Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 123 - It's Okay To Forgive

'If only I could skip this stupid test.'

Hera sighed for the ninth time. She wished, though, how nice it would be if she could skip school because she was dreading it. She wasn't ready to face Andrew. Hera kept her head bowed down the whole day, avoiding eye contact with anyone and bumping into other students in her wake, muttering apologies. 

She was afraid she might see Andrew. Somehow, she managed the day in school without meeting him. But the dreading feeling never faded a bit, even after the school hours got over because now she'd to face Eric. She was even more worried now. 

She went to the dining hall a bit early to finish her dinner quickly. Luckily, she didn't see Hunter or Eric anywhere yet, and within a few minutes, she gulped her food down and left in haste. 

At around ten 'o'clock, someone knocked on the door to her room, and before anyone could open it, Hera hid under the comforter to be on the safer side. But it wasn't her lucky day as it seemed. Eric stood at the door, calling for her. Grinding her teeth, Hera cursed inwardly. 

'Aargh, fuck my life. Why doesn't someone ever stop them from entering the Girls' block?' 

She considered for a few seconds whether to pretend asleep or not, but knew he wouldn't leave without speaking to her. 

Muttering another curse, she walked to the door. "I'm teaching you maths, let's go," Eric said without much preamble. Hera looked at him as if he said he's going to lock her in the dungeon. Exhaling in annoyance, she pointed at the clock on the wall. "It's late, I was going to bed, and I have chemistry tomorrow, not maths," she said matter-of-factly. Eric opened his mouth to speak, but she beat him to it. "I've already read everything, and you don't need to tutor me," she said. 

Eric glared at her. He knew what she's trying to do, but he won't let her avoid it anymore. They needed to speak. "Good, then grab your maths books and follow me," he said, turning on his heels and scowling Hera went to get her books. 

He brought her to the library in the dormitory and sighing, Hera took a seat beside him. She noticed it was empty. No other students were there except them, and she felt relieved at the privacy. "Where's Hunter?" She asked, afraid he would join their conversation. Eric understood the worry underlying her tone. "He won't join us, don't worry," he said, easing her tension. 

"You cried so much yesterday that your swollen eyelids were enough to convince Ace how much you need tutoring to save yourself from failing other subjects. He offered to do it himself, but I convinced him how you two would do nothing other than distracting each other," Eric said, and Hera thanked him for being so understanding. Eric shook his head, clicking his tongue. "It's not an excuse, Pixie. I'll teach you maths for real because I'm not betraying my best friend by lying to him," he said. Hera nodded in response. 

"But first, we need to talk. So start speaking, Pixie," he demanded, and Hera knew, she'd no way to escape from this and decided to tell him the truth. "Andrew said he likes me," Hera started and peeked at Eric through her lashes, afraid of his reaction. But surprising her, Eric only hummed in response as if he'd known it all along. 

Hera told him how Andrew hated Hunter, how heartbroken her friend seemed after her rejection and how he cursed her. She revealed everything except the kissing part and how he forced himself on her. 

"Everyone says I should hate Hunter after what all he did," Hera said, tone of voice completely disheartened. Nodding in understanding Eric tilted his head to look at her face. She'd her head dropped, trying to avoid eye contact. He placed his big palm on her head, guiding her to face him directly. 

"Do you though?" Eric asked softly and smiled when Hera looked at him. She took a deep breath as if something profoundly weighed her shoulders down. "Shouldn't I?" Hera questioned back, voice a soft whisper. Eric smiled wide, and his arm went around her shoulder to give a comforting hug. "But you don't want to, Pixie," he stated the obvious and Hera agreed. "I can't hate him even if I want to," she admitted.

"I understand where you're coming from, Pixie. You don't have to feel guilty," Eric said, and Hera smiled in appreciation. 

"Andrew cursed me, Eric. He said I'll never get my happy ending with Hunter. Samantha did too, and Clara hates me because forgiving him comes so naturally to me," Hera said, sounding guilty again. Eric still held her close to him, hugging her sideways. His grip on her arm tightened as if trying to assure her she wasn't alone. 

"People tend to spread hatred when they're jealous or hurt. It's a natural human trait, Pixie. You don't have to take it seriously or believe everything they say. It's your life, and only you should have the right to decide what you want or what you don't want. It's not like their curse will come true, or they can change your destiny," Eric said, easing her worries to some extent. 

"They don't understand what it feels like to love someone all your life. It's not easy to let go of your childhood sweetheart or your first love, especially when you love with your whole heart and soul," he said, pausing to smile at her affectionately. "And you've loved Ace from the moment you laid eyes on him. It's okay to forgive, Pixie. I know how it's impossible to hate someone you love. It shouldn't matter if people are judging. The only thing that matters is what your heart wants," Eric said, and this time he managed to bring a smile on Hera's face. 

"For someone who doesn't do dating or romance, you sure know a lot about love," Hera said, her tone teasing, genuine affection and appreciation filled in her voice. Eric grinned, eyes crinkling at the sides. "Finally, you smiled," he pointed out, and Hera smiled again, nodding. 

"Pixie, I may not know a thing about romantic love, but I know the affectionate, caring love. I love my parents, I love my godparents, I love my friends, and I love you. If any of you did something wrong or hurt me in some way, I'll be disappointed and hurt. I'm sure it'll make me angry too, but I would never be able to hate any of you because I love all you so much. It may take time to forget or heal, but eventually, I'll forgive. That's what you're doing, Pixie. You were angry with Ace, but you never hated him," he concluded, and Hera stared at him in awe. 

"Thank you for showing me your angelic side today, Gabriel the angel," Hera said in a teasing manner, but Eric read the emotion behind her words. She meant it from the heart. "How do you know such wise things to say? And why do you know me so well? How can you read me so accurately?" She asked, eyes getting wet in the corners. Eric groaned before playfully glaring at her. "Don't tell me you're going to cry now. Pixie, you know I hate it when girls cry," he said, tone chiding her. 

A tear escaped her eye and Eric wiped it with his thumb. He gave her a minute to recover from her overflowing emotions before taking her hands in his. He patiently waited until she felt ready to speak again as if he knew there's something more she's hiding from him.

When Eric pushed back the sleeves of her full armed, loose, warm red sweater, he observed the bruises were fading. He ran his thumb on them, and Hera bit her lip as she felt the anger radiating from him. 

"Did he do this?" Rhetorically Eric asked. "What else are you not telling me?" Hera retreated her hands from his grasp in a reflex action. 

She took his hands in hers and held them before her in a praying manner. "Please don't tell him. You promised, Eric," she begged him through her eyes. Eric scoffed and removed his hands from hers. "How do you expect me to keep my promise when you're still hiding the truth from me?" He asked indignantly. Grabbing her wrists again, he eyed the bruises and asked, "Can you be honest and tell me what else did he do?" 

"He forced himself on me and kissed me," closing her eyes, Hera blurted out the truth. "He did what?" She heard Eric ask and the anger ringing in his deep voice forced her to open her eyes. Before she could say something, he shook his head in a no. "Don't ask me to lie to my best friend. He needs to know," he stated, and Hera held on to his arm, begging again. 

"You know what'll happen if he knows. Please Eric," she said, trying to convince him but in vain.

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