Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 154 - She Felt Left Out

Suddenly, a chilled water bottle appeared in front of Hunter's eyes, forcing him to remove his gaze from the rearview mirror. Michael held the bottle in his hand offering water to Hunter and effectively broke the staring contest Hera and Hunter had going on. 

Hunter took the bottle from Michael's hand and unscrewing the cap drank half of the bottle in one go. Hera still kept staring at him through the mirror. Had the situation been different Hera would've been fascinated by watching his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. Butterflies did flip their wings fluttering inside her tummy, but it didn't bring along the pleasant feeling it usually brought. 

She felt the wrenching in her guts as Hunter tried to stretch his legs and grunted with the effect as if his whole body was in pain. Samantha took the water bottle from his hand while Bianca helped him move his legs to the centre console area. Hera's eyes went wide, and her lips parted in shock as she finally saw the wounds on his legs. 

The torn material of his jeans pants displayed the depth of his injuries. The wound at his knee showcased the bloodied flesh inside the torn skin. Hera couldn't see the cut on his thigh as the bandana kept it hidden under it.. His pants soaked in his blood and abrasions were all around his knuckles. Her lips wobbled, and she bit the inside of her lip hard to keep her sobs locked inside her throat. 

Unfastening her seat belt, Hera turned around to look at Hunter only to regret immediately. Hunter had his eyes closed shut, his forehead furrowed, eyebrows pulled down, sloping inwards while his handsome face scrunched up in pain. 

'What I would give to erase every trace of the pain from his body.'

Hera wished she could borrow his pain and free him from every suffering. She wanted to cup his face in her palms and kiss every inch of it. She didn't like those ugly lines of worry marring his gorgeous face. Sensing the moment he was going to open his eyes, Hera turned back and fastened the seat belt again. 

She didn't dare glance up at the rearview mirror again, afraid she wouldn't be able to stop her tears if she met eyes with her Hunter. For some reason, Bianca's smart brain thought it would be nice to tear his pants off, and she took out the paper cutter knife she always carried in her pockets. Hera saw through her peripheral when Bianca started to cut the rough material of his jeans. 

Meanwhile, Hunter winced at the sudden increase in his pain and cursed, but he didn't attempt to stop Bianca and kept his eyes shut. Hera wanted to smack Bianca's hand off but didn't dare to interfere. 

'For God's sake, can't she see that she's hurting him?'

Hera's anxious heart was running a marathon, and every time Hunter hissed wincing in pain, Hera felt as if Bianca's cutter knife was cutting the wall around her heart instead of Hunter's pants. Hera clenched her fists tight and closed her eyes, willing the uneasiness to subside. 

"Fucking stop it, Bianca, you're not the doctor here," Eric's angry voice boomed inside the jeep all of a sudden. Both Bianca and Hera flinched at the harsh tone. Hera glanced at Eric only to find him in the same position from earlier, hands holding the steering wheel, eyes looking at the road ahead. 

"I thought it would help him feel better if I removed the clothing around the wound. It's swelling badly, and the soaked material clinging tight around it is only worsening his pain," Bianca said, explaining in her defence, her tone sounded angry, but Hera sensed the hurt in her voice. All of them had their reasons for their grumpy mood, but Hera didn't care, though. 

Her only concern then was her Hunter, and she was thankful for Eric's interruption. His anger had stopped Bianca from going further with her plan. Bending to her side, Hera peeked at Hunter to see him throwing his head back on the headrest of the seat. His eyes closed as if he was going to sleep.

Meanwhile, Samantha took his hand in hers and started to blow air around his bruises, to soothe his pain. 

Something bitter inside her mind irked Hera. She was sitting in the front comfortably with all the place to herself while Bianca and Samantha took care of her Hunter. Shouldn't it be Hera's responsibility as his girlfriend? Instead, all his friends were tending to his needs. 

'Why didn't Evie kiss his booboo yet?'

Hera thought sarcastically and then realised, her brother and Evelyn never made it back. At the same time, Eric started the jeep. Shifting it to the reverse gear, he pulled the vehicle out of the parking place. Eric glanced at Hunter while he looked behind to reverse the jeep safely, but his gaze didn't linger any longer than a blink of an eye. 

"Where's Danny and Evie?" Hera asked panicking when Eric started to drive without waiting for them. "They left an hour ago. Don't worry, baby girl," Michael said, putting her at ease. 

"And what about your bikes?" Hera asked no one in particular. She just wanted to break the awkward silence. Again Michael told her that someone would bring it home safely. 

No one spoke again, and the awkward silence stretched. 

They dropped Jake back to his place first, and Jake breached the silence for a few minutes when he greeted them all goodnight. The boys didn't forget to thank him for all the help he rendered. Eric invited him to stay for the dinner, but Jake politely declined the offer. They had decided to have dinner out, but now they had to change their plans because of Hunter's injuries. 

Hera sighed in relief when they reached home. Eric tossed the keys to Samantha, and she ran to unlock the door while Michael and Bianca helped Hunter out of the jeep. Parking the vehicle in the garage, Eric entered the house. 

Samantha gathered the scatter cushions on the sofa and arranged them properly to make room for Hunter. So that he could rest or sleep, comfortably stretching his long legs. Limping with his steps, Hunter slowly made it to the sofa and stood leaning his hips against the back of the furniture. 

Hera silently watched, not knowing how to approach him. The tension still lingered in the air. Hera waited for someone to break the awkwardness. 

Hunter's head jerked up when Eric tossed the jeep keys on the glass teapoy aggressively. Before Hunter could open his mouth to say something or explain himself, Eric marched towards him and his fist connected with Hunter's jaw. Though he deliberately applied less force, the blow was hard enough to make Hunter lose his balance. 

The three girls screamed Eric's name simultaneously, but he paid no heed to anyone. He pulled Hunter back on his feet, and his fist was ready to hit him again when Michael held his forearm, effectively stopping him. 

"He's already hurt, Eric, stop this madness. It's not like he wanted this," Michael was saying but his sentence punctuated with a grunt as Eric yanked his hand back and his fist rammed into Michael's abdomen instead. Holding his breath, Michael mouthed a curse as he couldn't breathe because of the impact of the punch. 

"What the hell are you mad at me for, Eric? It's not my fault that he asked me not to call you," Michael offered his defence. Eric shoved him hard on the chest. "Then fucking stop interfering," Eric snapped and moved back to Hunter. He threw a punch at Hunter again, but this time Hunter seized his fist with his hand before it could reach his face. 

"What the hell, Eric? Have you lost your mind? For fuck's sake, it fucking hurts," Hunter said indignantly. Eric looked furious, and no one tried to stop him. He was about to hit him again when Hera spoke. 

"Eric, whatever your reasons are, can't they wait? Right now, he needs urgent medical aid. He's hurting, Eric," Hera said, stating the obvious. Taken aback, Eric stared at Hera as if he had forgotten that they had company. Hera stared back, her widened eyes daring him to defy her. 

One look at her pale face and Hunter knew she was terrified. But she hadn't shed a single tear yet, holding herself so bravely. Hunter noticed how steady her voice came out when she spoke to Eric. 

"It's okay, Goddess, I'm fine," Hunter said, smiling at her. He winced when he tried to move his feet, and his friends were beside him in an instant, helping him lay down on the sofa. Michael lifted Hunter's legs carefully placing them on the soft cushion. Samantha ran to the kitchen and brought the first-aid kit from one of the cabinets. 

Bianca took out the scissor and started cutting Hunter's pants, and this time no one stopped her. She cleaned the wound at his left knee first. 

Meanwhile, Hera took a seat on one of the sofa chairs, opposite Hunter's sofa and silently watched. She held back her tears as she oddly felt left out.

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