Falling In Love With Him – Her First Love

Chapter 56 - Can The Day End, Already?

To Hera's displeasure, the matron's disapproving tone from before suddenly turned into a sweet, compassionate one as she spoke to Hunter. It shouldn't be a surprise, though. How could Hera forget he's everybody's favourite at school???

"Ace honey, how did you let this mess happen in your presence? And I can see that you're a mess too. Would you like me to call your Principal and let her know about the incident?" Roseline asked, concern lacing her tone.??

Hunter shot his signature smile at her that could charm the devil himself. "Oh, no, Mrs Rogers. Please don't trouble yourself. I'll take care of it just fine. It was just a boys' thing about a soccer match, and nothing serious that I can't handle. You know, it's soccer, and we're boys, do the math, Mrs Rogers," he said with a playful wink.??

Hera couldn't help but drop her jaw in disbelief when the matron smiled at him encouragingly. Of course, she's convinced that he would handle the matter.. Why wouldn't she? After all, he's the President of the Student Council.??

'If only she could know, he's the one who created this mess in the first place.'??

Hera wanted to say that out loud but decided against it. It wouldn't make much of a difference anyway. He could manipulate people to do his bidding by just smiling at them.??

"And about me being a mess? Well, you have Hera to blame for that, Mrs Rogers. I wasn't here to welcome her when she returned from her holidays. So this is how she took her anger out on me. It seems like my girl missed me a lot," he said in an extremely amused tone. He gave a sheepish smile to Roseline, shrugging as though he was utterly helpless in front of Hera.??

Hera wanted to punch him and wipe that deceiving sinister smile off his face. Much to his added delight, Roseline gave a disapproving look to Hera.??

"You, young lady, whatever your reason was, I don't appreciate you staining my place. And keep your personal matters private. You know very well, I don't approve any kind of public display of affection in my territory," she said, tone ending on a cautionary note but to Hera, it sounded more like condemning.??

'Oh, how I wish you were a few minutes early with your visit.'??

"And you'll help the cleaning staff with chores when you come back from school. That's your punishment for ruining my once spotless hall. And no more discussion on that, Miss Hunter," she said and silenced Hera when she tried to object. Hera's protest and plea of her being innocent in the matter fell on deaf ears. Defeated, Hera accepted her punishment.??

Mrs Rogers ordered other students to run off and get ready for school if they've done with their breakfast. She didn't forget to tell the boys to get their bruises treated at the school's clinic.

"And Bianca will join Hera as well in helping the staff with chores," Hunter announced surprising everyone, especially Bianca and Hera. They both looked stunned. But it was no surprise that the matron didn't interrupt or questioned Hunter about it before agreeing with him.??

"Ace?" He heard Bianca, calling him in a shocked voice, and she looked utterly betrayed. Whatever phrase she planned to use in her defence, died down in her mouth when Hunter shook his head. "Not a single word, Sunshine, admit your fault and do your part of the punishment." With that said, he walked out. But not before shooting a warning glare at Andrew and Noel.??

Bianca followed him out while others stayed back to finish their breakfast. No-one stopped her when she entered the boy's wing and followed Hunter to his room. After all, they're extraordinary and enjoy special privileges, unlike other regular students.??

"Ace. Ace, I'm talking to you," Hunter ignored Bianca and didn't bother responding. She walked around to his front, blocking his way and forcing him to face her. He could detect the pent up anger marring her pretty face.??

"Why did you do it, Ace? Did you take her side? How could you? She was lying to you. You know I didn't do anything wrong. Hera was with Clara. She fought with me because of her. I attacked in self-defence," she said indignantly.??Though her claim of self-defence sounded too ridiculous, Hunter didn't say anything. He wasn't in the mood for an argument.??

His best friend was angry, and she sounded hurt too. Why not? He didn't take her side as she expected.??

Hunter sighed in annoyance. He was still angry at Andrew, and he needed to cool off his rage. "Look, Sunshine, I don't care what you do or did to that fucking Clara but keep Hera out of the mess. Please don't hurt her. You're only hurting me by hurting her," he said in a defeated tone as though already fed up with his best friend. Taken aback, Bianca could only whisper his name in response.??

"I know when you're lying, Sunshine. And I know when Hera is telling the truth," he stated before he slammed the door to his bathroom, leaving her alone in his room. His voice, his tone and the look on his face, it felt like a blow to her. Bianca was shocked. It wasn't every day that her best friend ignored her so rudely.??

On the other side of the girl's wing, Hera washed off the sticky stains from her body and was getting ready for the school. Clara was silently putting on her uniform.??

"Hera, what happened down there?" Adelaide asked, her tone sounded clueless. Hera glared before answering her. "I don't know, Adelaide, maybe I was being a fool and tried to help my friends. That's what happened there," Hera said, gritting her teeth. Adelaide ignored Hera's biting tone. "Not that, Hera. I'm talking about what happened between you and Ace. You looked so panicked, and he went out of control. He was so aggressive," she stated in an upset tone.??

Hera scoffed and glanced at Clara only to find her scrutinising eyes already fixed on her. Celine and Brittany exchanged looks as well, and Adelaide didn't miss anything.??

"Why are you asking now, Ade? You were perfectly alright, getting bullied by them. Or, were you too busy eye-fucking him that you'd no time realise I was fighting for you?" Hera asked with a sneer. Adelaide shook her head at the insult. "No, Hera. I didn't react because I was sensible. Not because he was too hot for me, or I was trying to be a slut, as you assumed. The minute he walked in, I noticed how Clara cowered and how you panicked. I know there's more to the story. You can tell me, Hera," said Adelaide.??

Though her tone was demanding, she waited patiently for Hera to reply.??

Hera turned her back to Adelaide and started brushing her hair in front of the mirror, completely ignoring her. Meanwhile, their sixth roommate Hilary watched everything silently, pretending to pack her backpack.??

"It's none of your business, Ade," finally, Hera replied.??

Startled, they all flinched at the sudden disturbing sound when the door to their room got violently pushed open, hitting the wall behind with a loud bang. Hera pulled her hair in frustration while she watched Bianca enter her room, followed by Samantha.??

'God! Can this day end, already?'??

"Ace is angry with me because of you." Bianca seethed in anger as soon as she laid her eyes on Hera.

'Oh! That's new.'??

Hera wanted to do a victory dance in celebration. It was so satisfying to watch Bianca lose her shit over Hunter because he was angry with her. Yet, Hera maintained a blank face and decided not to react. Honestly, it's not worth it.??

'Wait. What? That meant they fought, right?'??

That surprising knowledge widened her eyes. The tingling sensation around her lips tickled her heart, but Hera bit back the blissful grin threatening to spill just in time as she noticed Bianca on a fire-spitting dragon mode.??

Why wouldn't she? After all, it wasn't easy to win against a pissed off Hunter even for the evil witch.??

"Listen, Hera. You'll go to, Mrs Rogers and confess that you're the one who's responsible for all that mess. I'm not helping with chores. That was your punishment, not mine. And you'll tell Ace that I have nothing to do with whatever happened with you and this bitch here," Bianca said, pointing at Clara all the while glaring daggers at her. She caught her arm, stopping her movements when Clara tried to walk out. "Not so fast, Ms White," she hissed through her gritted teeth.??

Clara winced as Bianca's nails dug into her skin. She dragged her towards Hera and made them stand face to face before smiling mockingly at Hera. "If you don't do it, Piggy, then I'll shave your little friend's head with this," Bianca said, taking out an electric shaver and trimmer boys use to trim their beards from the pocket of her uniform blazer. She pulled Clara's hair harshly and smirked in satisfaction when she winced crying.

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