Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 138 - The Last Meal Of Her Life

Danny ignored the concerned look the security guards passed him. They might have noticed the grimace on his face. He couldn't help how it distorted in pain every time he took a step forward. Danny inserted the key into the hole, twisting it to open the lock and wondered why his best friend didn't opt for the fingerprint or password-based digital door lock system. He's crazy rich, after all. 

The mansion had everything designed in the old-fashioned style, including the handle door lock. On second thought, Danny actually felt grateful that it didn't have the digital lock system. If it required entering a password, Danny was sure he would've messed it up because right now he couldn't think or remember anything except running into the safety of his room before anyone sees him. 

It was late when he reached home, and he prayed that none of his friends would be awake, but it seemed he'd no such luck. The living room on the second floor had dim lighting, and Danny guessed his friends were in the home theatre on the third floor. 

'How did I forget? Friday night is our movie night.'

He felt a pang of guilt in his chest for ditching his friends at the dinner. He took off to his bedroom, and after double-checking the door to make sure he'd locked it, he removed the ugly yellow trench coat and grimaced in disgust before dumping it in the trash can. It reeked of alcohol and tobacco. Jack's friend exchanged it with his hoodie because the wanker liked it. 

"Don't leave the wound open for too long, boy. Tend to it before it gets worse and apply something on it," Jack had said, mocking sympathy. Danny cursed the drug dealer and removed his shirt carefully and threw it into the trash can as well. The wound wasn't that deep, but it still stung like a bitch. 

He took a bath and applied an antiseptic cream on the cut. He bandaged it himself and got dressed in his sweats before knocking the door to the home theatre. No one paid attention when he entered as they all looked busy. Danny's eyes involuntarily searched for his sister and found her sitting in the last row with his best friend. 

They weren't watching the movie, but instead, Victoria secret fashion show played on the screen. Danny smiled, immediately guessing it was Evelyn's pick to watch it. He found her rocking her head and shoulder in sync with the music while Shawn Mendes performed. He felt like a sore loser for ditching her tonight after all that hard work they did in the kitchen. 

Meanwhile, Eric and Michael had their eyes glued to the screen. The beauty and hotness of the skinny models had their undivided attention. Bianca and Samantha were having fun dancing to the tune of their favourite singer. Danny silently marched towards Evelyn and took his seat beside her. 

"Sorry for ditching you, Princess," he whispered in her ear. Her smile was blinding, and he felt like it instantly healed the wound in his abdomen. She looked more beautiful than those angels on the screen. 

'God, I'm fucked for good.'

He couldn't help but smile like an idiot at her welcoming gesture. 

He ignored when Michael gave him a questioning look while Eric glared in return, clearly pissed at Danny. 

He chanced a glance at Hera and Hunter. His sister was busy playing Candy Crush Saga game on Hunter's phone. Danny could hear the faint sound of the game even in the middle of the loud music. Hunter wasn't watching the screen, Hera being the object of his sole attention, a smile played on his lips as he stared at Hera. 

He pinched the side of her neck in an attempt to shift her attention back to him and grinned when Hera's fist punched his arm before she shoved him away. He repeated the action, and his Goddess glared before pinching his cheek harshly. Hunter grabbed her hand and pulled her onto his lap, trying to kiss her. Danny looked away from them and sighed, the conflicting emotions overflowed weighing his shoulders down. 

Jack had offered another way to repay him, but Danny wasn't sure if that eased his worries one bit. "If your little sister agreed to work in my strip club for a month, it would earn me the lost money back. Because the regular guests of my club are all rich fuckers," Jack had said. Danny wanted to strangle him when he grinned, satisfied with his suggestion. 

Reluctantly Danny had inclined his head, not that there's any other way to escape it. That helpless nod had made Jack agree to let him off the hook for the time being. 

"We're calling it a night," Hunter announced suddenly, putting a halt to Danny's chain of thoughts. He watched as his best friend carried his sister in his arms in bridal style and walked out of the theatre. 

Hunter kicked the door shut with his foot and walked to the bed. Hera squealed when he threw her on the bed, and her form bounced on the soft mattress. Laughing, he pulled his T-shirt over his head and tossed it right onto her face when she teasingly whistled at him.

Hera rolled over onto her back, making room for him. She smirked before biting her bottom lip with an appreciating gaze fixed on him, feasting on his naked torso. Propping her head up on an elbow, she looked down at Hunter as he settled beside her. He arched his brow with a knowing look before rolling his eyes at her. 

"Stop staring at me like I'm the last meal of your life. You're scaring me, Goddess," Hunter said, giving her an unimpressed look. Hera chuckled cutely and pecked him on the mouth. "You're the last meal of my life, Mr Hunter, a favourite one at that," she whispered as if it's supposed to be a secret. 

He held his breath as her hands roamed over his torso experimentally. Shaking his head, he pushed her away, and Hera pouted in disappointment. "You're breaching the line, Goddess. I don't want to do anything that you would regret later. So I'm warning you, don't play with me, I'm this close to losing my restrain," he said, warning her. "I only wanted to kiss you," Hera offered in her defence. 

Hunter glared at her with his narrowed eyes, causing Hera to roll her eyes in return. "Lucifer, stop acting like you don't want to touch me. Innocence doesn't suit you," she said accusingly. "And what wedding night was Mike speaking about?" She asked. When Hunter ignored her, she gave him a dirty look. 

"I hate it when you hide things from me. You have this rule of 'no secrets' with your friends, but you keep secrets from me," Hera said, throwing a pillow at him to emphasize her anger. 

Snorting his laughter, Hunter silently arranged the pillow back to its original place before grabbing his cell phone. "Goddess, give me ten minutes. I need to talk to my parents," he said, leaving a peck on the crown of her head. Hera scoffed and glared at his retreating frame as he walked away from the bed towards the open balcony. 

"I'll kill you if you don't answer my question after finishing your call," Hera yelled, threatening him with her fingernails which she assumed to be her claws right then. Hunter grinned at her before pulling the glass door shut behind him. 

It took him more than ten minutes to finish his conversation with his parents, and Hera decided to brush her teeth in the meantime. 

When she returned from the bathroom, her eyes rounded in surprise before narrowing into slits. Hunter was on the bed, with books perched around him, some of his books and some belonged to her. Arranging the wet towel on the backrest of the desk chair, she marched towards him. 

She didn't miss how Hunter eyed towel disapprovingly where she'd left it on the chair. "It has a particular place made for it you know," he said, confirming her thoughts. "You, neat freak, stop trying to divert my attention. I told you, you're not getting a veto on that question," Hera said, joining him on the bed. 

Hunter silently offered his phone to her while she eyed it cluelessly. "If you drop that topic, you get to play games, and I'll study until we fall asleep or I'll answer that question and tutor you till you fall asleep. Choose your options, Goddess," he said and smirked at her annoyed face. Hera mouthed "Fine," before snatching the phone from his hands. 

Candy Crush and Word Cross couldn't keep her interested for more than thirty minutes, and when she got bored, Hera opened his Instagram. He hadn't posted any new picture, since their date. She read some comments under his posts and then scrolled through the explore page to kill time. Hunter, the bookworm, he was known for, had already lost track of time, immersed deep in his book. 

Hera's thumb scrolled upward again as a picture demanded her immediate attention. She'd almost missed it while scrolling down. She thought she'd seen a sketch or maybe it's a painting she wasn't sure. Hera had very little knowledge regarding art and artistic things.

Her eyes widened to their full size, and she sat up, crossing her legs as she found it. It was Hunter's picture. Someone had drawn his sketch.

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