Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 141 - She's Crazy In Love

"Can you tell me what's bothering you?" Hunter asked, tucking a stray hair behind Hera's ear. "Can you kiss me?" She asked, and pecked his cheek once more before licking her lips to emphasise her suggestion. Hunter noticed how her eyes stayed glued to his lips. He sighed, and his shoulders visibly slumped down. 

She knew it irked him more every time she kept things bottled up inside. Hera presented him with her dazzling smile before pouting her lips, inviting him to kiss it, and as she expected, he couldn't resist. Returning her smile, he captured her lips in a sweet sensuous kiss. 

When she satisfyingly felt breathless Hera pulled away from his lips and the content smile stayed intact on hers. 

'How much do you love me, Hunter?'

She wanted to ask but thought it was stupid because she already knew the answer to that question. 

"I love you, Hunter," she said instead, and Hunter smirked in return.. "You're saying that a lot this evening, Goddess," he stated. 

'Of course, you noticed. You always do.'

"But I love you more, Hera Hunter," he said, and Hera's lips stretched wide into a grin even though she kept her bottom lip seized between her teeth. Her palms rested flat on his chest, fingers locked together, chin propped on them, half of her upper body still pressed to his. 

His heart thumped wild under her palm. The heat radiating from his naked torso burned her deliciously through the shirt she wore. She wanted nothing more than to wrap herself around him, body to body, skin to skin, their heartbeats in sync with each other. She could spend eternity locked in his arms and die with a contented heart if he was the one she gets to see and touch before her last breath. 

"You're zoning out, Goddess," Hunter said. "Don't think you can hide your distress from me. Come on, speak now," he demanded. "I'll tell you if you tell me about that wedding night," she bargained, earning an eye-roll from him. 

"Goddess, it's nothing. You know, how you have something called 'girl talk' between your female friends, we boys have it too. And I don't think you would appreciate it if I shared it with you," he said and sat up, leaning against the headboard as Hera did the same. "I'm not hiding or keeping things from you. It's just that the subject of boys talk is sometimes uninteresting or inappropriate for girls," he concluded. 

Hera nodded in understanding and Hunter's brows quirked up, questioning when she kept staring at him. Hera grinned goofily before speaking. "Could you at least assure me this, if that wedding night was yours then you were with me that night?" She asked, and Hunter looked at her incredulously. 

"Of course, you were with me, Goddess. What kind of ridiculous question is that? Where else would you be on our wedding night? I need my wife with me on my wedding bed to share that wedding night. I can't celebrate my wedding night alone, can I?" He asked rhetorically, and his tone very amused. 

Hera giggled quietly and leaning down to his lips she stole a kiss, a very wet, noisy smooch. Hunter looked at her expectantly, and that was her cue to speak. 

He noticed how her shoulders stiffened before attempting to relax. Wordlessly, Hera opened the posts and showed him all the sketches one by one. Hunter was confused and clueless. "Do you know any of these girls?" Hera asked, and he shook his head, the corners of his mouth pulled down as he shrugged. He couldn't remember meeting them ever, and it didn't help that he could hardly see the girl's face. 

The sketches didn't freshen up any memory either, but one caught his attention where he had his fist ready to destroy something. It wasn't anything unusual for him because he often got into fights. 

"I have no clue," he said, scrutinising the sketch. "I look hot, though. Don't you think?" He asked sounding too arrogant, and Hera rolled her eyes, scowling at him in disapproval. 

"Why were you upset?" He asked. His tone was humorous as if Hera did something strangely stupid by getting upset over those sketches. Hera sighed and explained whatever she thought and felt earlier. Hunter listened to everything she said with keen interest, but he kept scowling at her the whole time. Once Hera poured her heart out, he rolled his eyes at her. 

"Jesus Christ, You're so crazy in love and so fucking cheesy with your feelings," he said mocking disgust on his face. 

Hera glared and pinched his nipples. 

Hunter grabbed her hands, pulled her under him and crashed his lips onto hers. He effectively deprived her mouth and her brain of words and thoughts. 

Hera chuckled into his mouth, tasting him on her tongue and breathing him into her lungs. He didn't have to use words as she felt what he wanted her to understand. He was trying to erase all her doubts and insecurities. His heart, his dedication and his love belonged only to her. 

"You can block those accounts from my profile if you want," Hunter muttered in between the kiss, but Hera was invested too deep into the kiss to reply. That issue didn't matter to her anymore. 

It was weekend, and it wasn't working one bit on Danny's favour because he had less of a chance to escape his friends. If there was anything he hated the most, it was getting grilled with questions. It wasn't easing his nerves, knowing he was at fault. He spent most of his time with Evelyn avoiding Eric and Michael but knew he couldn't do it forever. 

Come by Saturday morning, Evelyn decided it was time for the girls to get pampered and took Hera along with Bianca and Samantha to the beauty salon to get all prim and proper. She had planned her schedule for the whole day, and accordingly, they would go shopping after. 

Each of the boys cornered him one after the other as soon as they got a chance to interrogate him. Danny snapped in frustration that he wasn't a child, and they were definitely not his parents to keep track of his every move. 

"For fuck's sake, stop monitoring my every step as if I'm your precious baby learning to walk for the first time, it gets annoying when you hover over my personal space," he yelled at all three of them. It wasn't like he could tell them the truth, right?

They were on the third floor at Hunter's gym with the much-needed privacy to get Danny open up. 

They stood surrounding him, and Danny felt like a thief getting caught red-handed. Pushing himself off the chest press machine, he leaned forward, supporting most of his body weight on his knees. He dabbed the towel on his neck, wiping the sweat before tossing it aside. Hunter and his friends watched while Danny sighed in defeat and ran his hands through his hair. 

Head lowered and eyes cast down, Danny thought he could lie. It wasn't that difficult if he could hide the guilt. He had his story ready and memorised, but it's a common trait to struggle before getting started. 

"Are you going to open your mouth today itself or are you going to take an eternity to form your words into a sentence?" Hunter asked, sarcasm dripping through his voice. And lying came a bit easy to Danny after that because he didn't have time to think anymore. 

"I'm involved with a girl, but it's not anything serious. I like her and no, she's not from our school. I met her outside a few weeks before, and I hid it from you all because I thought you wouldn't understand or approve of it," Danny babbled without meeting their eyes. "Why wouldn't we approve?" Eric asked while Michael muttered at the same time, "I thought you liked Evie." 

Hunter didn't utter a word yet. "She's older," Danny said, slowly lifting his head to look at his friends' reactions. "She's a college senior," he added. "Evie will be so disappointed," Eric stated with a scoff. 

They grilled him some more with their cross-questioning and Danny maintained his lie very conveniently. One look at Hunter's face and he knew, his best friend didn't buy his shit one bit, but to his credit, Hunter didn't utter a word, and Danny could live with that for the time being. 

In all this lying crap, the only thing that bothered Danny was Evelyn. He knew the boys would share this info with her, and as Eric said, she was going to be so disappointed. Danny didn't want to hurt her feelings, but right now, saving himself from this crisis was more important. 

Danny had his little sister to keep safe and had a very little time to plan his next moves. He had to find a way to deceive Jack before Hunter discovers the truth. Because if he didn't, Danny knows for sure, Ace Hunter would kill him before Jack could.

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