Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 189 - He Wants A Pretty Wife

"That's it. I'm getting a restraining order. Jessa, he's not allowed near our boys from now on," Felicity declared.

Thomas rolled his eyes before sneering at her.

"Do you think you can keep your son away from his godfather? I like to see you try. And for your information, I'm both biologically and legally Eric's father. You can't keep me away from him either. In case you've forgotten, I'm the one with a degree in law," Thomas stated, a bit too smug for Felicity's acceptance.

Jessa felt the tug at the hem of her pyjama shorts and looked down to see her little boy staring up at her face with his sleepy eyes. She bent down and scooped the boy up into her arms and kissed his cheek.

"I want to cuddle mummy and sleep," Eric said, wrapping his chubby arms around Jessa's neck.. "I brushed my teeth all by myself," the boy stated proudly, his blue eyes wide as he looked into his mother's eyes that matched his. The minty freshness of the toothpaste fanned Jessa's face when her son grinned and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Aw, my baby is such a good boy," Jessa said, weaving a few more words of praise. She noticed the stain of excess toothpaste on his clothes and sighed. "How much toothpaste did you spill?" She asked. Her little boy giggled, his little palm covering his mouth while he did so. Jessa glared at him playfully.

Meanwhile, Felicity and Thomas continued their bickering.

"Is it my fairy godmother?" Eric asked when he heard Felicity's voice. Jessa nodded. "Are my daddy and fairy mummy fighting again?" He questioned again, his eyes wide in curiosity. "Why do they always fight?" He asked again.

Jessa let out a tired sigh.

"Mr Eric Costa, I'm glad and proud that my sensible genes dominate your DNA, but please, can you not ask so many questions all the time?" Jessa pleaded. Her son had the habit of digging deep and dissecting every little detail thoroughly. Sometimes it would appear as though she was witnessing a cross-examination in the courtroom.

Eric was one curious, intelligent boy. Well, who could Jessa blame? After all, he was born out of the union of two expert attorneys.

She carried him to his room and changed his wet clothes. Eric grimaced at the pink pyjama suit she picked from the closet.

"Mummy, I told you I don't like this colour," the boy whined while his mother cooed at him. "My baby looks cute in this," Jessa said, pulling the top over his head.

"Why are fairy mummy and daddy fighting?" Eric asked again.

Jessa pursed her lips. It seemed she had no chance of escaping the cross-examination.

"They are not fighting, baby," she said. Her smart boy scoffed in disapproval. "Why are you lying? Fairy mummy says it's bad manners. She will become a monster mummy and will eat us if Ace and I lie," he said. Jessa laughed at his scolding tone.

"I don't know about your monster mummy, but if your dad doesn't accept his defeat and stop annoying Felicity, sooner or later, she will eat him for sure," she said more to herself and closed the door to Eric's room to block the voices of her husband and her best friend.

On the other side of the door, Thomas scoffed. "See, this is why I prefer Anna over your annoying self, Felicity. She would never dare to fight me. There wouldn't be any disagreement between us. I can't stand your bitchy side," Thomas confessed.

"I hate you, Thomas Costa," Felicity announced, annoyed at Thomas's arrogant ass. "Feeling's mutual, Felicity Hunter," Thomas fired back.

"Go fuck yourself, you headless dick," Felicity cursed, and before Thomas could retort, she disconnected the call and smiled at her victory. She didn't give him a chance to have the last say. It gave her satisfaction for the time being.

As soon as she tossed the phone aside on the sofa, her eyes darted towards her husband.

Alexander gulped.

'Why are you my best friend, Thomas?'

He cursed his friend inwardly. Every time they fought, somehow, it always brought trouble for Alexander.

Felicity glared daggers at him. The silence felt too harsh for his liking.

"Do you have another wife? Do you love another woman?" The question startled Alexander. The low whisper in which his son spoke felt like a blow to his gut. With his eyes wide in shock, he gaped at his little boy. The expression on Hunter's face mirrored that of his mother's. His purple eyes shot daggers at his father.

Alexander looked at Felicity, pleading with her to help, but she continued to glare at him in silence as if daring him to handle her little boy without her aid. Alexander sighed in defeat, and as usual little Hera giggled, easing his nerves. He smiled at Hera before looking at his son.

"What made you think so, Junior? And the answer to your question is no. The only woman I love is your mother," Alexander replied, looking into his son's accusing eyes. The boy held eye contact without blinking.

"Why did Uncle Thomas say another woman loves you?" Hunter asked. Alexander detected the anger lacing his voice and the danger lurking in his eyes. He smiled at his precious boy before stealing a glance at Felicity.

He noticed the faint smile on her lips and the pride in her eyes.

'For a three-year-old boy, he sure is protective of his mother. I'm so proud of you, my boy.'

Alexander's chest swelled with pride at the knowledge.

He ruffled his son's hair affectionately, but the upset boy slapped his hand away.

"Don't believe everything your uncle Thomas says. He's a liar," Alexander said. He wished he could punch Thomas right then for putting such absurd thoughts into his son's brain.

Alexander noticed how Hunter's face fell. Shouldn't he feel relief and relax after his father's admission?

Felicity also noticed her son's distress and went to join him on the bed. She wrapped her arms around his little form and pulled him onto her lap.

"Your mummy and Uncle Thomas were fighting. That's why he said mean things. He was lying, and he lies all the time to bother me," Felicity said, trying to ease little Hunter's worries.

"Oh!" said Hunter.

He removed himself from her embrace and got down from the bed. Alexander and Felicity exchanged glances before focusing their attention solely on their son. Hunter eyed them both with a sad pout. Alarmed, they both reached to hold him, but he stepped back, rejecting their advances.

"Uncle Thomas said that you both love me the most," Hunter said.

"Uh-oh," Felicity said and looked at her husband.

"Uncle Thomas also said that you love so much that if I ask you to send Hera away, you'll send her away," Hunter said and waited for them to respond. But his parents were speechless. They didn't know how to fix the issue.

"Time to make some damage control," Felicity said to Alexander. He agreed. "Let's start with killing Thomas," he said, annoyed at his idiot of a best friend. Felicity smiled, but it vanished the second she saw the tears in her little boy's eyes.

"Hera can stay with us only if she marries me," he declared again. "If she doesn't marry me, you cannot keep her in our home. If you love me, send her away," he challenged.

Hera giggled in Alexander's arms and kicked her legs. "It's not the time, Sweetheart," Alexander said, glaring at her playfully. He placed her on the bed and reached Hunter. The stubborn boy resisted when he pulled him near.

"Uncle Thomas said you want to marry Bianca. You can marry her," Alexander suggested, hoping the boy would comply and let go of his sudden obsession with marrying Hera.

"No, I don't want her. Sunshine likes Eric. So let Eric marry her. But I want a pretty wife too. Mum loves Hera so much, and I like Hera's eyes. She has the prettiest eyes," Hunter spoke continuously, not letting Alexander interrupt him.

That night Hunter went to bed without wishing goodnight to his parents. No matter how much they tried, they couldn't change his mind. The next day, he kept glaring at Hera, and his tantrums seemed neverending. He refused to eat if Hera joined them at the dining table.

As days passed, Hunter became more violent. His anger would intensify every time Hera giggled or kicked her legs.

"Hey, wicked witch, stop laughing," he would say and scold her.

He started to throw things when he got angry. He would break vases, plates and other utensils. Felicity would punish him by grounding him, but all went in vain.

The day came when he threatened to throw Hera out and kicked her crib furiously. It scared Felicity that her little trouble maker chose violence at such tender age. They even brought him to the doctor, who suggested a change in the atmosphere might help. Without knowing what else to do, Felicity decided to send him away for a while.

Alexander had planned a trip to Havana in Cuba, and it was supposed to be a family vacation. But Felicity didn't think it would help her boy. She decided to keep Hera and Hunter away from each other for a while. With a heavy heart, she sent her baby boy to Italy to live with his grandparents for the time being, at least until he forgets the idea of marrying Hera.

Hunter had tears in his eyes, but the stubborn boy refused to let them out. Felicity held her breath when her little trouble maker went to say goodbye to Hera.

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