Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 205 - Infantile Amnesia

"How can you not remember your sister? I would never forget if I had a sibling," Hera said. Her tone held disbelief and sounded accusing as well. "Mike said the same thing. He couldn't remember anything because he was three. I mean, come on, that's stupid," Hera said, unimpressed.

She brought up her own childhood memories and spoke fondly of the birthday gifts she received on her fifth birthday. She remembered the new set of colour pencils Danny gifted her.

"I remember everything you said on our first meeting. I remember your sweet gifts and the messages you wrote for me," Hera declared proudly. Hunter smiled when she mentioned the colour of his pants and the shirt he wore when she first laid her eyes on him, merely to prove her point.

"Hmm, you have a great memory power, Hera Hunter, but not everyone is as smart as you," he said, inclining his head to show he was impressed. "I did ask my mom about her.. I vaguely remember it's a distant memory," he said. His forehead wrinkled, bringing the eyebrows together as a confused frown stretched over his facial features.

He seemed to concentrate on those vague memories, trying to recollect them while Hera waited in anticipation.

"I remember my fifth birthday as you remember yours. Every memory before that is naturally faded. You know, according to science, adults have this inability to retrieve episodic memories before the age of two to four years," Hunter said informatively. Hera frowned in confusion while he kept educating her about human memory power.

"As adults, we rarely remember and have patchy memories when it comes to things or events that happened to us between the ages of three and seven. It's called infantile amnesia. We don't remember our first, second or third birthday because," Hunter was saying when Hera whined in annoyance, stopping him mid-sentence.

"Stop it, Hunter. God, you're impossible. I get it you don't remember because you were too young to store memories in your pea size brain," she said, rolling her eyes. "Also because I went into shock," he added, smirking at her annoyed self.

"It's my birthday, and we are out to celebrate it. But with your smartass, it still feels like I'm in my boring biology class," Hera said, scowling at him in frustration, but Hunter only laughed at her cute antics.

"So about going home, I'll miss you," Hunter admitted. "You have a week to decide, and I would be glad if you could come with me," he added, and Hera sighed, nodding her head. "I'll think about it," she said after a thoughtful moment.

Hunter stood up, stretching his limbs. His T-shirt rode up, revealing his tight abdominal muscles, and Hera shamelessly checked him out. "Am I turning you on, Mrs Hunter? You're drooling," he said, smirking at her haughtily. Hera playfully rolled her eyes. "Not my fault, you're seducing me," she accused.

"No, I'm not. It's just that you're horny all the time lately," Hunter said, scolding her.

Hera giggled, blatantly giving him a once over.

"You're always so fucking sexy, and you always turn me on, Mr Hunter," she said, answering his earlier question.

Hunter shook his head and sat on the sand, stretching out his legs to their full height. He leaned back, his arms supporting his weight. Hera joined him and was about to rest her head on his shoulder when he suddenly moved away, and she ended up on the sand.

Rolling to his side, Hunter let out a hearty laugh while Hera glared at him.

"Goddess, you didn't let me see your dress because of the tradition, so I thought since you're so adamant about following all the traditions, how about we celebrate that traditional wedding night?" Hunter asked, biting his lip to keep the smile away that was fighting its way out. "And I can see how turned on you are already," he added, teasing her.

He poked her cheek with his index finger and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. In the next second, he pulled his T-shirt over his head in one swift tug revealing his naked torso for her eyes to feast on it. Hera kept scowling at him, but she knew it was a losing battle. She could hardly hide her smile.

"You promised to love me under a starry night sky, remember?" he pointed out. "Let's do it tonight here on the beach," he decided, and before Hera could open her mouth to say something, he was hovering over her form. Blushing red, she cleared her throat and smiled faintly. Their proximity, and his warm touch on her arms, stirred her blood.

She didn't realise when she laid on her back on the sticky surface of the beach sand. "You're looking so delicious right now, Goddess. I can devour you in one go," Hunter admitted in a husky whisper. He looked starved, and Hera swallowed when he leaned in to kiss her mouth.

Before he could reach her mouth, Hera turned her head to the side in time, and his lips landed on her cheek.

She defiantly lifted her chin, gazing at him while he stared, a displeased frown directed at her.

"You should've planned it properly if you seriously wanted that wedding night," she said. Taken aback, Hunter's eyes widened in surprise. He was only teasing her about it, but he didn't think she would actually consider it. "What do you mean, Goddess?" he asked, pulling away from her.

Hera laughed at the bewildered look on his face.

"We're not alone, and you know how much I dislike PDA. I would've considered it if we were alone somewhere in a more private or decent place," Hera said determinedly. "Are you fucking serious right now?" Hunter asked in disbelief.

Hera pursed her lips to try not to laugh but failed miserably as bursts of laughter followed out. "You wish," she said, having fun at his expense.

"God, you're such an evil monster who ruthlessly crushed all my hopes and dreams," he said, pulling a sad face. He jerked his head and scoffed, made an elaborated show of disappointment and looked away from her.

"You're so dramatic," Hera said, pinching his cheeks. He moved a few feet away from her, creating distance between them to show he was cross with her.

They both grew silent for a while, and no one attempted to break the stillness. It was quiet except for the air and gushing waves in the sea.

Hera slowly moved closer to him. Hunter kept a straight face until there was no space left between them. Hera gasped in surprise when he suddenly moved. They were face to face, and he grinned wickedly.

"If not wedding night, then how about that French kiss?" he asked, sounding hopeful. "You could compensate me with a small consolation prize," he bargained. Hera chuckled and pretended to think about his request.

"If I remember correctly, you said you didn't want to make my brother uncomfortable," Hera said, smirking at him. Hunter looked too smug when he smiled. He threw his thumb over his shoulder, and curious Hera glanced over to find their friends sleeping on the beach, soaking in the warm sunlight.

Danny had his face hidden under the baseball cap, and none of Hunter's friends bothered to glance at Hunter and Hera. Their postures seemed so still and calm, Hera decided they were either asleep or lost deep in their thoughts.

When Hera returned her focus on Hunter, she didn't have the time to prepare or think of something to deny Hunter as he suddenly covered her mouth with his in a hot kiss. He groaned, pleased when Hera appreciated the initiation and wilfully opened her mouth wide for him.

She felt pleasant, warm shock waves running through her insides as soon as the tip of his tongue touched hers. She shivered in excitement as his tongue invaded the inside of her mouth, exploring every inch.

Pleasure exploded in her chest, and a moan tore out of her throat as she basked in the sweet torture his swirling tongue inside her mouth inflicted. He took her tongue into his mouth and sucked on it. Hera became a moaning mess. However, Hunter seemed to be pleased with her response.

He gladly swallowed every sweet sound she made, and he made sure to dip his tongue down her throat this time. Their kiss for the first time felt dirty, but she relished it the most.

She sighed into the kiss with her heart full and content.

"Never thought a French kiss would be this amazing. Why didn't you teach me sooner?" Hera asked in a breathy whisper when they pulled away. Hunter smiled, and Hera loved the way his hooded eyes looked at her as if she was his most valued treasure.

She welcomed Hunter's touch when his hands explored her curves. She didn't flinch when he touched her breasts. The warmth and the pressure of his palms against them felt so wonderful, Hera thought she was floating on the clouds.

She was aware when he lowered her on the sand. His naked torso resting above hers, his fingers slid down her arms in a soft, delicate touch, leaving goosebumps on their way. Hera opened her eyes to look at him when he intertwined their fingers and brought their hands to rest against either side of her head.

He was looking at her in awe as if she was a fascinating dream, and he was afraid she would vanish if he blinked. Hera's heart decided to skip a beat, and butterflies fluttered their wings in her tummy. She smiled and involuntarily closed her eyes when he locked his lips with hers once again.

She could only focus on his warm breath, the sensation of his warm touch against her palms, the pleasant weight of his torso against hers. His smell, his touch, and his presence, everything about him was hypnotic beyond reason, and it silenced her every other thought as he invaded all her senses.

"You're so handsome and all mine. I love you so much, Hunter," Hera declared. Hunter smiled against her lips. "I love you more, Goddess," he whispered.

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