Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 185 - Their Only Weakness

"Do you remember your doctor Sophia's little daughter?" Alexander asked. Felicity remembered meeting an energetic little girl of her son's age. She was a loud chatterbox but a cute one with blue eyes and blonde hair.

"She goes to the same playschool," Alexander provided helpfully.??

"And what happened to your I don't like girls, Mom?" Felicity asked, looking her son sharp in the eyes, imitating his lisp and baby voice. He bent his head, trying to hide his face as pink dusted the boy's cheeks. "She's not like other girls. Sunshine is pretty and smart," he said defensively.

Both Alexander and Felicity arched their eyebrows up at the nickname. "I thought her name was Bianca," Felicity said in a teasing tone and cooed when little Hunter blushed again. "She said my name is too long, so she calls me Ace, and I call her Sunshine because she shines like Sun," Hunter explained in a cheerful tone. His parents shared a smile as he spoke animatedly while his large purple eyes gleamed with happiness..

Hunter scoffed in displeasure when little Hera cried, interrupting their talk and stole his mother's attention from him once again. His smile fell from his face, and he glared at Hera before rushing out of the room, stomping his little feet on his way.

Felicity let out a tired sigh looking at her son's retreating form. However, Hera demanded her attention at the moment. She had pooped and was crying for her mother to clean her and change the diaper. To her relief, Alexander offered to help, and Felicity went after her mission to win over her little boy's heart.

Hunter was pretending to be asleep on his bed when his mother entered his room with a warm glass of milk in her hands.

She lifted him into her lap and rocked him in her arms, kissing his face everywhere. "Hmm, my baby boy is so yummy. Mummy monster wants to eat him. Can she?" she asked and pretended to bite his cheeks. Hunter laughed when she made a chomping sound. "No, Mummy monster, don't eat me, please," he played along. "Will you be a good boy then?" She asked, mocking anger, to which her boy nodded earnestly.

She handed him the glass of milk, earning a scowl from her son. She arched her eyebrows when he tried to push the glass away. "You said you'll be a good boy," she reminded him, her tone held a subtle warning. He noticed she had added chocolate to the milk and grimaced in disgust.

"Too much sweet or chocolate causes cavities," he stated in a disapproving tone. Felicity rolled her eyes at his intelligence. She added extra chocolate to bribe him, but she forgot that her boy was not like other regular kids. "Oopsie, my mistake! I'm sorry, I'll be careful next time," she said sheepishly and urged him to drink it.

"I'll buy you a new video game if you take pictures with Hera," she whispered in his ear and nodded when he eyed her suspiciously. After a few more attempts at coaxing him, she had accomplished her mission.

Standing on the dresser, Hunter watched his reflection while his mother combed his hair. Tucking his white shirt into the waistband of his black trouser, she hummed in approval. "My baby is the most handsome of all," she declared and kissed his cheek.

Hunter noticed they all were matching. Much like him, his father wore a white shirt with black trousers. His mother had a white skirt with a black sleeveless top on. Hunter glanced at Hera through his narrowed slits to find her in white as well.

Felicity sat on the red sofa, cradling Hera in her arms. She tilted her arms up so that Hera's face was visible in the picture. She cooed while Hera giggled and kicked her legs in excitement.

Alexander set the timer on his camera and hurried back to take his seat beside his wife with their little boy standing in between them. Hunter had his hands shoved in his trousers pockets, and he smiled at the camera. His parents were satisfied with his willing participation and grinned wide for the picture. They didn't have to struggle much to make Hera smile because that baby couldn't stop giggling, much to Hunter's annoyance.

They heard the click of the camera switch, and Alexander yelled his son's name in disapproval while Felicity sighed in utter frustration because their little devil did something to piss them off again.

Just before the camera captured them in its lens, Hunter turned around, showing his back to the camera.

Felicity scowled, an unimpressed look directed at her husband. Despite all the annoyance and trouble their naughty, stubborn son puts them through, Alexander couldn't stop his laughter from erupting out.

"It's your fault for assuming this little devil would listen and fall for your bribery. I mean, come on, you know him better, Felci," Alexander said in an amused tone. But Felicity didn't find the humour in his sentence and scoffed at him. "Your son is such a handful these days. I'm going to get grey hair soon because of your boy, and you stop laughing, Alexander. It's not funny anymore," Felicity scolded him.

Alexander shot an offended look at her.

"Why is it that every time he does something against your wish, he suddenly becomes only my son and not yours?" Alexander asked, aiming an unsatisfied glare at her. Felicity eyed him as if he said the most absurd thing. "Who else should I blame then?" She asked, sounding incredulous. "He took after your stubborn ass. It's in your genes as if it's a family tradition to disobey parents," she pointed out.

Alexander shook his head in self-pity, and his face fell as he attempted to feign hurt. "Huh, how convenient! You don't seem to remember that when he obeys your every command or does something to please you. Then you'll say, aw, my baby is such a good boy. He is my pride, my everything," Alexander said, mimicking her voice and rolled his eyes before lifting his shoulders in a dismissive shrug as he scoffed.

Felicity bit back a smile and pointed her finger at the camera as she issued a wordless command for him to set it again. Sulking, Alexander muttered something incoherent under his breath.

"Stop whining, Alexander. As if your son isn't enough. I can only handle so much tantrums for the evening," she said sternly, and her husband huffed in disappointment but followed her order anyway.??

"Hey, you little trouble maker, come here," she said, pulling her son with his arm. Hunter tried to resist, but it seemed his mother was too strong in comparison to his strength. His short frame went along with the drag, and Felicity hugged him to her side, still managing Hera in her arm. He eyed the little girl indignantly when she kicked him in the arm.

"If you don't listen and keep on stubbornly ignoring, then mummy will get angry, and she won't talk to you," she said in warning. Little Hunter's head whipped around with his little mouth turned down. He eyed his mother in disbelief. He looked betrayed and scowled at her. With a sad pout playing on his heart-shaped mouth, he hummed his response without showing any signs of protest anymore.

Felicity smiled victoriously at her husband while her little boy straightened his posture, readying himself for the camera. Alexander nodded, giving her an impressed smile.

"What could my poor boy do when you threaten him with not speaking to him? You know we father and son have only one weakness, and you ruthlessly use it against us, you cruel woman," Alexander said disapprovingly. Felicity smirked, arrogantly arched an eyebrow up while bringing her fingers close to her mouth and blew air on the nails.

"Last time I checked, a cruel woman is not the definition of an angel. Would you make up your mind, Mr Alexander Hunter? Am I your angel or cruel woman?" She asked in a bored tone, feigning disinterest. Alexander pressed his lips together, pulling them inward and held his hands up in surrender.

"You are my angel, Felci, no matter how cruelly you torture me every time," he said, admitting his defeat. "You rule, and I am at your service, angel, until my last breath," he confessed with his fist crossed over his heart, a promise he would keep. Felicity grinned and nodded in approval.

They took many pictures in different poses, changing their seats and their positions. Felicity couldn't hold back her laughter when she noticed how her little boy was effortlessly faking a smile for the camera. She shook her head and ruffled his hair affectionately.

"You're not fooling me, you little devil. I want a real smile," she said, tickling him. The melodious sound of little Hunter's laughter filled the room as well as her heart.

Finally, Hunter agreed to carry Hera in his arms and pose for the camera. He had his parents seated on either side, each of them helping balance Hera in his hold.

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