Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 235 - [Bonus ]Continuing The Legacy

"I can't express in words the joy it brings me when I see Eric, Michael and Junior together. It feels like a legacy, Felci, that our children are carrying forward what we started," Alexander said, overwhelmed with pride and happiness. Felicity nodded in agreement before wrapping her arms around him, offering him all the comfort he needed.

"Only Hera is missing in this line of heirs," Alexander thought out loud. Felicity ran her fingers over his chest, kissed him where his heart resided. She allowed a few minutes of comfortable silence to linger.

"Okay, enough of avoiding the main topic. You've kept me away from the truth for too long. Come on, Alexander, out with it. I want all the details about that girlfriend my boy has," Felicity demanded, changing the subject. Alexander chuckled at her thoughtfulness. After all, his angel knew how to chase away his grief.

Alexander sat up, pulling her along. He grabbed his phone, and Felicity waited while he opened the picture gallery. She gave him a surprised look when he showed her the photos of her son with a girl. "Oh, my God! That little devil lied like the liar he is," Felicity said, shaking her head in disapproval, but her tone conveyed the joy she felt.

It was pictures of Hunter and Hera on their date, which Mathew had sent to Alexander. If Hunter thought he had kept his business secret from his father, then he was wrong. Alexander knew every little detail about what was happening in his son's life.

Alexander watched with a fond smile while Felicity checked all the pictures, zooming in so that she wouldn't miss any detail. "My boy looks so dashing," she mumbled under her breath. Her voice held pride, and her eyes shone in awe of her son's handsomeness. "He grew up so well," she added in appreciation.

There were pictures of Hunter dancing with the girl. He was opening the car door for her in another. Sitting on the lush green grass, Hunter smiled at her in another one. In one of the pictures, the girl walked backwards while Hunter followed her. In another one, they were having dinner. There was a sequence photograph of them running and chasing each other.

One particular photograph caught Felicity's interest where her son had his head bowed in front of the girl, his hand spread out in a gesture for her to go ahead. His demeanour was such as if he was welcoming a princess or offering his devotion to his goddess.

The boy had a dreamy look plastered on his face in every picture. Smiling, grinning, laughing, he looked the happiest in each of them. His eyes shone with pure affection, and the intensity of the fondness in his stare was so strong as if he saw the whole galaxy on earth.

She didn't miss the background in the pictures, and she immediately recognised the place. It was where Hunter's grandparents met. The atmosphere, the decorations, the arrangements, everything confirmed how special the event was for her son.

"Casual dating my ass," Felicity scoffed. "He's in love with the girl, Alexander," she concluded, and Alexander hummed his agreement. She looked into his eyes and smiled before leaning in to kiss his mouth. "He looks at her the way you look at me," Felicity stated. Alexander grinned wide in reply, stealing another kiss.

"I wanted to see if the girl has the same look in her eyes or not," Felicity said, scowling at her husband. "Who took the pictures, and why did they hide the girl's face in every picture?" she asked, irritation coating her tone.

Hunter had asked Mathew not to inform his parents about Hera yet because he wanted to tell them in person. Though Mathew agreed, he couldn't keep it from Alexander. His loyalty to Alexander, his duty and his responsibility for Hunter's safety had always been his top priorities for Mathew. So instead of lying or hiding the truth from Alexander, he exposed part of the information.

Mathew only revealed that Hunter had a girlfriend, and she was the younger sister of one of his best friends, Daniel, and they knew each other since day one in school. Mathew didn't give the girl's name or her picture. He kept his promise to Hunter and hid Hera's identity from Alexander.

"And that's why we can't see her face in the pictures," Alexander explained to Felicity, but she didn't look pleased with the information. "Mathew wants to keep his promise to Junior. He didn't want to let him down, Felci, and I respect him for that," Alexander concluded.

"Okay then, I'll call my son and ask him to bring her home with him," Felicity declared, too excited for Alexander's liking. He clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Oh, come on, Felci, don't be ridiculous. Junior is not a child anymore. Please give him space," he scolded her. Felicity pouted in disappointment.

Alexander sighed and tried to explain why he hid it from her when she glared at him in disapproval.

"I knew you would do the exact thing as soon as you learn the truth. Junior will be manipulated and brainwashed into doing your bidding. Let him proceed at his pace and will," Alexander requested in a softer tone. Scoffing at her husband, Felicity shoved him away when he attempted to joke that their son inherited the manipulative skills from his mother.

"Don't blame me. We both know your son got his manipulative skills from you," she accused indignantly.

Rolling his eyes, Alexander laughed and accepted the accusation.

Alexander wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her back into his chest. He muttered apologies while peppering kisses on her cheek. She laughed at the tickling sensation his beard left on her skin. After accepting his apologies, Felicity went back to scanning the photos in his phone with her eager eyes.

Warmth spilt inside her chest as she saw the happiness glinting in her son's eyes. She couldn't wait to meet the girl who stole her precious boy's heart. 

MEANWHILE, in the Castellanos mansion,

Christopher opened the door to his study. He grabbed the folder from the table and took his seat on the armchair. His informant, detective Nicos had left it for him in his office today early this morning. Unfortunately, Alastair had been with him the whole day, and Christopher couldn't risk opening it in his son's presence.

Patiently, the King waited until they finished dinner and everyone in the mansion left for their respective bedrooms.

The folder contained the details about the boarding school, SPALEV High, where Alexander's son was studying. Christopher wanted to meet and see the boy with his own eyes. Nicos had also left the details of visiting timings for the visitors.

However, what interested Christopher more was the information of Ace Hunter visiting home soon. The flight boarding details in the folder confused the King. He frowned, thinking why Alexander's son would travel in an ordinary plane when his father probably owned several private jets.

"He's going home this weekend. Perfect," the King muttered to himself.

"This is the boy's official name in the passport." Nicos wrote and had highlighted the name.

Christopher Castellanos leaned back in his chair.

"Gisela, sweetheart, get ready to meet your future husband," he thought out loud and grinned.

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