Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 198 - A Sense Of Belonging

"Wow!" Hera whispered in awe. Somehow, he always gave her the best gift as if he exactly knew what she liked or what would please her. She wondered where he got the unique ideas from because he never failed to render her speechless.

Her fingers grasped the delicate gift with utmost care and freed it from the clasp attached to it. "Did Evelyn help you pick the gift?" Hera asked, not taking her eyes off the gift. "Nope, I just asked her to make sure her gift matches mine," Hunter answered, watching the delightful emotions gleaming on Hera's face.

It was a handcrafted matching set of single, one stranded necklace, earrings and a bracelet made of transparent glass beads. The purple and forest green coloured beads stacked one after the other matched perfectly with the shades of their eyes.

Hunter took the necklace from her hand and gestured to her to turn around. Putting it on her neck, he fixed the clasp in its place, and Hera didn't waste a second before turning around so that he could take a look at her. He didn't say anything to compliment her, but the way his eyes admired her neck and collarbone, Hera knew he was pleased with the result.

He helped her with the earrings while Hera slid her hand into the beaded bracelet and smiled happily at how gorgeous it looked around her wrist.

"How much did it cost?" she asked, still admiring her bracelet. "Wow, Goddess, that's a very polite way to say you appreciate the gift. Thank you," Hunter said sarcastically and rolled her eyes when she looked at him, giggling away.

"You never told me how much you spent on my platinum gold anklet with two diamonds attached to the heart charm. I didn't even know it was real diamonds. I'm just asking to be clear," Hera clarified. Hunter laughed in a lighter tone. "Okay, just to be clear, they aren't real gems or pearls, Goddess. They are simple, plain glass beads," Hunter clarified.

"I love it so much, Hunter. It's so gorgeous," Hera beamed at him, her soft gaze held so much affection in them, all of it directed at Hunter. He smiled in satisfaction while his heart melted at the heartwarming smile she presented him. "But I wish I had a mirror. I wanted to see my earrings and necklace," Hera said, adding as an afterthought.

As if he had a magic wand that made all her wishes come true, Hunter smirked and pulled out a small rectangular mirror from the pocket of his pants. Hera laughed in delight while he held the mirror in front of her.

The white attire she wore, the bridal pin in her hair, the bridal bouquet in her hands, her wedding gift, everything felt overwhelming, and Hera's eyes watered. "Wow, I look like a real bride," Hera whispered more to herself, her tone jubilant. "Because you are," Hunter stated. Hera closed her eyes when Hunter moved closer to plant an affectionate kiss on her forehead.

His thumb wiped the single tear that escaped her right eye. Hunter leaned down to kiss Hera on the lips, but before his lips could touch hers, someone cleared their throat, interrupting the moment.

"I don't think I said you can kiss the bride yet," Hera snickered at Eric's teasing tone, her palm covering her mouth while Hunter rolled his eyes at his best friend.

For a fleeting moment, Hera felt nervous thinking about Danny and Hunter's friends. Even though their emotions and wedding vows were real, Hera didn't want witnesses. It made her self-conscious, and she would for sure feel awkward if Hunter kissed her in front of them.

It was a wedding kiss, after all.

The wedding was supposed to have witnesses. Hera would want Hunter's parents to bless them and their friends to cheer them when they shared a wedding kiss. She would love to see Abby and Evelyn dressed as her bridesmaids and would want Hunter to have a best man standing right behind him.

She would want all that someday in future when they marry for real but not today. It all had to wait. Today she wanted her privacy.

Thankfully, none of his friends joined them except for Eric.

Hera had always welcomed his presence. Not only because he acted as a marriage officiant but also because he made her feel comfortable. He was more of a brother to her than Danny ever was.

"Come on, let's get done with your wonderful wedding. The sooner I'm finished here, the sooner I can eat. I'm starving," Eric said, getting into his role of marriage officiant. Hera grinned at Eric while Hunter pulled her hand, bringing her to stand in front of him. They stood facing each other, the smile on Hunter's face mirroring Hera's.

Eric said whatever he needed to say. After all, he had years of practice to memorise it by heart by now.

Hera chose to go first with her wedding vows and took a deep breath. Hunter squeezed her hands once in reassurance as if he had sensed her nervousness. She could feel her palms getting sweaty under his hold. All she had to do was look into his purple eyes, and she forgot her worries, and the bout of jitters in her tummy vanished in an instant.

Hera's heart skipped a beat as the dazzling smile on his lips stole her breath away. He looked at her with so much awe as if she held his whole world.

"You know, when I had no one to make me smile, you appeared in my life like magic, bringing so much happiness into my life. You're the first one to wipe my tears, and you did that the moment you stepped into my world. I was so lonely and sad, and you came with a hurricane of so much love, Hunter, that it filled my heart with warmth. You mean the world to me," Hera said and paused to even her breathing as her breath hitched.

She was aware that Eric had his eyes focused on her, and maybe he would tease her for being so dramatic later, but she didn't care. For years, she had memorised the vows written on a paper by Hunter for her. Today, she didn't need his help to convey her feelings to him.

She wanted to tell him in her own words what she felt for him in her heart. She wanted him to know what his presence in her life meant to her.

Meanwhile, Hunter patiently waited for her to regain her composure, a warm smile directed at her the whole time. Once her emotions settled under control and her racing heartbeats subsided to a regular pace, Hera spoke again.

"Long ago, when I first laid my eyes on you, you were a dream. The second time we met, you were a prayer that got answered, a wish granted for me and the immense joy and happiness you brought along, no one ever brought before and after you," Hera confessed. Her tone was heavy with pride, and the smile on her lips was so pure and innocent.

"But over the years, alongside loving me, you have also hurt me many times. When you broke my heart, everything inside me felt empty. But nothing could lessen or erase the love I have for you. I forgave you because it's impossible for me not to love you," she admitted without an ounce of shame and paused again, only to choke on a sob.??

She blinked rapidly to stop the tears, but it was too late to restrain them. She wasn't sad, but yet, the salty water wouldn't go away. Her heart went on a short trip down memory lane, and it was overwhelming. Hunter let go of her hands to wrap his arms around her shoulders and embraced her in a warm tight hug. She felt him kissing the side of her head.

Hera pulled away from the hug to look him in the eyes. She smiled through her tears when he kissed the wet tear tracks on her cheeks. Eric silently passed a handkerchief to Hunter, which he accepted with a grateful nod and wiped her tears with it.

Like the best friend he was, Eric patiently waited and let his friends have their moment.

Hunter felt a tug at his heart. It was supposed to be her happiest day, but it seemed he ruined it already for her. He held her until she felt comforted and let her pour her heart out.

As if she could feel the guilt and ache in his heart, she smiled at him warmly.

"And besides, a wise soul taught me that we could never hate the person we love," Hera said and glanced at Eric, flashing him a grateful smile. Eric returned the smile and nodded encouragingly. When Hera looked at Hunter, his heart skipped a beat. Her gaze and her smile both touched his heart.

It was so full of love it brought him a sense of belonging, and he knew Hera felt it too.

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