Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 114 - Her Love Story Has So Many Villains

Hera slowly walked, feet too tired to pick up any more speed than that lazy dragging. Hunter didn't see her coming as he was facing his front, gaze focused on Eric. But Eric noticed her as soon as she walked out of the washroom from the other corner. And he didn't miss how distressed her appearance was. She looked as if she would pass out at any moment. 

"Pixie," Eric called as she neared, but lost in her thoughts, Hera didn't hear his voice. 

Frowning, Hunter turned and saw her. Hugging her bag to her chest with one hand, she rubbed one of her eyes with the back of her free hand as if she's wiping the sleep away. Her face was bare without any hint of makeup, and he could tell she'd just washed her face. Pale pink dusted on her cheeks, the tip of her nose looked reddish than usual. 

He watched as she walked past him without sparing a glance. But he was quick to catch her wrist, and Hera winced at the sudden contact.. As soon as she recognised who the hand belonged to, she quickly concealed the frown on her face with a vibrant smile. But he saw through the facade. Hera's heart skipped a beat a few times when their eyes met. She desperately hoped he wouldn't see the hurt in her eyes. But she knew that was in vain because Hunter notices everything. 

"Goddess, what's wrong?" He asked, concern dripping out of every word. 

His eyes darted down to his fingers wrapped around her wrist, and Hera immediately snatched her hand away before he could see it. Hunter's frown intensified at that reaction. 

Hera scowled when her eyes landed on Samantha standing next to him. She was still clinging to his arm, even when Hunter held Hera's hand and had focused all his attention on his Goddess. Samantha glared, gritting her teeth and Hera gladly returned the sentiment. 

'Why is my love story filled with so many negative characters?'

Hera thought bitterly. She never hated Samantha before, but right now, she wanted to claw her skin, rip her hair out and whack that hand that touched her Mr Hunter. 

Her Mr Hunter was frowning deeply, and Hera knew he wouldn't let it pass without proper reason. His hand came up, fingertips lightly touching the skin under her eye. "Have you been crying, Goddess?" He asked, and Hera's eyes watered at the concerned tone, at his affectionate touch and the warmth his gaze showered on her. Before a teardrop could rush out of her eyelids, Hera dropped her bag and wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him to her chest tightly. 

Hera was thankful for the instant comfort his arms around her middle provided. 

Samantha stepped back, and Hera couldn't care about her jealousy anymore. She's hugging her boyfriend. Hunter belonged to her. Why should she feel anything other than pride and contentment? 

'As Hunter would say, Samantha and Andrew can go to hell for all I care.'

Eric had a worried look plastered on his face while Danny's showed no emotions. He maintained a perfect poker face he always had reserved for Hera. Michael looked confused, and his brows furrowed in a frown. 

Hera closed her eyes as Eric, Michael, Danny, all three of them stared at her. Whatever vulnerability her gaze displayed, she didn't want them to see it. 

Danny left them alone, walking in the direction Hera came through, the back gate of the building. Michael silently followed him as if an invisible rope tugged him along. 

Hera felt Hunter's hand stroking her hair in a comforting gesture, and she knew her time was up. Now he would demand answers, and she'd have to comply. 

Inhaling his fresh scent, the earthy aroma, her favourite smell, she tightened her embrace, pushing more into his torso. She didn't care when the tears escaped her eyelids. She let them pour down onto his shoulder, wetting his shirt. "What happened, Love? Why are you crying?" Hunter asked softly, tone lighter than a feather. 

Hera thought what to say. She couldn't lie, he would know. After rehearsing the line a few times in her mind, Hera finally spoke. "I'm going to fail the test," she said. 

'It isn't exactly a lie, so he would believe me, right?' 

She hoped he would believe her. 

"Is that it, the reason behind your fat tears?" Hunter asked, kissing the side of her head. Hera knew he didn't believe her. She buried her face in his chest, and some more tears dripped away. "Don't worry about it, okay. I'll help you study next time," he offered. 

Samantha let out a sarcastic laugh, and Hera opened her eyes.

"Queen of dumbness, it's English, and it's Merchant of Venice!" Samantha said incredulously as if that was supposed to solve every misery of Hera's life. Hera didn't have to look at her to know that she's eyeing her with such disgrace as an evil prince would do to a lowly peasant. 

"Well, everything I studied and memorised got jumbled. Sue me now, my little brain was so confused, it couldn't remember the answers," Hera snapped in irritation, pulling away from Hunter. "Then go back to your dorm and do some serious studying instead of wailing like a child," Samantha snapped back, tone matching Hera's biting one. Ignoring her, Hera focused her attention on Hunter. 

"I'm tired and want to rest. Can I go now," Hera asked softly, looking into his eyes. She did not doubt in her mind that he wouldn't let her go alone. Before he could object, Hera leaned up, balancing on her tippy toes and kissed the corner of his mouth. Her red-rimmed eyes pleaded with him. Hunter smiled, "Evelyn and Bianca are in the library getting some books. We're waiting for them. We can leave as soon as they come," he said, tucking her hair behind her ears. 

"I can't wait, I really want to sleep now," Hera whined, and Hunter immediately agreed to go with her. 

Hera stiffened. 

'Oh, huh! It's not good. I can't let him go with me. He shouldn't know the truth.' 

"I'm not a child, Hunter. Stay with your friends and give me some space to breathe," Hera snapped in annoyance. Hunter glared in warning, but before he could say something, Eric spoke. "I'll go with her then," he offered. "Come, Pixie, let's go," he said, picking her bag from the floor and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. 

Hunter looked reluctant but agreed when his best friend looked him in the eye, nodding in assurance. Hera smiled when Hunter kissed her forehead. He didn't utter a word when she left with Eric. She glanced over her shoulder to find him still looking her way, his face stoic while Samantha smirked arrogantly at her. 

Once they walked out of the gate, Eric grabbed her elbow, stopping her. Hera frowned, wondering why he stopped. Before she could ask, Eric carefully took her hand in his and pushed the sleeve of her blazer up, checking her wrist. Hera gasped, trying to retreat her hand, but he didn't allow it. "Who did this, Pixie?" He asked, cut straight to the point. "And no lie, I want the truth," he said in warning. 

Hera gulped nervously. "Can you please let it go? I don't want to talk about it," Hera said, attempting to dodge it. "Whom are you protecting? He asked and didn't move from his place. Arms crossed across his chest, eyes fixed on her with a sharp look, made her even more nervous. He could get very intimidating when he wants to, and Hera looked away, avoiding his eyes. 

She had enough common sense to know that lying won't help her anymore. Taking a deep breath, Hera faced him. "Eric, please don't tell him," she begged him. Though his intimidating stance didn't change, he nodded his agreement. "Hm, okay. Give me the name, and I won't tell Ace," he negotiated. But Hera only gaped at him with an open mouth. How could she believe that? He would never hide things from Hunter, and she knew they don't lie to each other. 

Her boyfriend's best friend stared at her without blinking. Hera sighed in defeat. She'd no choice but to comply. "I promise I'll tell you. But not now, Eric. I want to forget it. Please give me some time," she requested. Eric dropped his hands and exhaled in a huff, clearly annoyed. But his gaze softened, and with a reluctant smile, he agreed. 

His arm came back around her shoulder, and they resumed walking. A few seconds later, he spoke again. "Are you hurt?" He asked softly, and Hera tilted her head up to look at him. "I know you're hurt emotionally. I want to know if you're fine physically. We can see a doctor if you want," he suggested, and Hera smiled in gratitude. She assured him that she didn't need to see the doctor. 

Suddenly, Hera's pace slowed down, and Eric looked at her questioningly.

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