Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 161 - Future Son-In-Law

Alexander's son undoubtedly had the charm of a prince. Christopher knew he would one day rule his father's dangerous world. 

'You are born to rule, boy.'

The thought crossed his mind as he admired the boy's striking features. 

Going through the photographs, he wondered. "If only Felicity had agreed to marry my Alastair. You could've been born as my grandson," he thought aloud. 

The boy looked nothing like Alexander, but Christopher saw the heir to Alexander's empire. One similarity between them screamed its existence, the devil lurking behind their angelic face. 

'Like father, like son..'

Christopher was impressed by the boy's skills. His courage was admirable. If Alexander didn't hate Christopher's guts so much, Christopher would've presented the boy with an official proposal offering one of his granddaughters' hand in marriage. Alexander's son had everything Christopher wished to have in his future grandson-in-law. 

Christopher had always wanted a male heir, a grandson to take over his title. He wished Gisela was born as a boy to grace his throne and to continue his legacy. However, he had no option but to settle for a suitable grandson-in-law now. 

"But, boy, what a pity! You'll only be ruling the crime underworld. Isn't it a curse to be born as Alexander's son?" Christopher sneered, looking at the handsome boy in the photographs. He was beyond pleased that he now had something to use against Alexander, his biggest weakness, his only son. 

As the detective said, Ace Hunter didn't seem like a regular teenage boy who could be threatened or attacked. He sure had inherited Alexander's every trait and talent and was trained skillfully. Christopher had to modify his planning a bit. Attacking or harming the boy couldn't be considered as an ideal option anymore. He had to approach him in more subtle ways. 

If only his favourite granddaughter could lure the boy to her. The idea didn't seem that repulsing when he processed the thought in his mind. If the boy gets caught in Gisela's heavenly beauty, he could be a puppet in their hands. How fascinating would it be to use the boy against his own father? 

'It shouldn't be that hard to lure the teenage boy to a beautiful girl.'

Gisela was not just any girl, she was a princess, and the boy would get to be a prince if he married her. He wouldn't have ever dreamt of getting his hands on a princess for sure. It would be his honour and once in a lifetime opportunity. Once he falls into Christopher's trap, he could mould him as he wished. And if that plan failed to succeed, he could always kill the poor boy. 

At least, he would have something to hold against Alexander and bring him to his demise. Christopher Castellanos would give anything to see that devil on his knees. 

'You should be on your knees, begging for forgiveness, begging for your life. I shall make sure it happens.'

The King vowed. 

JOHNATHAN WAS AMAZED. Ever since Rouvin showed him the photographs of Ace Hunter hunting down the professional killers single-handedly, he couldn't tear his eyes off the picture sequence. The boy had earned his respect. Felicity always used to boast about her little son's intelligence. 

'Why doesn't my little trouble maker have a brain suitable for his age? He is too smart for a tiny toddler.'

He remembered her often saying. He could still hear her sweet voice ringing in his ears. For sure, her son had all the ability to step into his father's shoes already. Alexander had money and had earned a respectable status as a legitimate businessman. He ruled everything and everyone around him both legally and illegally. People both respected and feared him. 

Johnathan could only imagine the boy surpassing his father's achievements. He was capable and would prove to be a perfect successor to Alexander in the business world and the Mafia world. 

'Any father would love to have a son like him.'

Johnathan had groggily answered his phone in the middle of the night when Rouvin had called him. He couldn't help but curse the man for disturbing his sleep. He rarely got to sleep peacefully. 

"I have outstanding news for you, Your Highness," he had said, and Johnathan heard the amusement in his tone. He sounded so smug as if Johnathan would reward him for ruining his blissful slumber. Johnathan wrapped himself with his robe and padded to his study as Rouvin suggested they would need privacy to discuss something important. 

The pictures Rouvin sent him on his phone had made him speechless. 

"We're almost getting a live feed, John," Rouvin had proclaimed. He had his men discreetly monitoring the boy's outdoor activities on Johnathan's request. They had reported about the illegal racing and sent him the live pictures. Rouvin couldn't wait till morning and had forwarded the photos taken on the spot to Johnathan. 

Anyone would be stunned after witnessing the boy's violent side. It was totally in contrast to the charming, sweet boy looks he generally presented. He appeared almost demonic as if he was thirsty for human blood. According to Rouvin's information, they were out to kill the boy. 

"Where's Hera, Rouvin?" Johnathan had asked him, but he wasn't worried. There was no need to fuss over Hera's safety anymore as he could see Ace Hunter was capable of keeping her safe. The terror he saw on the face of the professional killers put him to ease. 

"She was with him in the beginning. Now probably waiting for him at the finish line," Rouvin had replied, his tone casual and relaxed. 

Thanking Rouvin, Johnathan had ended the call. To his delight, after a few minutes, Rouvin had sent him the video of the fight. Johnathan felt goosebumps appear on his skin while watching Hunter's power-packed blows. The boy sure knew where to hit and how to dodge. 

The next day Rouvin had brought him the photographs. 

"A gift for you. I'm sure it would be a pleasure watching your future son-in-law in action. He sure looks like a hero from an action movie, isn't he?" Rouvin had said in a teasing manner. 

'Your future son-in-law.'

It kept bouncing against the walls in his mind, echoing in his ears. Johnathan would love to have him as his son-in-law. His daughter Helena and Ace would make a good pair. They were two good-looking people. He knew it was wrong and selfish of him to think that way. But he was a human after all, like any other father he desired the best for his daughter. 

Johnathan didn't know what would be Hera's future with Ace Hunter. Would Alexander approve it? 

Hera was born to fight. She had a long way to go and more demons to face. 

Johnathan could reveal Hera's whereabouts to Alexander if he wanted. But he couldn't dare reach or contact him not only because he was afraid to face Alexander, but also his father Christopher would know about Hera's existence. He believed when Johnathan said years ago Mariana's baby died in that bloodshed. 

He would want to keep it that way. Hera would be alive and safe until his father stayed unaware of her. Alexander could fight his father, but Johnathan didn't dare to go against him. 

At least that's what Johnathan convinced himself. But deep down, inside his heart, he knew there was one more reason that he didn't want to acknowledge. 

He was still not over his hatred for Alexander. He hated that Alexander had everything in life, Felicity, her unconditional love, their precious son. He had name, fame, money and power, whereas Johnathan's life was merely a compromise. He had stolen Johnathan's happiness, his true love. 

How could Johnathan let him have everything? It gave him the slightest bit of satisfaction that at least Hera's disappearance from his life caused a little discomfort in Alexander's paradise. 

'You deserve it, Alexander.'

He knew Alexander would feel disappointed whenever he spent time with his family. Guilt would eat him alive until he finds Hera. Johnathan wanted him to suffer for a few more days. He knew it was his petty jealousy and should've died by now. Though he had passed the age of an immature love-sick boy, he would still gladly contribute if he could disturb Alexander's peace and bring him the slightest discomfort. 

Johnathan knew he wasn't a good human being, but wasn't there a saying everything's fair in love and war?

In another part of the mansion, the women in the royal family discussed the upcoming birthday event they were hosting in honour of Alastair. Helena was bored with the same old traditional gatherings of their family. She wished she could host a party where she could get drunk and dance to rock music all night without a care in the world. 

She was playing with her glass of strawberry juice when her cousin Gisela jumped from her seat with a loud shriek. Startled, Helena dropped her glass on the expensive carpet, the pink liquid staining her naked toes. 

Gisela grinned sheepishly, apologising to their mothers for causing nuisance and grabbed Helena's hand dragging her into their backyard patio. 

"Guess what, Helena," she said, her voice soft as if she was whispering a secret but her eyes were large, and Helena could read the excitement written all over her cousin's face. She was so excited she didn't wait for Helena to guess. 

"Eric saw my message!" she exclaimed, showing the Instagram chat history on her cell phone.

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