Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 252 - Nothing That Concerns Her

Hunter dragged one of his feet back as he would do during his soccer match when kicking the ball towards the goal. His ponytail, which Hera had made for him in the morning, had come out of the rubber band. Though the scarf she tied like a bandana still stayed intact around his forehead, his long messy hair almost hid it from view. 

His shirt had ridden up, freeing itself from the waistband of his trousers and his tie loose around his neck. His eyes were furious, burning hot with rage, and a muscle twitched when he clenched his jaw. He no longer looked like the perfect golden boy of the school. His true self had replaced the prim and proper good boy facade he wore the other times. 

His frightening appearance and the scene unfolding before her had made Hera speechless as it took her back to that cursed day when Nathan had encountered the same fate. Her handsome, charming boyfriend seemed more of a monster at the moment, just as Clara had described him. Hera felt terrified to approach him. She couldn't move as her feet stayed glued to the spot. 

His foot came back crashing down on Noel's shin.. Hera turned her face to the side in reflex and closed her eyes while the boy yelped and slumped to the ground, turning his torso away from Hunter. His hands clutched his abused leg and pulled his knee to his chest. His eyes squeezed shut while he winced in pain.

Hunter walked, crossing Noel's legs and stood in front of him only to shove him on the chest with his foot. As soon as Noel fell on his back, Michael came forward and stomped his foot on Noel's upper body, keeping him grounded in his place. Danny kicked aside Noel's legs, spreading them wide before stepping on his uninjured foot. 

Both Michael and Danny effectively restricted Noel's movements. 

Noel struggled to get up while Hunter moved closer to his groin, stepping between his legs. The former widened his eyes as he realised what the latter intended to do. A series of no's rushed out of Noel's mouth, but much to the terrified boy's distress, Hunter chose to disregard.

Meanwhile, a few feet away from them, Hera shook her head frantically and opened her mouth to call him, to stop him, but nothing came out of her mouth. Her voice died down in her throat, her eyes went wide, and she sucked in a sharp breath, trying to ease the discomfort in her chest. 

Noel coughed out a grunt when Hunter thrust his foot into his loins. He breathed out in relief when Hunter retreated his foot, thankful that he didn't hurt him further, but he thought too soon. Hunter took a step back, ready to abuse his manhood and fulfil his promise. 

Hunter was about to hammer the boy's pride when Hera drew out every ounce of strength from her body and screamed a no. Hunter's foot halted mid-air, and everyone whipped their heads in her direction. Startled, Hunter looked up to lock eyes with Hera and stiffened at the fear etched on her face. They both stared at each other in stunned silence. 

As soon as the boys moved aside, Noel took the opportunity to get away from them. He crawled back, leaning against the wall behind him. 

'Fucking finally.'

Noel sighed in relief. 

Luckily for him, Hera arrived at the right time. 

"What are you doing here?" it was Eric who questioned and breached the silence. 

Hera broke eye contact with Hunter and tilted her head to look behind him. Noel was groaning in pain with his eyes closed. He appeared so small as he had curled himself up into a ball. "Shouldn't I be the one asking that question, Eric?" Hera spoke without taking her eyes off Noel. Her tone was indignant as she forced the words out. Eric grabbed her wrist, stopping her when she tried to reach Noel. 

"Pixie, leave," Eric said, his voice sternly ordering her. Hera yanked her hand away from his clutch. She brushed past Hunter and reached Noel. Stooping down, she touched his shoulder, asking if he was alright. He only breathed out through his mouth, nodding his wordless response. She helped him sit comfortably against the wall and brushed his hair back, muttering words of assurance that he was safe now. 

Hunter winced when Hera turned and focused her attention on him. He hated the loathing in her eyes directed at him. 

"Why can't you ever keep your promise to me, Hunter? You said you wouldn't hurt every other boy trying to befriend me," Hera said, throwing her accusations at him. "Noel didn't even do anything. He was only trying to make friends with me," she validated. Somehow Hera knew that there was a flaw in Noel's intentions. Though she suspected the ingenuity of his friendship with her, all she could think of at the moment was Noel's helpless condition and her boyfriend's inhumanity. 

Hunter bit the inside of his cheek when he saw her tears. She wasn't crying, though. It was her frustration and anger that rushed out through her tears. 

"How many people are going to suffer because of your stupid jealousy and possessiveness?" Hera asked. "Wasn't Nate enough to satisfy your ego? Were you behind Andrew's disappearance too? Why do you resent Noel so much? What did he do to deserve your anger?" Hera fired question after question. She couldn't hold her tongue and blurted everything that came to her mind. 

The disappointment in her eyes bothered Hunter more than her accusing words. Clenching his jaw in anger, he glared at her. 

"Hera, not everything in the world always revolves around you," Hunter said, his tone sharp as a knife. She hated how his beautiful large eyes widened to their fullest in anger. The pretty shade of purple intimidated her as they turned a shade darker. "It's nothing that concerns you. So shut up and go back to your class," he demanded, frustration underlining his voice. 

Hera, though, refused to back off. Defiance adorned every part of her personality. Placing her palms flat against Hunter's chest, she shoved him. He caught her wrists when she tried to repeat the action. His eyebrows scrunched together as he frowned at her in concentration. 

"Hera," Hunter said. There was a slight edge of warning to his tone of voice when he took her name. "What, Hunter?" Hera snapped. "If everything is not revolving around me, then who else is it revolving around?" she asked and snorted a laugh. "Of course, who else other than your sunshine," Hera guessed. "What did that bitch tell you about Noel?" she spat out the words in resentment. 

Hunter flinched as if Hera had slapped him. She rendered him speechless. He stared in disbelief while Hera scoffed at him and pried her hands off his. She shook her head in condemnation when she noticed the anger dominating his every sense. 

"Besides, not everything that comes out of your sunshine's mouth is true. Just because Bianca is your best friend, it doesn't prove her right all the time," Hera argued her point, much to his annoyance. "Whatever it is, I know for sure she is lying," she stated. 

"Pixie, don't jump to conclusions without knowing the whole story. You don't know what he has done," Eric spoke, breaking the glaring contest between them. Though Hunter looked away, Hera still kept her eyes on him when she replied to Eric. "No matter what he did, it's not the way to deal with it. You're not the lord of hell to punish him for his sins," she yelled, fixing Hunter with a hard stare. 

She crossed her arms and arched a questioning eyebrow at Hunter when he shook his head. "Leave, Hera," Hunter said, gritting his teeth. His dismissive tone only added more fuel to her anger. "Look at you," Hera said and chuckled in irony, "You can't even listen to a word against your beloved sunshine. What sort of sorcery has she used on you?" Hera muttered incredulously. 

Hunter took a step back and turned his back to her. Running his fingers through his hair, he brushed it back and closed his eyes. He tried his best to keep his anger in check, but Hera kept pushing his buttons to the limit. 

"Hera, don't cross the line. Think before you speak," Michael said in warning. Hera faced him, mirroring the anger clouding his eyes. "Mike, speak when you're spoken to," Hera shot back. The arrogance and rudeness in her attitude shocked everyone. Michael stared at her in disbelief while Eric and Danny shook their heads in disappointment. 

"Enough, Hera," Hunter shouted. "Don't talk to him in that tone," he warned. Hera held her chin up. She wouldn't cower back, not when she wasn't in the wrong. 

"Why? What did I say wrong? Why are you like this, Hunter?" Hera asked more to herself, sounding defeated. "Where did that charming, caring, sweet boy I once knew disappear? Now you're always so angry and violent. You don't even think before hurting someone," she stated, pointing out the obvious. 

Suddenly someone caught her hand. Startled, Hera turned to see her brother looking down on her, an unimpressed scowl plastered on his face. 

"You're going to say something you'll regret later, Hera. Leave before you do," Danny suggested. Hera threw her hands up in frustration and exhaled audibly. She wasn't stupid. She knew what she was doing. Yet everyone thought it necessary to poke their nose in her matter and provide guidance in every step she took. 

'Oh, give me a break, for God's sake.'

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