Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 152 - She Knows When He's In Pain

Michael crouched down to his level and pointed his finger at Hunter's injuries. "Look, Victor, my friend here is also hurt, and I think now you two are even and it would be a fair race to compete." With that said, he mounted his bike and jerked his head signalling Hunter to proceed. 

Hunter lowered his head, eyeing his dirtied huntsman leather boots and bit back a smile. His chest expanded with pride as he took a deep breath. He would've been vocal with his appreciation for what Michael did for him, but he and his friends never needed those formalities among them. To mention thanks to him would be awkward, and besides, Hunter didn't believe a mere thank you could show the depth of his gratitude. 

Michael started his bike and raised the accelerator before honking the horn. Hunter lifted his head at the sound and saw Michael rolling his eyes at him. He looked annoyed. 

"Are you two waiting for the priest to announce you as man and wife or what? Come on, get up and move your arses," Michael said, irritation lacing his tone. Jake tried to stifle his laughter under his helmet.. "All the other riders have surpassed us already," Michael grumbled impatiently while putting on his helmet. 

Ignoring his whining, Hunter looked at Victor. "Sorry about him," he said, jerking a thumb over his shoulder, pointing at Michael behind him. His tone was apologetic while his eyes showed sympathy. "Are you alright?" He asked, gently placing his hand on Victor's shoulder, a friendly gesture. Victor nodded his response before taking Hunter's offered hand and stood up. Hunter couldn't help but wince when he put pressure on his legs while pulling Victor up. 

Victor glanced at Hunter's legs, taking a note of his injuries. "What happened with your legs?" He asked, concerned eyes surveying the damage. Hunter shrugged his shoulders as if it was nothing. However, with whatever little information he grasped through Hunter and Michael's conversation, Victor could guess what might have happened. 

Meanwhile, Samantha too had her eyes zeroed in on Hunter's injuries. She had so many questions to ask, but she was hesitating. 

"I'm sorry, Ace. I thought they were just nasty, obnoxious fellow riders trying to make their way towards the victory like us. I didn't know you got attacked and this badly injured. Trust me when I say I'm not someone who'd bail on a friend. Had I known the real situation I would've stayed to help," Victor explained in his defence. 

Hunter nodded his acknowledgement, a welcoming smile playing on his lips. Whenever he offered his friendship to someone, he could always see it in the person's eyes whether their part of the contribution was genuine or not. Hunter knew Victor's intentions weren't evil. He could see it in his eyes that he meant what he said. 

"It's okay, Vic. We're good," Hunter said. Victor ascended his motorbike and glared at Michael. "You could've told me the truth instead of attacking me without my knowledge. I would've gladly agreed to help," he said, and Michael scoffed in return. "Believe me, Victor, my dear friend here will kick your ass without warming too if you dared to dream of his girl," he warned. "We'll see," was Victor's short reply. 

Pulling the visor of his helmet down, Michael sped off. 

"You're lucky to have a friend like him, you know," Victor stated the obvious. "I know," Hunter said, agreeing. He couldn't stop aiming his arrogant smirk at Victor. He was proud of his best friends, after all. 

"Alright, now let's move and see if you could truly beat me," Victor said before he took off in full speed. 

"Are you okay, Ace?" Samantha asked, concerned. Not wanting to anger or annoy him, she decided on the convenient question for now. Smiling assuringly at her, Hunter told her to get on Jake's bike, and their race began officially. 

On the other side, Eric was worried because the announcer still didn't take Hunter and Michael's name. Almost all the riders reached the other end already. His gut feeling told something else other than the race kept his friends occupied. Bianca looked worried too, and they both exchanged a knowing look when Hera voiced out her worry. 

"How much more time, Eric? It's been so long since they've gone," Hera said, concerned. She was impatient and started fidgeting again. It was getting late, so Eric suggested he would drive her back if she preferred going home. Hera shook her head. 

All three of them sighed in relief when finally they heard the announcer mentioning their friends' names. An hour and another few minutes later, they made it to the finish line. 

It was no surprise who the winner was. Hunter had won the race, and Michael finished in second place. 

Hera and Bianca yelled in unison and high-fived each other in celebration. The moment they realised what they just did, it felt awkwardly stupid for them. They made eye-contact and nodded once in acknowledgement and immediately moved away, maintaining an arm's length distance between them. 

Hera noticed Eric was awfully quiet. He had his eyes fixed on his friends while they received the trophy and the prize money. He didn't miss how Hunter was limping the whole time. Hera couldn't see it yet as the large crowd of spectators in front of her blocked her view. She could only see Hunter and Michael's face. 

A few handshakes, a few hugs, a few cheerful yellings of congratulations and then the best friends made it to where Eric and the girls waited for them. Bianca jump hugged Hunter as soon as he neared them and grinning broadly he wrapped arms around her middle returning the hug. 

Huffing out her disappointment, Hera waited for her turn. Patience was something she wasn't familiar with when it came to her Hunter. When Bianca left his embrace to greet Michael with her tight hug, Hera squealed in excitement and ran to him. Standing on her tippy toes, Hera pulled him into her arms. Wrapping his arms around her waist, Hunter lifted her off her feet. 

Hera grinned from ear to ear but as soon as she looked into his eyes, her smile disappeared. He looked exhausted, and her eyes grew wide as she noticed the bruise on his forehead. Her eyebrows pulled down into a frown, but before she could open her mouth to ask questions, Hunter covered her mouth with his. 

He kissed her aggressively as if he hadn't done it since ages. The urgency, the hunger, the need, his desperation, Hera felt everything in that possessive kiss. Hera moaned in protest when she couldn't breathe, and he pulled away from the kiss. She stared at him in stunned silence, her hot breath coming in short pants, fanning his face. 

Hera loosened her arms around his shoulders and tried pulling away from the embrace, but Hunter only tightened his hold around her middle, her feet still hanging in the air. She parted her lips, but the words died down in her mouth as he kissed her again. Hera could only hear the sound of his heavy breathing in her ears and the loud pounding of his heart thudding against hers. 

Hunter was reluctant to let go, and he kissed her hard as if he couldn't breathe if she pulled away, brandishing his lips on hers. 

Something felt awful as she noticed her surroundings were too quiet for her liking. Hera bit his lips hard to stop him from devouring her mouth as the kiss turned too dirty. Closing his eyes, Hunter leaned his forehead against hers and inhaled her scent. 

"What's wrong?" She whispered. 

"Later," he whispered back. 

He slowly let her down and smiled once her feet planted firmly on the ground. He noticed the unshed tears in her eyes and sighed. 

'Of course, she would know when I'm in pain.' 

Once he noticed the awkward silence around them, Hunter pulled Hera to his side. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder to keep her in his proximity. He looked at his friends and flinched when he met Eric's emotionless, cold eyes. His aqua blue eyes turned a shade darker. Hunter knew he was pissed and he hoped at least his best friend wouldn't lash out at him in Hera's presence. 

It's not how he wanted Hera to learn about his true identity. 

"I had a little accident, and my legs are injured but nothing serious," he said, revealing the half-truth. Hera tilted her head to look at him, and Hunter pulled her closer as if drawing strength from her presence. 

What he needed the strength for, she didn't know, but she could sense the tension in the air. 

Bianca saw the injuries on his legs and gasped. "Oh, my God!" She whispered. 

Before anyone could say anything else, Victor arrived at Hunter's side, saving him from the confrontation for the time being. 

"Hey, I would appreciate an introduction," Victor said, patting Hunter's back. His eyes met with Hera's, a flirty smile playing on his lips. Hera remembered seeing him earlier. She peeked at Hunter through her lashes and noticed how he smiled at the intruder. 

Hunter's friendly smile directed at the older boy assured her that he wasn't someone she should fear.

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