Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 245 - Looks Can Be Deceiving

Hera completed her study-related tasks in a hurry. She was starving and couldn't wait to run into Mrs Roger's kitchen. Abby was sitting beside her, and they finished all their assignments, working together and helping each other. Hera was grateful for all the help her cousin lent. 

Abby had expressed her gratitude again and again for what Hera did to save her. But she could not stop blaming herself and feeling guilty when her conscience started taunting her from inside. She couldn't look Hera in the eye because of the shame and remorse she felt. Hera had smiled and brushed it off with a wave of her hand when Abby cried for being a coward and not protecting Hera. 

"Everything's going to be alright," Hera had said, consoling her cousin and stayed with her until her tears dried. To distract Abby from her guilty conscience, Hera decided to do homework together and had brought her books to Abby's room. 

"Finally, it's all done," Hera muttered, shoving her books into her backpack. "It's dinner time.. Let's go," she yelled in a cheerful voice and dragged Abby out of bed. They both washed their faces and combed their hair before leaving the room. 

Hera's phone pinged with a notification. Hunter had posted a new picture on his social media account. It was a group photo with his friends. They had a big grin plastered on their lips with their index and middle fingers raised and parted to make a V shape. Hera recognised the place immediately. They were in the dining hall of their dormitory. 

Her phone kept lighting up with new notifications. Hunter had reshared and liked four pictures within a few seconds. Much to Hera's displeasure, he was posing with Samantha in all of them. The girl was shamelessly hugging him as if they were a couple and posed with a kissy face. Hera's mouth fell open, and her eyes widened in horror when she noticed she had accidentally liked two of the posts while scrolling down. 

She reflexively unliked it without thinking. 

A second later, she regretted her spur of the moment response and cursed at her stupidity. Samantha would know Hera had liked her pictures anyway. 

Hera's eyes searched for her boyfriend as soon as she set her foot inside the dining hall. She found him competing with Eric in an arm-wrestling match. Michael was beside them, pretending to be a referee and was counting time. Hera frowned, thinking about his earlier posts. He was busy fighting Eric, then who liked and reshared those pictures? 

'Ah, this bitch!'

Hera clenched her jaw, grinding her teeth in anger. 

Samantha had two phones in her hands, and it didn't take a genius to guess what had happened. She made those posts from her phone first and then liked and reshared them on Hunter's behalf from his phone. 

Meanwhile, Abby walked away to fetch two plates for Hera and herself. 

Hera noticed her brother's gloomy face. Beside him, Evelyn was trying to feed him from her plate while Danny scrunched his face in disgust, refusing to eat. Hera smiled when Evelyn's hand clutched Danny's jaw in a tight grip and forced him to open his mouth. Scowling at the pretty girl, Danny ate whatever it was without much protest. 

Walking further, Hera found the empty table and waited for Abby. Her phone lit up again. 

I licked it, so it's mine. 

Hera read the caption on Samantha's new post and cursed inwardly at the girl's wishful thinking. Samantha was still pretending to be his girlfriend. 

Shaking her head in pity, Hera zoomed in on the picture. Samantha had placed her hand on Hunter's shoulder and was smiling at him. Hunter wasn't looking at her. He was busy sharing a high-five with Michael. Hera had just witnessed that scene unfold in front of her. But, Samantha had cropped the photo to cut Michael out of the picture. 

Hera understood the implication hidden in her caption and decided to bring the girl out of her fantasy. 

Yeah, sure, Samantha, go ahead and eat that tart on your plate. My boyfriend doesn't like to consume sugary treats anyway. 

Hera commented below Samantha's post. 

She smiled in satisfaction when she saw Samantha's reaction. The girl was fuming in anger. Likes and comments poured in within a few seconds as people responded to Hera's comment. As anticipated, Samantha deleted the comment before blocking Hera from viewing her profile. 

Rolling her eyes, Hera pocketed her phone. 

Smiling, she lifted her head when Abby placed their plates on the table filled with Bacon, sausage, mashed potato and apple tart. Hera's stomach started to make a rumbling sound as soon as she sniffed the aroma of the food. Ignoring Samantha's game, for now, Hera dug into her food. 

Her gaze accidentally fell on Noel at the counter, filling his plate. Hera stopped chewing, and with her mouth full, cheeks puffed, watched with keen interest when she noticed him trailing behind Bianca, who was a few feet away from him. Bianca turned around and was going on her way when suddenly she tripped and spilt water on Noel. 

Noel's jaw dropped open in shock as water drizzled down his chin, soaking his brown jumper. Bianca scowled in displeasure and glared at the poor fellow. "Watch where you're going, idiot," she spat the words at him angrily. Evelyn also noticed the feud and rushed to help her best friend. 

Hera rolled her eyes and scoffed at the scene. It wasn't Noel's fault in the first place, and Bianca was the one who bumped into him, spilling water in the process. And Hera knew she didn't trip. The Queen bee pretended to trip and purposely scolded him. She was putting on a show in front of everyone, but Hera had no idea why. 

On instinct, Hera glanced at Hunter, and thankfully he was still busy with the boys and didn't notice the scene Bianca was causing. Samantha was trying hard to get his attention in between their animated conversation. 

'Luck seems to be on Noel's side today.'

Hera shook her head and turned back to observe Bianca's next move. 

Evelyn being the sweetheart she was, managed to end whatever Bianca intended to do and shooed away the crowd of teenagers slowly gathering around. She provided tissues for Bianca and asked her to return to her seat before taking the plate from her hand. The water she spilt had spoiled the food, so Evelyn offered to make a new plate for Bianca. 

Bianca left to join the rest of her friends after flipping the bird to Noel. 

Offering an apology to the boy on her friend's behalf, Evelyn turned to walk away. She flipped her hair as she walked by, and it accidentally brushed over Noel's face. He inhaled the fragrance of her hair product and sighed in content as if he had achieved his goal. Hera didn't miss the dreamy look that crossed Noel's face when Evelyn smiled at him. 

The boy was eyeing Evelyn as if she was the knight and he was the damsel in distress whom she saved. 

Hera didn't know who was playing who, but there was something in the air. Noel might be flirting and enjoying Bianca's attention, but Hera could tell Bianca had some hidden motive behind her actions. She was deliberately picking a fight with the boy every time. Hera thought to warn him later. 

Someone took a seat beside Hera startling her. With a disgusted grimace painted on her face, Hera scowled at the intruder. Unbothered by her unwelcoming gaze, Adelaide smiled sweetly at her as if they were still on good terms. 

Hera resisted the urge to stab the fork into the girl's ribcage and swallowed the bite she was chewing. The food suddenly felt like sandpaper brushing over the inside of her throat as Hera remembered how Adelaide had wrapped her arms around her boyfriend yesterday. Her thoughts strayed back to the days when she met this new girl in her room. Adelaide seemed so friendly and harmless at first sight. 

'Surely looks can be deceiving.'

Now Hera understood her motive very well. Her friendship, the concern she showed, the warning about staying away from Hunter, suddenly it all clicked to Hera. Adelaide was only pretending, or maybe she was trying to create a misunderstanding between Hera and Hunter from the very beginning. 

It shouldn't have surprised Hera if Adelaide too wanted Hunter for herself like every other girl in the school did. Clara, Noel, Adelaide, Andrew, Bianca, Samantha, every one of them were playing their own game. Hera realised with a pang that they all had one motive. 

All of them wanted to separate Hera from Hunter. 

Sighing, Hera put down her fork and faced Adelaide. "I was right, wasn't I?" Hera asked in a tone filled with disdain. Adelaide frowned in confusion and looked at Hera questioningly. Hera laughed, ridiculing the innocent face the other pulled. "My boyfriend is too hot for you to resist, and you were always a slut," Hera stated and smiled in satisfaction when the girl glared in anger.

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