the hall with his friends.??

He looked hot with his full-sleeved white T-shirt and ash coloured shorts. Hera bit back a smile and looked down at her attire. They were matching. She wore an ash-coloured top with white pyjama pants.??

Her heart skipped a beat when their eyes met, and he smiled at her.??

'My heart could never resist the effect of his presence.'??

Grudgingly Hera admitted to herself.??

What caught Hera's attention was Samantha walking beside him, and Hunter didn't look pleased one bit. Bianca too was oddly upset over something. Hera couldn't help but worry about him because she sensed the cold vibes erupting through his stiff personality. And just like that, she knew something was wrong.??

'Could it be possible they fought?'??

Every time Hera assumed or hoped that Hunter fought with his Sunshine, it indeed got crushed to nothing as she never got to witness that bliss. Hera ignored them and focused on her food while they settled on their chairs. She was listening as Abby filled in with the latest gossip surrounding the school. She drank half of the milk, swallowed the liquid with a grimace and kept the glass aside.??

Pleasant cologne filled the air around her, and Hera shifted her gaze up to meet Eric's aqua blue eyes. He pulled the chair next to Hera joining her table. "Pixie," he said, nodding in greeting. "Hello, Danny's cousin," he said to Abby without even glancing at her.??

Abby scowled at him. "I have a name, you know?" She snapped, gritting her teeth. "What's with Ace Hunter and his friends not addressing me by my actual name?" She muttered in a disapproving tone.??

Eric snorted before stuffing his mouth with food. "I like to consider myself less rude than Ace. That's why I thought it would be rude to call you Alligator. Danny's cousin sounds better, doesn't it, Danny's cousin?" He asked, shooting her a wink. Hunter always addressed her as Alligator. Hera giggled while her cousin flipped him off. "It's Abigail," she provided only to get ignored by Eric.??

Hera leaned closer to Eric and covering her mouth with her palm, she whispered in his ear. "What's wrong with Hunter and your evil captain?" Eric smirked, he knew who the evil captain was. "They fought," he whispered back and bit back a smile when Hera widened her eyes in shock. "And Ace isn't talking to Bianca," he stated before he burst out laughing.??

'The Jerk, he is simply messing with me.'??

Hera pursed her lips into a thin line and glared at him with her large eyes.

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