Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 264 - She's The Star Of The Evening

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Hunter's friends rushed to his side after listening to Nathan's statement. Frowning both in confusion and curiosity, they peeked into the phone in Hunter's hand. 

"What the fuck?" Danny, Michael and Bianca exclaimed simultaneously, disbelief coating their tone as they saw Hera kissing Nathan. Evelyn let out an audible gasp while Samantha scoffed and bit back her laughter. 

Eric took the phone from Hunter's hand and sighed in frustration when he saw the picture. He wanted to throw his hands up in the air and curse aloud since he didn't know how to console or comfort his best friend at the moment. To an outsider or a stranger, Hunter would only seem angry, but Eric could see the hurt hidden behind the fury flashing in his eyes. He touched Hunter's shoulder, nudging him out of his enraged state. 

Nathan stood there, a mocking smirk directed at Hunter. He looked too pleased with himself for Hunter's liking. "She's a great kisser, right?" Nathan declared, sounding fascinated. "She got better with time and practise," he added, winking at Hunter. He had a grin on his face like a Cheshire cat which made Hunter's stomach turn. 

Hunter moved, shifting his weight to one foot. It was so sudden that Nathan didn't see it coming when Hunter took a step forward, and in the next second, his right foot made contact with Nathan's jaw, the trainer shoe hitting the side of his face. The kick came with such fierce force it made Nathan fall to the ground while screaming in pain. 

Behind them, sitting inside the car, Clara was watching the interaction. She gasped loudly and covered her mouth with her hands when she saw Hunter kicking her brother. She opened the door and hurried to reach Nathan's side. 

"Hey, what the fuck do you think you're doing? Back off," Clara yelled. Hera heard her loud, panicked voice and came out of her hiding place to look at what was happening outside. Hunter's friends had circled Nathan while he lay on the ground. Hera saw Hunter crouching down to grab Nathan by the material of his T-shirt. 

Bianca had stopped Clara and held her in place by twisting her hands behind her back while the latter struggled to get out of the former's hold. Danny stood in front of Clara, and placing his index finger vertically over his lips, gestured for her to shut her mouth. "Stop hurting my brother, please," she pleaded when Hunter pulled Nathan up by his crew-neck T-shirt only to headbutt him across the face. 

Hera's eyes widened in fear as she saw what Hunter had just done. She was fidgeting in her seat, shocked and confused, not knowing what to do. Should she keep quiet and stay hidden so that Hunter wouldn't get triggered further by seeing her with Nathan, or should she go outside to interrupt and stop Hunter? 

However, before she could decide, Michael beat her to it and decided on her behalf as he saw her peeking head. Hera ducked her head in reflex when she noticed him marching towards her. 

"You should've stopped your brother from kissing my sister then. That dickhead dug his own grave when he exhibited the picture," Danny replied to Clara's pleadings. "And he had the nerve to boast about it," he said, gritting his teeth before he turned to face Hunter beating the shit out of Nathan. Clara was confused as she had no clue what picture Danny was talking about or when Nathan kissed Hera. 

"Oh my! What do we have here?" Michael said as he opened the door to the passenger seat in the front to reveal Hera. He grasped her hand and tugged, forcing her to get down from the car. The rhythm of Hera's heartbeats quickened as it skyrocketed. Fear found home inside her chest as Michael pulled her along, bringing her closer to Hunter. 

"Leave me, you bitch," Clara yelled, trying to yank her hands back. Bianca laughed, amused and excited. "Ms White, I'm not the bitch here," Bianca said and pointed her index finger at Nathan, "There, your asshole brother is the one and the ugliest, dirtiest one at that," she declared, her pretty face twisting in a grimace as she looked at Nathan and scorned. 

Hera halted dead in her tracks as she saw Nathan's swollen, bruised face. Hunter leaned away for a second or two only to headbutt him again. Nathan's eyes rolled back as he felt dizzy. 

"What happened, baby girl? Aw, come on, don't be shy now," Michael cooed at her, sarcasm dripping from his voice. "You're the star of the evening," he said and pulled Hera to his front to face Hunter. Hera didn't miss the hatred in his tone that matched the look of disdain in his eyes. 

Hera was clueless why Michael was so angry at her. His displeased, loud voice attracted Hunter's attention, and when the latter turned to look at him, his eyes found Hera's. A shiver ran down her form in fright at the sight in front of her. Hunter's eyes burned with rage, and the intensity of anger with which he stared at her scared her. 

Hera never thought that Hunter would ever look at her with such hateful eyes. She took a few steps back, cowering in fear when Hunter jumped to his feet and rushed at her, but there was no escape as Michael blocked her way from behind and pushed her forward. 

Hera stumbled but managed to stand still before she could collide into Hunter's chest. She pressed her hands into the side of her thighs, brushing her sweaty palms against the soft material of the denim. It was an understatement to say she was nervous. Her heart thumped wild against her ribcage, and her breathing came in quick short breaths. 

The trail of lighting surrounding the fence wall of the property illuminated enough for Hera to notice there were tears in Hunter's eyes, but she knew he wasn't crying. It was the heat of his anger stinging his eyes. He never looked this furious, and for the first time in her life, Hera was terrified of him. 

"Hera, tell him not to hurt my brother," she heard Clara's request, but she could hardly look away when Hunter stood in front of her, face to face, staring into her soul through her eyes. 

Hunter pushed his palm out, and Hera followed the movement as Eric understood the silent communication and passed Nathan's phone to Hunter. Hera's large eyes widened to their fullest as Hunter thrust the phone to her face and showed her the picture. She gulped nervously and shifted her eyes to Nathan, who was already looking at her. 

'How could you stab me in the back like this?'

Hera's eyes accused him while she stared at him, disappointed by the betrayal. 

Nathan looked away in shame. 

'Why would he show the picture to Hunter and dig his own grave?'

She knew Nathan took the pictures while kissing her, but she never thought he would flaunt them in front of Hunter. 

She took a deep breath before looking Hunter in the eye. The latter never took his eyes off her, scrutinising every expression that played on her face. 

Hera schooled her fears, "What?" she asked, giving an indifferent shrug. She didn't miss the tick in his jaw, knew he was grinding his teeth. 

Hunter took a step forward, closing the little distance left between them. Hera remained in her place, not backing off. He tilted his head to the side, eyes fixed on hers as he spoke his following words. "Did you kiss him willingly?" he asked, his tone softer than she expected. 

The wind chose to add special effects to the sudden dramatic events of Hera's life at that exact moment and ruffled Hunter's hair, messing it completely. Hera shivered under the cold breeze. Though Hunter had spoken softly, the purple of his eyes gained a shade darker, and Hera could measure the intensity of his anger filled in them. 

"Are you two seeing each other?" Hunter forced the words out through his gritted teeth, and this time he couldn't hide the resentment in his voice. "Is he your boyfriend now?" he asked. "That loser said so," Hunter revealed, jerking his head in Nathan's direction. Hera knew he was waiting for her answer, but all she did was speechlessly stare at Hunter, eyes wide with shocked surprise. 

She couldn't believe Nathan lied so daringly to Hunter. Hera wondered why he lied in the first place. What was he thinking? What was his purpose? So many questions sneaked into her thoughts. However, it was the least of her worries now. She had a more pressing matter to mull over.

It was the look in Hunter's eyes. 

Hera's heart skipped a beat and felt like it would stop functioning all at once as she realised Hunter was afraid of learning the truth. 

She recognised the familiar hurt shining through the unshed moisture in Hunter's eyes before he could mask it. She didn't miss the sheer panic replacing the anger in his voice when he asked her the question. 

Hera felt something tug at her heart. Her lips parted, but she clamped her mouth shut in the next instant. 

It brought her immense pleasure to know that he was scared. It was so satisfying to watch him panic. It was the same look she had in her eyes a year ago when she caught him cheating on her. Hunter's eyes displayed the hurt of betrayal and the fear of losing the love of his life, and it brought unknown comfort to Hera. 

In the spur of the moment, Hera made the stupid decision.

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