Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 112 - He's Hers To Love Or Hate

Hera was too tired and all that she wanted to do right at the moment was to curl on her bed and sleep to the oblivion. But that had to wait. She'd agreed to meet Andrew after the test, and she always preferred keeping her promises. 

Right after their lunch break when Hera reached her classroom, Andrew approached her and finally spoke to her. He'd politely asked if she could meet him after the test and Hera couldn't refuse. Andrew said he wanted to talk to her alone, so they decided to meet behind the old abandoned lab building. 

With a tired sigh, she dragged her unwilling feet towards the back of the old building of the school. 

She found the less uncomfortable place on the ground and sat leaning against the tree trunk. Though Hera hated waiting, she still did it patiently for her friend. As the minutes passed by, her eyelids started losing their strength and were half-closed already while she struggled to stay awake. 

She felt someone tapping her shoulders, but the drowsy state felt too nice to wake up from, and she hugged herself tightly.. But the intruder wouldn't leave her alone. Slowly, the sleep waned out, and she felt the lighting go dim behind her eyelids and sensing someone's shadow over her, Hera squinted her eyes, slowly prying them open. Andrew's tall frame hovered over her form, and her head tilted upwards, returning his smile lazily. 

She rubbed her eyes with her fists and Andrew chuckled at her cuteness. At some point of time, she'd lost her hold on her backpack. Now it lay upside down on the grassy ground by her side. Her ankles crossed over the other, Hera realised she'd fallen asleep. 

'I hope I didn't drool in my sleep.' 

To be safe, Hera carefully wiped her lips and chin with the back of her hand.

The overgrown grass tickled around her hands while she supported her weight on her palms, and straightened her posture against the tree. Now that she was fully awake, the awkwardness returned, and Hera didn't know how to start the conversation. 

Thankfully, Andrew did it. He waved his hand in greeting, and Hera could tell it was awkward for him as well. 

With a little hesitation, he joined her on the grass, leaning against the tree trunk. Hera scooted over, making room for him while taking off her uniform jacket. "So how did your test go?" He attempted to kill the awkwardness with a small talk. Hera shrugged and grimaced. "Don't ask. I would rather talk about the grass we're sitting on or the trunk of the tree behind us," she said, shaking her head. He chuckled, and Hera mimicked. 

A minute or two passed in silence and finally, after what felt like hours, he took one of her hands in his. She didn't try to withdraw, and Andrew exhaled before looking her in the eye. "I'm sorry, Hera," he confessed. "You should be, Andy," Hera attempted to sound mean but couldn't fight the smile threatening to grace her lips. 

"It's the longest we went without talking to each other. Why did you distance yourself like that, Hera? It isn't the first time we fought, then why?" He asked, sounding offended. 

Hera snatched her hand out of his and shifted in her place to sit facing him directly. She appeared to be offended as well. 

"Because this time, it was different. You were mean, rude, and," Hera paused when she couldn't find the right word and shrugged simply with an angry pout. Andrew sighed. "You're right. I was wrong, and I'm sorry. But you don't know the full story, Hera. You don't understand why I reacted that way," he said with a sad, dull look. Hera sighed at his defeated face.

"Andy, it's okay. I understand why you did it. I know you care about me, and you were worried. But please stop if you're going to lecture me about how bad Hunter is for me. I don't want to fight with you again," Hera said, pleading with her eyes. She liked Andrew, and she valued their friendship, but she needed him to understand that some things in life were too personal and too precious to throw it under other's feet for them to crush it mercilessly. 

Andrew can judge her all he wants, but she wouldn't let him badmouth about Hunter. Good or bad, right or wrong, he was hers to love or hate. No one else should have a say in it. 

"Hera, I like you," Andrew said cautiously, measuring her face with his eyes as though searching for something and Hera didn't know for what. Frowning, she held his gaze for a few seconds before responding. "I know, Andy and I like you too. But why are you telling me this?" She asked, confusion floating in her pretty eyes. 

Andrew sighed, disappointed. "No, Hera, you're not listening. I said I like you, as in I really like Like you," he said, hoping she would understand. "Since grade four, Hera. I like you so much," he confessed. His breath hitched while he waited for her to say something.

Andrew actually wanted to confess how much he loves her. But he was afraid to tell her the whole truth because he didn't want to scare her or worst lose her friendship. So, I like you sounded better than I love you in his mind. It would have to do for the time being. 

Hera gaped at him, biting her lip anxiously. The revelation made her speechless, and she couldn't believe she heard him right. "What are you saying, Andy?" Hera asked, giggling nervously. 

"I was jealous, Hera. I hate Ace because he has what I wanted for so long. You love him, and it's hard to digest the truth. It hurts, Hera," Andrew said, grabbing her hands and holding on to them desperately. Suddenly, Hera felt uncomfortable and wanted to retreat her hands, but she didn't want to hurt his feelings. 

'Dear God, how to reject someone's feelings without hurting their feelings?'

Hera was lost, not knowing how to respond. Slowly, she tried to pry her hands out of his, and Andrew acted impulsively. Hera didn't have the time to prepare or avoid what happened next. He kissed her on the lips. Hera was shocked and couldn't move for a few seconds. Andrew tried to pull her into his arms, and that's when Hera pushed him away. On instinct, Hera looked around as if to check if anyone saw them. 

Hera felt insulted, and her eyes watered. But it only made Andrew angry, and he forced her in for another kiss again. 

Hera couldn't stop the tears and slapped his chest to free herself from his hold. "Oh, God, this is so embarrassing," Hera cried, hiding her face with her hands. "You're going to reject me, aren't you, Hera?" Andrew asked rhetorically. "We're friends, Andrew. I don't feel that way for you," she stated. "You don't force yourself on anybody and kiss them without their consent, that's not how you confess your feelings," Hera yelled indignantly. 

When Andrew said he wanted to speak to her alone, this wasn't what she expected. She could relate to the pain of heartbreak, but she was helpless. Her heart belonged to someone else, and no matter what, nobody would ever replace him. She could never return Andrew's feelings. 

Her rejection didn't sit well with Andrew, though. He was blind with fury, and his wounded heart only yearned for Hera. He wanted her for himself. She was his first love, after all. At that moment, he hated Hunter more than he hated anyone in his entire life. When he spoke, he couldn't hide his jealousy. 

"Why him, Hera? What does that bastard have that I don't? And why are you acting all innocent?" He asked, eyes filled with so much disgrace. Hera flinched at his harsh tone and took a few steps back creating a safe distance between them. "You like it every time he forced to kiss you," he said accusingly. 

Hera laughed bitterly. "Oh, my God!" She exclaimed in disbelief, shaking her head. Hastily, she wiped her tears with her both hands and picked her bag and the blazer from the ground, ready to walk away, but Andrew blocked her way. Hera took a deep breath to stop herself from exploding in anger. Even though his action hurt her feelings, she's not going to hold it against him. She understood, he's heartbroken and disappointed. 

"Andy, I know it feels bad, but it's not the end of the world okay. You'll get over it," Hera tried to console him using a softer tone. Shocking her, he grabbed her hand and pushed her against the tree they were leaning against a few minutes ago. Now his aggression started to scare her. "All Ace Hunter ever did was to hurt you, but you always go back to him. Why is that, Hera?" He asked, now caging her body with his. He had her hands captured in his in a tight grip on either side of her head.

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