Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 223 - She Needs To Grow Up

Bianca was undoubtedly the hottest girl in SPALEV high. Hera begrudgingly watched while she marched towards her. The sky blue loose top she wore was hanging off her shoulder from one side, revealing the white tank top inside. Her denim shorts displayed the smooth porcelain skin of her thighs. She flipped her long natural blonde hair over her shoulder, and her hips swayed slowly from side to side while she walked. 

She was gorgeous, and like a magnet, she attracted attention from everyone wherever she set her foot. However, right at the moment, she looked too intimidating for Hera's liking. Her beautiful sky blue eyes were brimming with anger. 

"What are you doing here?" Bianca asked, anger evident in her voice. Hera felt offended under her scrutinising eyes and authoritative tone. Before Hera could answer her question, Bianca took her hand and pulled her away from Noel. 

Noel immediately grabbed Hera's other hand, ready to pull her back to him.. "Don't you dare, boy!" Bianca threatened, gritting her teeth. She dumped her books into Samantha's hands, who was too surprised and almost dropped them but managed in the end. Samantha couldn't understand why Bianca looked so pissed all of a sudden. 

Noel didn't have the time to prepare when suddenly Bianca shoved him. The push was hard enough for him to fall and land on his ass. The boy never guessed she could be so strong. He hated every one of Hunter's friends. He had lost count of how many times they had pushed him. The insult was too much for him to digest. 

He wished he could drag her out by her hair. However, he couldn't muster enough courage to touch her because all the boys present in the hall were on Bianca's side within the blink of an eye. Besides, he knew it would benefit him more if he appeared as the victim in Hera's eyes. 

Hera was shocked at the sudden turn of events and watched in stunned silence while Bianca placed her sneaker-clad foot on his crotch. Noel hissed at the discomfort it caused when she pressed it hard. "Stay away from her," she warned him before focusing her attention on Hera. "Piggy, you're wanted in the kitchen. Mrs Rogers is looking for you," Bianca said. 

Her tone held no room for further discussion. She was dismissing Hera, and it only annoyed Hera more. Ignoring Bianca's stare, Hera turned to Noel with an apologetic smile. "Are you okay?" she asked, concern lacing her words. Noel nodded with a forced smile. Bianca tilted her head, crossed her arms and smiled at Hera sweetly. 

"Oh, honey, if you're worried about his tiny dick, let me assure you, my foot couldn't find it. So he's alright," Bianca said and waved her hand as if to say get out. Noel clenched his jaw in anger, and his fist was desperate to smash the girl's face for the insult, but he resisted the urge. 

"No one needs your social service, girl. If you're watching out for her boyfriend's sake, let me tell you, he doesn't mind. I have his permission to date her," Noel said informatively and smirked at Bianca. The latter frowned for a second before masking it with a smile. 

"He's my friend, Bianca, and Hunter has no problem with it," Hera provided, sounding too annoyed. For Hera's displeasure, Bianca ignored her, focusing her eyes on Noel. 

"Hmm, but I guarantee you, prick, her brother wouldn't permit you to even wander around her," Bianca's tone was playful as if she was speaking to a friend, but her eyes held utter fury. "Do you want me to call Danny?" Bianca asked, looking straight into Noel's eyes, but Hera knew the question was for her. 

When Hera didn't answer, Bianca turned to face her. Lifting her eyebrows, she stared. Her eyes held the silent question, "Why are you still here?" 

Hera defiantly crossed her arms and refused to budge from her place. 

"If you stand here one more second, I'll call Ace, and you know very well he will never say no to anything I ask of him. Do your friend here a favour and leave if you don't want him to get hurt," Bianca warned, daring her to refuse. Hera sighed in frustration. She had had enough of their bullshit, and she couldn't ignore it anymore. 

"Bianca, why is it that you all come to strangle my throat when I'm simply speaking to my friends? Why don't you dare question your beloved best friend for once?" Hera fired her words in anger. She hated that Hunter could do anything when she wasn't even allowed to spend time with her friends. 

'Do I need to take permission from his friends also now to interact with my own friends?'

Hunter had agreed to leave her friends alone. He had promised not to hurt them, and yet, his beloved sunshine was here to make her life hell. Hera thought they had passed that phase after her birthday. 

Bianca seemed taken aback by Hera's questions. It surprised Hera when her gaze softened, and she no longer looked angry. 

"Hera, if you're upset with something Ace did, then solve your issues by speaking to each other instead of playing childish games. Grow up, Hera. I thought you learned your lessons from past experiences. Don't repeat your mistakes," Bianca said in a softer tone as if teaching a child not to jump in the muddy puddle or not doing your homework would only lead to punishment. 

For once, Bianca was right, and Hera couldn't argue with that. She lowered her head. It was a feeling of getting caught while doing something wrong. Bianca's gentle approach only made her feel ashamed. Hera didn't do anything wrong, yet somehow she felt guilty. 

"I'll talk to you later, Noel. Please leave," Hera said, smiling at him. He nodded and proceeded to leave. His shoulder brushed past Bianca's, and she turned to glare at him. Noel's eyes mirrored the anger Bianca's gaze held before exiting. 

"I didn't do anything wrong," Hera whispered, her voice almost inaudible, but Bianca heard it. She didn't say anything in return and only gestured to Hera to leave. Not uttering any other word, Hera shoved her hands into her pockets, and her footsteps echoed while she walked out.

'Another sign that you need to grow up, Piggy.'

Bianca thought and bit back a smile when she saw Hera walking away, stomping her feet in anger. She sure resembled a stubborn little sibling throwing tantrums. Bianca could bet that Hera was pouting her lips. 

Bianca had heard the girls everywhere discussing the news on the gossip column. She didn't get the chance to ask Hunter about it but knew it might be something stupid. It was called gossip for a reason, after all. Hunter would never do anything intentionally that would hurt Hera. 

However, knowing Hera, Bianca now understood she wasn't any less possessive when it comes to Hunter. 

Samantha didn't miss the fondness bordering around Bianca's eyes while she watched Hera. 

"What was that, Bianca?" Samantha asked as soon as Hera was out of earshot. She didn't sound too pleased, but Bianca seemed not to care. "You're supposed to help me in keeping them away. How could you do this to me?" Samantha asked, the hurt of betrayal evident on her face. Rolling her eyes, Bianca took the books from her and started towards the exit. 

"You sounded more like Eric while you spoke to Hera. So, are you also her guardian angel now?" Samantha asked sarcastically. 

"Shut up, Sam," Bianca ordered without looking at her and walked out. She didn't even turn to check if her best friend followed or not. Closing her knuckles into tight fists, Samantha cursed inwardly. She never thought she would ever hate her best friend, but at the moment, Samantha couldn't hide the resentment she felt for Bianca. 

When Hera reached the kitchen, Mrs Rogers ordered her to get to work immediately. Hera's eyes went wide when she saw the pile of potatoes and carrots in front of her. Thankfully, she wasn't the only one assigned that task. Hera sighed in relief after seeing a few more students peeling the vegetables. 

By the time they finished, Hera felt exhausted and ran out of the kitchen as soon as she got the green signal. 

Hera washed her face, tied her hair into a tight ponytail and climbed her bed. She placed the soft pillow behind her back, and resting against it, she finally took out the phone and checked the messages. 


Sorry, Goddess. I was in the gym when you messaged. 

Hera clicked her tongue, not impressed with the excuse and moved on to the second message. 


You're not answering my calls. 

She snorted, a little bit of satisfaction warming her heart. Hunter sure sounded annoyed that she didn't answer him immediately. 


I was in the shower, okay. I got dressed, gathered my things from the locker, checked my phone and then saw your message. That's why it took time to reach out. 

Hera smiled. She knew he wasn't lying, so she decided to reply. She made him wait long enough for him to sound desperate anyway. 

Why were you not in the assembly?

Hera wanted to start her message by telling him how much she missed him. But that thought angered her more when she remembered he never once tried to meet her the whole day, nor he called her. So, she skipped the greeting part and niceties. She was supposed to stay mad at him anyway because she was hurt, and he had a lot of explaining to do.

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