Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 127 - Nothing's Going To Change Her Mood

Holding each other's hand with their fingers intertwined, Hera and Hunter silently walked in the empty hallways until they reached Hera's room. 

It's so late, way past her bedtime, and Hera felt awkward to knock the door to her room. Resting her palm flat on the locked door, she hesitated to knock. Rolling his eyes at her, Hunter did it for her, and his fist banged the door a bit harshly, earning a scowl of disapproval from her. 

Hera pursed her lips when the door opened, revealing her ex-bestie. Adding more to Hera's embarrassment, Clara's judging eyes glared at her as soon as they landed on her. Hera tried to free her hand from Hunter's hold, but he refused to let go. Wrapping an arm around Hera's waist, he pulled her close and kissed her full on the mouth while Clara watched, hatred dripping out of her eyes.. 

It was all for the show. Hunter knew Hera was never comfortable with their public display of affection, but he went on with it anyway.

Hera knew why he did it, for Clara to see them. 

Disappearing into the room, she left them alone, and Hera looked at her boyfriend with a 'Was it necessary?' look. To her annoyance, Hunter nodded. Shaking her head, Hera grinned in silent laughter. He touched her swollen lips with his thumb, wiping the wetness around it. He seemed proud of his work, a satisfied smile gracing his lips. Hera mocked a grimace and hit his shoulder with her fist. 

"Go before anyone else sees, it's already so late," Hera spoke in whispers. Taking her hands in his, he kissed her gloves-clad knuckles one after the other. With a Goodnight kiss on her forehead, he gestured her to go in. He waited until he heard the lock clicking from inside. 

Hunter checked his call logs on his way back and cursed when he saw two missed calls from his parents. He forgot to wish them Goodnight. 

"How did I fall asleep in the goddam library?" He muttered before dialling his father's number on the phone. He'd always been a light sleeper, but magically with his Hera in his arms, even the cold floor couldn't stop him from falling into a deep slumber. 

Inside the room, Hera jumped on her bed as soon as she kicked her footwear off. She'd asked Eric to keep her secret until their tests get over and she would tell Hunter by herself when Eric gives her green signal. 

With all the worries tossed out of the window, Hera went to sleep with a relieved smile. 

Next day, her smile remained intact on her face the whole day. Her test paper turned out just okay, and she's confident she would pass. 

"This short hair looks nice on you, Hera baby. You almost made me miss my little Hera with pigtails," Michael said before pulling her hair playfully. Hera swatted his hands away and tried to rearrange her hair on her shoulder. He'd deliberately messed it to irk her. 

'No problem, Mike. You can annoy me as much as you want. Nothing's going to change my mood today, I'm happy," Hera said, hastening her pace, a little bounce in her steps. They were on their way to the school library. Apparently one of them would tutor her again. 

Hunter was walking ahead of her with his group of friends. Hera and Michael were trailing behind, bickering with each other, busy with their usual silly fight. "Stop making that disgusting sound, you mannerless child," he said, grimacing at her pouting lips while Hera chewed a bar of caramel chocolate, munching it with her open mouth, lips smacking in the process. 

"Call me a child again, and I'll kick your groin, making sure you won't ever be able to produce a child," Hera retaliated. Michael snorted in reply. "Can you see any of my friends right now?" He asked and confused, Hera looked ahead only to find them all gone. All of them had already reached the library. "For someone who can't even keep up with my pace while walking, you sure talk too much. Bigmouth slash smacking disgusting lips," he said grimacing again. 

"I would like to see how you kick with these short legs. Can it even reach my groin?" Michael said and chuckled at the offended look on her face. "I don't have short legs," she said, gritting her teeth. "Sure," came his sarcastic reply. Hera stopped in her tracks and glared while he purposely increased his pace. Huffing out her anger, she charged towards him with the full intention of kicking his groin. 

Michael had already seen it coming, and before Hera could lift her leg to kick him, his foot came forward jamming between hers, successfully tripping her. Hera unceremoniously slumped on the floor while he laughed, mocking her. "Did you see, Hera baby? I'm taller, quicker and smarter," he said, crouching down to her level. He jumped to his feet and quickly moved out of her reach as Hera followed behind, determined to gift him with that kick for real. 

Michael's amused laughter echoed around the empty corridor. When he didn't hear her footsteps, he turned over his shoulder to find Hera rooted to the spot. "What happened, baby girl? Are you tired?" He asked, jogging back to her. One look at her startled face and alarmed Michael's eyes scanned the hallway, searching for the source of her fear, and he found it immediately. 

Hera watched in stunned silence as Andrew walked out of the boys' washroom. He was limping, face ugly with bluish bruises marring his skin. Wherever his skin was visible, Andrew had cuts and swellings. He looked sickly miserable. 

Their eyes met, and Hera took a step back in reflex. Michael was in front of her in a flash, shielding her from Andrew's view. Hera's eyes shifted onto Michael, and she observed how his hands formed into tight fists, and his knuckles turned white. The anger radiating from his body was hard to miss. A nerve ticked under his muzzle, and Hera knew he was grinding his teeth under his clenched firm jaw. 

When Hera looked at Andrew, he glared at her with all the hatred he could muster. Hera flinched when a hand wrapped around her wrist. She visibly relaxed and sighed in relief when she noticed it's Michael's hand. He pulled her behind him, protectively. Eyes burning with fury, Michael returned Andrew's glare. Hera didn't miss how Andrew cowered in fear and briskly walked in the opposite direction. Yanking her hand from Michael's hold, she marched towards the library. 

Everything clicked into place as Hera put two and two together. She was so angry a tear escaped her eye, and Hera furiously wiped it away with the back of her hand. She barged into the library, eyes frantically searching for Eric and Hunter. 

She found them sitting in the corner of the library, their usual spot, a big round table filled with their books. Two of the eight chairs were empty, obviously one for Hera and one for Michael. Bags perched on the floor next to their chairs, they all had their olive-green uniform blazers off. 

Hera's anger only intensified when she spotted Samantha, sitting next to Hunter with her head resting on his shoulder. He was busy writing something in the book while Danny dictated from the fat textbook in his hands. 

"Bitch, you won't ever spare a chance of being your slut self, would you?" Hera spat in anger as she neared their table, eyes sharply fixed on Samantha, the resentment in her tone very obvious. "Hera?" Evelyn called for her, disapproval dripping from her voice. Samantha shot daggers through her eyes while Bianca just stared at Hunter as if contemplating if she should interfere or not. 

Hunter silently stared at Hera, waiting to hear the reason for her disturbance. Eyes infuriated, she glared at him, and Hunter frowned in response. It couldn't be because of Samantha, he knew it. Ignoring him for a few seconds, Hera looked pointedly at Eric, who sat next to Evelyn. 

"You told him," Hera stated accusingly at Eric before returning her attention to Hunter. "You promised you wouldn't hurt my friends, yet you did that to Andrew. He looked so broken. How can you break your promise to me?" Hera asked. Now the softness in Hunter's eyes disappeared in a flash as his features shifted into a rigid angry one. Without answering the question, he blankly stared at her. 

"He didn't," she heard her brother Danny saying matter-of-factly, his demeanour calm and collected. "We did. Ace didn't touch him," Michael said, appearing behind Danny. He looked mad and threw his blazer on the chair. "He deserved more than what we did to him," he added, slamming his fist on the table. Eric scolded Michael to control his anger, reminding him they were in the library. 

"What's happening? Will someone explain to me? I'm clueless here," Evelyn said. Hera ignored everyone and nervously gulped when she saw how Hunter's lips twitched into a smile. "I'm also clueless here, Evie," he said, addressing Evelyn, but held his gaze focused on Hera.

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