Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 233 - [Bonus ]Casual Dating

Hunter missed the feeling of warmth and security the weight of his father's arm around his shoulders always granted him. He had the best father in the world, who was his protector, guardian, and guide. He was his inspiration as well as his pride. Whenever they hugged, and the familiar fragrance of his father's scent surrounded him from all around, Hunter always felt the safest.

His father's arms were his protective shield against the world, and Hunter couldn't wait to feel them around him.

Hunter was desperate to feel the soft, warm touch of his mother's hands over his cheeks, her fingers brushing over his head while she blessed him with all the happiness in the world. He always cherished the moment when she would smile against his forehead, kissing him affectionately. He wanted to rest his head in her lap and sleep. It was his home, his heaven where no harm or unhappiness could touch him.

He missed his parents so much he suddenly felt homesick. A lump formed in his throat as he felt overwhelmed. Blinking back the moisture in his eyes, he smiled when his mother looked at him.. "I miss you so much, darling. I can't wait to wrap you in my arms," his mother admitted, her soft sweet voice soothing the throbbing in his heart.

Grinning mischievously, Hunter decided to annoy his parents some more.

"You know I'm your good boy," Hunter said, pouting at the phone screen. Felicity's heart melted at his expectant eyes. Her boy looked too cute for her to resist. "Of course, baby. I know," she was quick to assure him. Alexander narrowed his eyes at his son suspiciously. He could sense the trouble he was weaving.

"Dad thinks otherwise. He is trying to prove I'm not good enough. That's what all the talking in riddles was about," Hunter said, pretending hurt and bit back a smile while his mother turned over her shoulder to glare at his father. "The fuck!" Alexander muttered, glaring at their little troublemaker.

"Why would you imply anything as such, Alexander?" asked Felicity, anger coating her tone. "Because you love me the most, mom," Hunter offered helpfully and grinned when his father shook his head, scowling at him.

"You asked for this, boy," Alexander warned Hunter before looking at Felicity. "Felci, my angel, your son has a girlfriend," Alexander blurted out, much to Hunter's surprise. His eyes widened to their fullest, and his jaw dropped in shock. The phone slipped through his hand and landed between his legs on the bed while he cursed.

Masking his shock, Hunter picked up his phone and held it straight. His eyes quickly flick back to the screen, studying his mother's reaction.

Meanwhile, Felicity stared at her husband, waiting for confirmation. He was too quick to nod his head repeatedly. Alexander watched while his wife's eyes narrowed in suspicion before widening with excitement, and finally, delight found a home in her shining hazel eyes as realisation sank in.

"And he's hiding this truth from you," Alexander pointed out, smirking at his son's perplexed expression. "That's what all the talking in riddles was actually about," he threw Hunter's words back at him. "Oh, really now?" Felicity exclaimed, her voice too cheerful.

Hunter sighed at his stupidity. He invited trouble unknowingly. His mother started firing question after question, asking who was the girl, what was her name and why didn't she know beforehand. When the inevitable question came, Hunter knew it even before she opened her mouth to ask when he would bring the girl home.

"Mom, please slow down. It's just casual dating still and nothing serious. I would've told you if it's official," Hunter lied through his teeth. Even though it was his original plan to bring Hera with him, suddenly, the concept of bringing his girlfriend home to meet his parents scared him, and he panicked. In his nervous state, he lied without thinking.

Not that Hunter wouldn't want Hera to come home, it was just that he needed more time to prepare himself mentally. He would gladly take her with him if Hera still agreed to join him.

"Ah, casual dating, I see," Alexander said in a mocking tone, much to Hunter's distress. "What does it mean, Junior? Fooling around? Screwing?" Alexander asked, staring amusedly at his son while Hunter glared at him helplessly. "How does it make you a good boy? he added as an afterthought and smirked.

Ignoring his annoying father, Hunter fixed his focus on his mother. He knew she wouldn't drop the subject so quickly. It wasn't that easy to convince her. Hunter tried his best to deny everything and promised to bring the girl home if he liked someone. His mother frowned in disappointment. Hunter whined, asking her to give him space when she scolded him for fooling around.

With a promise to be a good boy in every sense and not to fool around anymore, Hunter begged his mother to let go and immediately changed the subject.

"Judging by your attire and the atmosphere in the room, it seems like I called at the wrong time. Did I disturb your intimate romantic evening or something?" Hunter asked, keeping his tone light. Felicity waved her hand in dismissal and laughed, her cheeks bunched up, a happy tint of pink shining on her cheekbones while Alexander scoffed at his son.

"Of course you did. Isn't it obvious, Junior?" Alexander asked, sounding displeased, the corner of his mouth turned down in a scowl. Felicity looked at her husband, one of her eyebrows quirking up in question. She knew Alexander was bluffing. Hunter was their entire world, and he would never be a bother or an intruder.

"Your mom didn't want to hurt your feelings and decided to answer your call half-heartedly. She wanted to spend some quality time with her beloved husband," Alexander said, feigning pity and shook his head. Tilting his head to the side, Hunter smiled sweetly.

"Uh-oh! What a pity! I'm so sorry, dad, you had to go through this torture," Hunter apologised, his tone edging on mocking. "It must be an awful feeling to be a second choice. My mom would always choose me over you," he stated the obvious. "She loves me the most after all," he added.

The unimpressed scowl on his father's face only made Hunter grin in satisfaction. Alexander knew he deserved that jab.

Meanwhile, adjusting the phone in one hand, Felicity threw her free hand up in the air, annoyed at both father and son.

"Is there something else I need to know?" Felicity asked, fixing them both with a dirty look. 

"Yes," her husband and son yelled in unison, much to her surprise. "Whom do you love more?" again they asked simultaneously. Rolling her eyes at their tantrums, Felicity muttered, "Not again."

"Where's Mike?" Felicity asked, changing the topic quickly.

Hunter shifted the direction of his phone's camera, revealing the sleeping boy's face. Michael had wrapped himself in a blanket up to his chin and was peacefully sleeping beside Hunter. Felicity's fingers brushed the image on the screen in an affectionate caress. Oblivious to the hurricane invading his life soon, Michael slept like a baby.

The smile on Alexander's lips died down as he remembered what the doctor had suggested.

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