Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 129 - Keep It To PG Level

"You did, Hunter. You always do," Hera said, removing her hands from his hold only to cup his face in her palms. The anger shone brightly in his eyes, darkening the shade of his purple orbs. He let his guard down, revealing the hurt he'd been hiding for so long, and Hera couldn't bear seeing how vulnerable he appeared. He was her strength, her guardian angel. He's feeling so low and helpless, and she hated that she brought this upon him.??

"You've always kept me safe, Hunter. Your presence is enough to chase away my fears, and your touch magically erases all my worries. Your smile heals all my pain, and I never felt safer anywhere other than in your arms," Hera admitted, brushing her lips softly on his forehead. "I didn't tell you the truth only because," she paused, inhaling deeply. Hera tried to search the right words, framing her sentence in her mind, rehearsing before voicing it out.??

"Andrew is my friend, like how Nate had been once. I never wanted them to get hurt, nor I wished to be the root cause of their sufferings.. Just like how you felt helpless because you couldn't be there for me, I feel guilty if he gets hurt because of me even though he's at fault. I wasn't protecting Andrew just because he's my friend. I hid the truth from you only to protect you from getting hurt. I don't want his blood on your hand," Hera was saying, but stopped when Hunter pulled away from her.??

Of course, he wouldn't agree with her reasons. "Your time's up," he said, taking her wrist in his hand. Hera sighed in annoyance. He wouldn't listen to her. Now Eric was her only hope. She let him pull her to her feet, and they walked back to his car. Hera couldn't help trying her luck once again.??

"Nate's accusing eyes keeps haunting me, you know," she started, but Hunter didn't pay any heed. He kept walking, pulling her along. "I couldn't forget the look on his face as if I betrayed him. I sometimes get nightmares of that day when you," before Hera could finish that sentence, Hunter turned abruptly, and she collided into his chest. She bit her lip, and her eyebrows rose while she nervously studied the building anger in his eyes.??

Hunter's jaw clenched while he stared her down, gritting his teeth. Hera took a step back and gulped.??

'I hate you right now, Nate. I wish I could undo befriending you.'??

The regret pinched at her heart. Hera's free hand reached out to touch his face. He was frowning with such intensity, she wanted to erase his stress lines, but he backed off. His rejection stung, but she swallowed her pride.??

"What did you say, Hera? As if you betrayed him?" He asked, tone ironic. Hera took a step closer to him. He'd his fingers still wrapped around her wrist, and she placed her palm flat on his chest, a subtle attempt at appeasing his anger. "He's the one who betrayed. What great friends you've, Hera!" He chuckled, mocking their so-called friendship.??

"Nathan was the one who played dirty, and now Andrew, both of them were using you to their advantage in the guise of friendship. You never saw their true nature," he said, shaking his head in disappointment. Hera couldn't deny, Hunter was right. "Goddess, I would die with self-loathing if I let that fucking cunt walk away, unharmed," he swore, and Hera helplessly shook her head, wishing he would let go of his anger.??

"Let the school authorities take action against him, Hunter. Didn't I agree to report him? Please listen to me?" She pleaded, but in vain.??

"I'm done with your bargain offer, Goddess. Let it go it's not interesting me in the least," he said in a detached tone and let go of her wrist. Hera speechlessly watched while Hunter marched towards his car in no time and jumped into the driver's seat. Fastening his seatbelt, he honked the horn twice, a wordless command for her to get in. Huffing her annoyance out, Hera obeyed.??

A few minutes later, they reached their dormitory, and Hunter left without even acknowledging her presence. Shocked, Hera stood rooted to the spot.??

'What the fuck just happened? He fucking ignored me as if I'm invisible!'

Frustrated, Hunter groaned. He'd had enough already. Now Eric won't let him breathe in peace.??

"Drop it, Eric, stop acting like a saint. You aren't fooling anyone here. It's not like we haven't drawn blood before," Hunter snapped at his best friend. He was trying to do what Hera couldn't, to convince Hunter not to harm Andrew. But it wouldn't work. Hunter's fingers itched to strangle Andrew to death, and he couldn't wait.??

"Come on, Ace, we're grown-ups now. I don't want our fathers to come running to our rescue if we get in trouble with the law. We live in a foreign land, Ace and we don't make the rules here," Eric reasoned, trying to put sense into his brain. He knew, how senseless his best friend could get when blinded with anger.??

"Then don't involve yourself, Eric. No one's asking you to fucking join hands with us," Danny spat out the words in rage. "Actually, I don't need any of you. I know how to handle that wanker myself," he said, looking at Hunter with distrust filled eyes. Because he's upset, Eric could make Hunter do his bidding.??

Danny knew Hera was to blame. She'd managed to convince Eric somehow, and when Eric Costa decides to speak sensibly, no one could outsmart that genius Lawyer genes in his blood.??

Hunter scowled at Danny with a 'What did I do?' look. Before they could put their thoughts into words, Danny's phone went off. Pursing his lips in displeasure, he walked out on them choosing to answer his call in private.??

Michael snorted. Pushing himself off his bed, he sat on the chair,??propping his feet up on his study table. "When has that stopped us? Eric, we don't make rules. For the record, we're rule breakers, both literally and figuratively speaking," Michael said matter-of-factly.??

Folding his arms around his chest, Eric exhaled. He was leaning against Michael's desk, facing him directly. So it was easy to glare at Michael before Eric fixed his gaze on Hunter.??

"I've given my word to Hera that I'll keep you from harming that bugger, and I don't want to disappoint her," he said, looking at Hunter. "Hera won't forgive you if you repeat Nathan's incident. Let's not scare her anymore. She'd seen enough, Ace," he suggested. Hunter shook his head, and his eyes held a clear display of disagreement.??

"Eric, you're not changing my mind on this, so please quit it. Don't make me say something I'll regret later," Hunter said. "I don't care what you said to Hera. That boy is not going to escape this," Hunter said with finality. Giving up, Eric nodded. "At least, can you wait until the authorities decide?" He asked. Before Hunter could object, he held up his palm to stop him.??

"The other day, Hera mentioned how we talk about killing so casually as if it's our day-to-day things. I'm sure you wouldn't want her to know your real identity yet," Eric stated. Meanwhile, closing his eyes shut with a frustrated groan, Hunter dropped back onto his bed where he was seated. He heard Michael laughing at his distress.??

"You only have to wait until he gets expelled. Don't think we have the smart brain for nothing. Let's not be dumb and put our smartness to great use, okay. Let Hera believe he left the school safe and sound. Once he's out of SPALEV High, he's all yours," Eric declared defeatedly, and Hunter opened his eyes, a smile making its way onto his lips. But he noticed the look on Eric's face and knew he would add a 'but' to his declaration.??

Proving him right, Eric started his next phrase with that same word. "But, keep it to PG level. Break a few of his bones, smash his flesh a bit, a little blood to draw and that's it. You're not going to kill him. I don't want any R-rated level of bloodshed," he finished. Hunter inclined his head. It would do for the time being.??

And time played hard against him, refusing to succumb. Hunter counted days, hours and minutes until their tests came to an end. Reluctantly Hera reported what Andrew did. The authorities called for his parents' presence. Hera panicked to face it alone and was scared of the outcome, but thankfully Hunter and Danny were allowed to stay with her inside, the perks of being the student council president and vice president.??

With all this unpleasant chaos taking place, Hera was grateful for one thing. Her brother stood up for her for the first time in her life ever, playing the perfect protective brother she'd always longed to have. He didn't utter a word to comfort her, but Hera felt the deep-rooted affection he'd kept hidden from her. She discovered how much he cared for her.

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