"I'm so bored." Hua Jinxi tore off his clothes impatiently and threw them aside. He turned on the tap and took a cold bath. Only gradually calmed down, but in the mind or did not stop the appearance of Su Mu Nan pear with rain, her cold eyes. The look of fear, the exquisite posture in the heat. There's a girl. It can be so beautiful that it is amazing to see people and nature.

Hua Jinxi suddenly remembered a sentence his mother said when he was a child. The more beautiful a woman is, the more deceiving she will be.

Su Mu Nan's heart almost jumped out of his throat. Since I saw huajinxi. The heart did not know how many times shock, she did not care about sentimentality or shyness, quickly locked the room. Put on your clothes in a panic. Brush hair to rush out of the bathroom, bang, Su Mu Nan impatiently opened his eyes. I thought what happened today. Why so bad luck. Always hitting the wall, she looked up. Stupid eyes, shit. It's huajinxi again.

Of course, Hua Jinxi's eyes are even more disgusted. He lowers his head and drops of water from his broken hair fall on Su Mu Nan's cheek. Su Mu Nan suddenly lost his temper and did not dare to move. Hua Jinxi steps back impatiently. Su Mu Nan suddenly loses her center of gravity and falls on the floor. She looks up at Hua Jinxi's expression. Hua Jinxi glances at Su Mu Nan and walks away in silence. Knee pain from the moment pulled back Su Mu Nan's sensitive nerve, good pain, has begun to purplish, how can you be unlucky that?

Su Mu Nan, can you be a little bit unlucky? Suddenly, a jar rolled to Su Mu Nan's side. Hua Jinxi leaned against the corner of the wall, wiped his hair and said carelessly: "painkillers, beauty and wisdom are both things that only happen to the daughter of that old fox in Yuejiang mountain. For you, beauty is a kind of punishment. You have always been so stupid?"

Su Mu Nan frowned and couldn't answer. She turned to look at Hua Jinxi standing on one side. His side face was exquisite like a work of art. His deep eyes, as long as he looked at it, could fall into the whirlpool of the abyss. Just as she was about to explain, Hua Jinxi had left, and the sound of him closing the door came from the corridor. Su Mu Nan stood up against the wall, holding painkillers and biting the corners of his lips. He felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

As soon as it was clear, Su Mu Nan woke up. She looked at the time and went downstairs. She opened the refrigerator in the kitchen. She took a box of shrimps and some vegetables and cooked porridge. Maybe she was used to the bitter days. For cooking, Su Mu Nan has amazing talent. Even the simplest ingredients can make different tastes. Su Mu Nan recalled the taste of the shrimp porridge ordered by Ye Guchi that day and tried to do it himself Get up. If it tastes similar to that porridge, huajinxi would like to eat it.

Hua Jinxi was still hesitant when he went downstairs. He seemed to smell something good. But he hated strangers, so there was no servant in the family. How could there be a smell of cooking? He walked to the dining room. Su Mu Nan was putting 20000 porridge on the table and pickled the light dishes. Looking at Hua Jinxi, he asked timidly, "I've prepared breakfast. Do you want to eat it?"

Hua Jinxi frowned, came to sit down on the chair, picked up a spoon and tasted it. Suddenly, he was surprised and looked at Su Mu Nan. Su Mu Nan nervously asked, "isn't it delicious?"

Hua Jinxi sneered and ignored her. She thought that this stupid woman was not worthless. At least he could make this kind of porridge. Su Mu Nan sat down far away from him and tasted the taste of porridge before he felt relieved. Suddenly, nanmu stopped to see the bottom of the river

Hua Jinxi nodded. Su Mu Nan stood up and walked into the kitchen with a bowl. Hua Jinxi tasted the front side dishes below, looked at Cu Mei and thought, is this really a carrot? Why doesn't it taste like that? This should not be the smell of rotten mango? It doesn't make sense to be so delicious.

Su Mu Nan looked at Hua Jin Xi staring at a dish of pickles. He felt puzzled and put the porridge in front of him. Hua Jinxi gave up competing with the carrot. He didn't have such breakfast for a long time. It was rare that his face was no longer so ugly. He stood up and looked at the time and said, "practice in 15 minutes."

Su Mu Nan frowned and put away the dishes and chopsticks. As soon as he went upstairs, he heard the voice of Hua Jinxi, but he didn't miss him at all. Does this man have such a gentle time? Su Mu Nan unconsciously stares at the side face of Hua Jinxi and is a little distracted. He took the phone, soft voice, a mouth to melt all the gentle world, listening to his speech must be very happy.

Hua Jinxi unconsciously saw Su Mu Nan standing in the corridor. He frowned and hung up the phone. He cleared his throat and said, "come with me."

Su Mu Nan followed him and walked into the room. Hua Jinxi opened the projector and said, "Yue se is the only daughter of Yue Jiangshan, vice chairman of Huayue group. In such a large family, only Yuese is a daughter. It is conceivable that Yuejiang Shan loves and cultivates her. Therefore, it is not easy to follow Yuese's blockhouse. You should be absolutely cautious. Otherwise, if it is exposed, you will not be able to die, and it will involve me. "

Su Mu Nan lowered his head and did not dare to look into his eyes.

"Yuese is very smart, invincible in shopping malls, and has been appreciated and cultivated by Yue Jiangshan. As the Secretary of the board of directors of Huayue group, she has a unique talent in financial and business affairs, with unique vision and strategy. She is also known as the iron lady in shopping malls." Hua Jin brook as like as two peas on the projector, and the brow brows, and Su Mu Nan was surprised. A woman who was exactly the same as herself could make the people like Hua Jin brook so racking their brains.At this time, her heart was alarmed to realize that the matter was not as simple as she imagined. Originally, she thought it was just to act as a puppet in order to hide from the sky and act as a puppet. Up to now, Hua Jinxi's requirements for her are far more than these. The unprecedented fear swept Su Mu Nan's senses, but she knew that she had no way back.

"What's more, Yuese has a good memory. It's said that she can never forget. So you should write down the gender, life, age, occupation and other necessary information of everyone she met from childhood to adulthood. But you don't have to be afraid. I've asked Li Qing to sort out the relationships we can use at this stage. There are not many lists of about 50 pages. Oh, yes Well, you only have three days. "

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