Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 261 - Been There, Done That

"Nate, I don't want to be a rebound," Hera said, smiling sadly at him, hand reaching out to open the door. She looked over her shoulder only to add in a softer tone, "And you're not in your right mind at the moment. You need time to heal your broken heart." Hera tried her best not to sound pitiful. She knew very well how it felt when someone pitied you over your pathetic love life or sympathised with your broken heart. 

Before Hera could step out, Nathan caught her arm and gently pulled her back inside, his eyes pleading with her to stay. He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms across his chest, a gesture of defensiveness. Hera noticed the disappointment flashing in his eyes, and she forced a cheerful grin on her face. 

Leaning against the door, Hera imitated his posture. "Bathrooms are always the ideal place to discuss heartbreaks," Hera said teasingly, earning a small smile from Nathan in return. "Do you want to talk about it?" she asked cautiously. 

Nathan had suffered heartbreak recently. 

When Nathan revealed that he liked someone and was crazy about her, never had Hera imagined the girl would be Bianca. 

He had followed Bianca everywhere like a puppy for weeks and did everything to woo her and win her heart. He would carry her bag or books, trailing behind her as if he was a slave especially born to serve her. He would buy her hot chocolate every day, her favourite drink and make her plate during dinner. He would give her flowers every morning with a cheesy good morning greeting. 

Hera had seen him smile at Bianca like crazy and ogle her with stars in his eyes as if she was an angel descended from heaven. Nathan had done everything to please her in the hope of finally getting her attention. All he wanted was a chance for him to go on a date with her. Anyone could see he was smitten. 

After months of treating the boy like her slave, the Queen Bee was finally pleased with his dedication and agreed to go on a date with him as his reward, only to break his heart mercilessly right after. 

"There's nothing to talk about, Hera. I'm over it, believe me," Nathan said. He sure sounded positive and determined for Hera's surprise, but his hunched shoulders and bowed head said otherwise. Hera didn't know much about Nathan's story with Bianca. He had briefly summarised how Bianca had insulted him and broke his heart before discarding him like garbage. 

The date was perfect, as per Nathan's opinion. He had reserved a table for them in a fancy restaurant and had ordered all her favourite food. He gave her flowers and gifted a fluffy pair of teddy bears in red colour with a heart resting in their paws. He was so happy and was floating on cloud nine. 

However, when their dinner date came to an end, and he tried to kiss his date goodnight, she pushed him off and laughed, mocking him, much to Nathan's shock. She said it was all a prank, a joke at his expense for her to laugh. It crushed Nathan's heart to witness when Bianca threw his flowers and gifts, stomping them under her heels. 

Nathan was disheartened and depressed by the rejection. Hera had seen how sad and disappointed he had been. But how was Bianca going to get satisfied with only this? Her only solace in life was to torment innocent people and laugh at their misery. 

Hera had seen how Bianca humiliated Nathan in school the next day while everyone witnessed his downfall. The heartbroken boy was marching towards his table while balancing the plate filled with food in one hand and clutching the water bottle and disposable cup with the other. Bianca had blocked his way and touched his cheek, mocking pity. It was then that Hera realised Nathan had bruises on his face. 

Bianca clicked his tongue with a shake of her head. When Nathan tried to walk away, she suddenly shot out her foot between his and tripped him up. He fell flat on his face with his food smeared all over his torso. Hera gasped in shock while everyone else laughed at her helpless friend. Clara rushed to help her brother, and so did Hera. 

However, when Hera tried to reach Nathan, someone grabbed her wrist, restricting her from lending a helping hand to the boy lying on the floor, and she turned around to meet cerulean blue eyes glaring at her. She returned Michael's glare and attempted to jerk her hand away from his hold but in vain. 

Hera wasn't surprised to find Hunter standing right beside Bianca. Hera looked at her ex-boyfriend and tried to yank her hand back once again, and as she expected, Hunter's gaze fell on Michael's hand, which held her in place. Hunter shot a glare to his best friend, and the former immediately let go of Hera's hand. Hera's relief was short-lived, though, because as soon as Michael released her hand, Hunter's fingers wrapped around her wrist. 

Shooting daggers with her eyes, Hera gritted her teeth and was about to protest, but Hunter had tightened his grip and flashed a warning glare not to intervene and stay away. 

Her once sweet, loving, caring boyfriend had turned into her bully after their breakup. Hera couldn't help Nathan and watched helplessly, while Clara supported her brother's weight on her shoulders and pulled him to his feet. 

Like always, Samantha was glaring at Hera as if she was the one who caused the fight. Evelyn, who always tried to stop her friends from getting into a fight, didn't seem to object this time, much to Hera's surprise. 

"You filthy trash, you dared to think you have the standard to touch me?" Hera had heard Bianca utter with disgust coating her tone. Nathan flinched at the insult and couldn't dare to look her in the eye. "I was sick of you running behind me all the time like a dog wagging your tail. So I decided to grant your pathetic self a wish. But you should've known I'm way out of your league," she spat the words out, sneering at the distressed boy. 

Hera seemed ashamed as she watched Hunter and his friends join the loud laughter echoing in the luncheon bar. Shaking her head in disappointment, she scoffed and looked away. When she caught Hunter cheating on her, she had thought he couldn't look any uglier than this. But goodness, how wrong was she? He surprised her every other day. 

"I pity your thoughts that you even dared to think of dating me. It was a good show, though, to watch you begging and crying for a chance like the pathetic loser you are," Bianca had said, humiliating him so heartlessly. The spectators laughed, finding the humour in the situation while some of them pitied the boy too. However, no one dared to interfere or stop them because the bullies were the student council members themselves. 

Who would report against them? 

"You fucking bitch, leave him alone, for fuck's sake. You've hurt him enough," Clara spat in anger. Bianca smirked, seeming amused by Clara's outburst. She grabbed Nathan's water bottle from the floor. Keeping her eyes on Clara, she unscrewed the lid and filled her mouth with water, only to spurt it out on Clara's face. Hera gasped in utter shock while Clara stared at the culprit in stunned silence. 

"Oopsie, sorry, let me help you clean up," Bianca said, faking concern, and in the next moment, she was emptying the water bottle over Clara's head. "Next time when you and your loser brother try to open your stinking mouth in front of me, think twice. If not, then I'll rip your tongue out," Bianca had said before walking away. 

Nathan had revealed to Hera later how he got those bruises. No surprise there for guessing as it was the courtesy of her ex-boyfriend. Hera should've known Bianca had become an expert in her vile games by now. 

Hunter and his friends had attacked Nathan, beating him left-right. It seemed Bianca had concocted an evil story and lied to Hunter that Nathan tried to touch her inappropriately during their date. The bitch pretended to be innocent and scared in front of her best friends, who jumped into her rescue. 

"And you're not a rebound," Nathan spoke, stopping Hera's train of thoughts. He smiled reassuringly. Hera sighed, seeming thoughtful for a moment before she replied. "Nate, you don't have to lie to me. I can understand your pain. Been there, done that," Hera said, smiling sadly. 

Nathan shook his head as if disagreeing with her statement. "I'm not like you, moping around undeserving, unworthy assholes," Nathan said, sounding too bitter, and his taunt stung like a scorpion bite, vicious and burning. 

"Ace doesn't have to know. We won't tell anyone at school. I'm willing to keep it a secret if you agree to give me a chance," Nathan promised. He was too persistent and sounded too genuine with his decision. "We can meet here at my place during weekends," he suggested. 

Hera didn't know how to reject him. She couldn't use the excuse of him being her best friend's brother. Hera couldn't lie that it would affect her friendship with Clara because Nathan had overheard their earlier conversation. He knew his sister didn't have any problem with them dating, and he wouldn't understand or approve if Hera said she was afraid of Hunter. 

"I've always liked you, Hera. If only I realised it sooner," Nathan admitted. 

Hera's eyes widened at his confession.

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